Coefficients in a Septic

What is the coefficient of x 4 x^4 in ( x 2 x 2 ) 7 (x^2 -x - 2)^7 ?

The answer is 728.

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12 solutions

David Wu
Nov 3, 2013

There are 3 3 ways to get a x 4 x^4 term in the expansion of ( x 2 x 2 ) 7 (x^2-x-2)^7 : Zero x 2 terms, four ( x ) terms, three ( 2 ) terms \text{Zero } x^2 \text{ terms, four } (-x) \text{ terms, three } (-2) \text{ terms} One x 2 term, two ( x ) terms, four ( 2 ) terms \text{One } x^2 \text{ term, two } (-x) \text{ terms, four } (-2) \text{ terms} Two x 2 terms, zero ( x ) terms, five ( 2 ) terms \text{Two } x^2 \text{ terms, zero } (-x) \text{ terms, five } (-2) \text{ terms} We can think of finding the coefficient of each of these by thinking of each ( x 2 x 2 ) (x^2-x-2) in the expansion as boxes, and picking one of the terms from it (either x 2 , x , x^2, -x, or 2 \text{ or }-2 ). Thus, our coefficients, respectively, are 7 ! 4 ! 3 ! ( x ) 4 ( 2 ) 3 = 280 \dfrac{7!}{4!3!} \cdot (-x)^4 \cdot (-2)^3 = -280 , 7 ! 1 ! 2 ! 4 ! x 2 ( x ) 2 ( 2 ) 4 = 1680 \dfrac{7!}{1!2!4!} \cdot x^2 \cdot (-x)^2 \cdot (-2)^4 = 1680 , 7 ! 2 ! 5 ! ( x 2 ) 2 ( 2 ) 5 = 672 \dfrac{7!}{2!5!} \cdot (x^2)^2 \cdot (-2)^5 = -672 . Adding these all up yields 728 \boxed{728}

Oooh... why didn't I see this. I factorized, expanded with Pascal's Triangle, and multiplied the terms I wanted.

Nathan Weckwerth - 7 years, 7 months ago

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That was the alternative method that I intended. It's not that much more work, especially if you haven't seen the multinomial theorem as yet.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years, 7 months ago

Pretty great solution. Can't you just use stars and bars though?

Alexander Sludds - 7 years, 7 months ago

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That would work except for the fact that for different cases, the number of ways would be multiplied by different numbers ( 32 , 16 , 8 -32,16,-8 in this problem).

Daniel Liu - 7 years, 7 months ago

I don't think that would work, because if you convert the expansion into stars and bars, some of the distributions don't work (say, 4 in the x^2 term, 3 in the (-x) term).

David Wu - 7 years, 7 months ago

Just like you i'm using binomial newton. how could you make the factorial so fast like that? especially for the 7!/1!2!4!. The Difference is my way is more longer, i substract it as (x^2-(x+2))^7. use C(7,7), C(7,6) and C(7,5) in the beginning.

Hafizh Ahsan Permana - 7 years, 7 months ago

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Pretty much, if you think of each of the terms as letters (let x 2 x^2 = A, ( x ) (-x) = B, ( 2 ) (-2) = C) and the ( x 2 x 2 ) (x^2-x-2) as boxes, then we just need to figure out how many ways there are to arrange the letters of a word with one A, two B's and 4 C's,

David Wu - 7 years, 7 months ago
Pratyush Chayani
May 20, 2014

if we will factorize x 2 x 2 = ( x 2 ) ( x + 1 ) x^2-x-2 = (x-2)(x+1) , so ( x 2 x 2 ) 7 = ( x 2 ) 7 ( x + 1 ) 7 (x^2-x-2)^7 =(x-2)^7(x+1)^7 . Then by expanding using the binomial theorem, we can calculate the coefficient of x 4 x^4 by multiplying the coefficients of x x in both expansions (e.g. x 2 x^2 in 1st * x 2 x^2 in 2nd + x x in 1st * x 3 x^3 in 2nd, etc) so by adding the products of the coefficients we will get 728 as the answer.

[Edits for clarity. Latex edits. - Calvin]

Other solutions approached this problem by expanding directly with the multinomial theorem, or being careful in selecting terms which would give the term x 4 x^4 .

