Checkout Lines

Algebra Level pending

Little's law can be applied to any part of the store, such as a particular department or the checkout lines. The store owner determines that, during business hours, approximately 84 shoppers per hour make a purchase and each of these shoppers spend an average of 5 minutes in the checkout line. At any time during business hours, about how many shopper, on average, are waiting in the checkout line to make a purchase at the Good Deals Store?

The answer is 7.

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1 solution

Terry Yu
May 17, 2017

Since the question states that Little’s law can be applied to any single part of the store (for example, just the checkout line, then the average number of shoppers, N N , in the checkout line at any time is N = r t N=rt , where r r is the number of shoppers entering the checkout line per minute and t t is the average number of minutes each shopper spends in the checkout line. Since 84 84 shoppers per hour make a purchase, 84 84 shoppers per hour enter the checkout line. However, this needs to be converted to the number of shoppers per minute (in order to be used with t = 5 t=5 ). Since there are 60 60 minutes in one hour, the rate is 84 s h o p p e r s p e r h o u r 60 m i n u t e s = 1.4 s h o p p e r s p e r m i n u t e \dfrac{84 \quad shoppersperhour}{60 \quad minutes}=1.4 \quad shoppersperminute . Using the given formula with r = 1.4 r=1.4 and t = 5 t=5 yields

N = r t = ( 1.4 ) ( 5 ) = 7 N=rt=(1.4)*(5)=7

Therefore, the average number of shoppers, N, in the checkout line at any time during business hours is 7.

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