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago
Santanu Banerjee
May 20, 2014

The general term for any binomial expression of 3 variables is

n! / {(p!)(q!)(r!)} (b^q)(c^r)..........................................(first equation)

where n is the exponent the binomial has been raised to p,q,r are the exponent variables of each of the 3 binomial terms a,b,c respectively.

Here n=7 (given),and 2p+q=4 (as we need to find the coefficients of x^4).Also a=x^2,b= -x and c= -2. Now make 3 columns of three variables (p,q,r). We need to find for what values of p,q,r; the above equations (n=7,and 2p+q=4 ) get satisfied.

We find three sets for (p,q,r) which are(0,4,3)(1,2,4)(2,0,5). for all these values of (p,q,r) we get the exponent of x as 4.

Thus we need to put these set of values in the equation

7! / {(p!)(q!)(r!)} ((-x)^q)((-2)^r)......................(this is the same as the first equation only with the variables a,b,c replaced by the appropriate values from the given binomial in the question)

and sum up the three values to get the final coefficient of x^4.

Putting (p,q,r)

as(0,4,3)we get -280

as(1,2,4)we get 1680

as(2,0,5)we get -672

Add these up to get +728.

Justin Lanier
May 20, 2014

The terms that will have degree four after expansion will come from multiplying out:

x 2 x^2 twice and -2 five times

x 2 x^2 once, -x twice, and -2 four times, and

-x four times and -2 three times

These are the only combinations of the seven factors whose degrees sum to four. There will be ( 7 2 ) {7 \choose 2} of the first kind, each with a coefficient of -32. There will be 7 × ( 6 2 ) 7 \times {6 \choose 2} of the second kind, each with a coefficient of 16. And there will be ( 7 4 ) {7 \choose 4} of the third kind, each with a coefficient of -8. That means that the total coefficient of the x 4 x^4 term in the expansion will be the sum of all of these: 728.

Anton Than Trong
May 20, 2014

First, I factored x^2-x-2 into x+1 and x-2. Since I already know (x+1)^7, using the Pascal’s triangle, I just need to work out x-2. I do this by listing the 7th row of Pascal’s triangle. (1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1) Then I label each of the numbers. (1 is zero, 7 is first, 21 is third, etc.) After that, I multiply each number by (-2)^label. Example: 1 (-2)^0 and 7 (-2)^1 and etc. Then, I take the coefficient of x^4 in x+1 and multiply it with the coefficient of x^0 in x-2. Similarly, I take the coefficient of x^3 in x+1 and multiply it with the coefficient of x^1 in x-2 and so on. When I add the results, I get 728.

Sagar Chand
May 20, 2014

[(x^2 - (x+2)]^7

7C0 [(x^2)^0] [(-(x+2))^7] + 7C1 [(x^2)^1] [(-(x+2))^6] + 7C2 [(x^2)^2]*[-((x+2))^5] From other terms coefficient of x^4 not possible

Coefficient of x^4 from 1st term(x^4 required form (-x-2)) 1 1 [7C4(-x)^4 (-2) 3] = -280

Coefficient of x^4 from 2nd term(x^2 required form (-x-2)) 7 1 [6C2(-x)^2 (-2) 4] = 1680

Coefficient of x^4 from 3rd term(x^0 required form (-x-2)) 21 1 [5C0(-x)^0 (-2) 5] = -672

adding all three -280 + 1680 -672 = 728

Daniel Liu
Nov 3, 2013

Intuitive solution: There are three ways of making x 4 x^4 : x 2 x 2 x^2\cdot x^2 , x 2 x x x^2\cdot x\cdot x , and x x x x x\cdot x\cdot x\cdot x .

First way: We multiply two x 2 x^2 's. The remaining 5 5 must be multiplying the 2 -2 , or else it would get over x 4 x^4 . There are ( 7 2 ) = 21 \binom{7}{2}=21 ways to choose these. Therefore, the running total for the coefficient of x 4 x^4 is 21 ( 2 ) 5 = 672 21\cdot (-2)^5=-672 .

Second way: we first pick the x 2 x^2 , with 7 7 different ways to pick it. In the remaining 6 6 spots, we pick two x x 's, with ( 6 2 ) = 15 \binom{6}{2}=15 ways. The remaining 4 4 spots are 2 -2 . Therefore, the coefficient of x 4 x^4 for this case is 7 15 ( 2 ) 4 = 1680 7\cdot 15\cdot (-2)^4=1680 .

Third way: We pick four x x 's, with ( 7 4 ) = 35 \binom{7}{4}=35 different ways. The remaining 3 3 spots are 2 -2 . Therefore, the coefficient of x 4 x^4 is 35 ( 2 ) 3 = 280 35\cdot (-2)^3=-280 .

We ad these up to get the final coefficient of x 4 x^4 which equals 672 + 1680 + 280 = 728 -672+1680+-280=\boxed{728} .

Snehal Shekatkar
Nov 3, 2013

We can write the given expression as ( x 2 ( x + 2 ) ) 7 (x^{2}-(x+2))^{7} and then try to expand using binomial theorem for ( a + b ) n (a+b)^{n} . In our case, a = x 2 a=x^{2} and b = ( x + 2 ) 2 b=-(x+2)^{2} . We are concerned only about terms which give us x 4 x^{4} . There are following 3 3 cases which can give us x 4 x^{4} :

(1) x 4 x^{4} from the first term (i.e. from a = x 2 a=x^{2} ) and constant term from the second (i.e. from b = ( x + 2 ) 2 b=-(x+2)^{2} ). In this case, coefficient from the first term is 7 C 2 ^{7}C_{2} and from the second term is 2 5 2^{5} . Also, since the power is 5 5 for the second term, we get negative sign.

(2) x 2 x^{2} from first and x 2 x^{2} from second. As in first case, we get 7 C 1 6 C 4 2 4 = 7 15 16 ^{7}C_{1}*^{6}C_{4}*2^{4}=7*15*16 with positive sign.

(3) Constant from first and x 4 x^{4} from second. Here we get 7 C 3 2 3 ^{7}C_{3}*2^{3} with negative sign.

Note that we can't get odd powers of x x from the first term since we have x 2 x^{2} in the first term.

Thus the coefficient is : 672 + 1680 280 = 728 -672+1680-280 = \boxed{728}

Srinivas Gunti
Nov 8, 2013

( x 2 x 2 ) 7 = ( x 2 ) 7 ( x + 1 ) 7 (x^2 - x - 2)^7 = (x-2)^7 \cdot (x+1)^7

= i = 0 7 ( 7 i ) x 7 i ( 2 ) i j = 0 7 ( 7 j ) x j = \displaystyle \sum_{i=0}^7 {7 \choose i} x^{7-i} (-2)^i \cdot \displaystyle \sum_{j=0}^7 {7 \choose j} x^j

Choosing all x 4 x^4 terms : ( 7 7 ) ( 2 ) 7 x 0 ( 7 3 ) x 4 + ( 7 6 ) ( 2 ) 6 x 1 ( 7 4 ) x 3 + . . . {7 \choose 7} (-2)^7x^0\cdot {7 \choose 3}x^4 + {7 \choose 6} (-2)^6x^1\cdot {7 \choose 4}x^3 + ...

Summing their coefficients, we get 728.

Sathya Nc
Nov 15, 2015

just use multinomial theorem

be careful for negative signs!!!

(x^2-x-2)^7=(x-2)^7(x+1)^7=(x^7+\binom{7}{1}(-2)x^6+\binom{7}{2}(-2)^2x^5+\binom{7}{3}(-2)^3x^4+\binom{7}{4}(-2)^4x^3+\binom{7}{5}(-2)^5x^2+\binom{7}{6}(-2)^6x^1+\binom{7}{6}(-2)^7)\times(x^7+\binom{7}{1}x^6+\binom{7}{2}x^5+\binom{7}{3}x^4+..............+1) we need only the coefficient of x^4 =(\binom{7}{3})(1)+(\binom{7}{4})(\binom{7}{6})+(\binom{7}{5})^2+(\binom{7}{6})(\binom{7}{4})+(\binom{7}{3}) solving we get 728

Calvin Lin
Nov 6, 2013

It can be factorized~ (x+1)^7(x-2)^7 Now two find the coefficients of x^4 in both by binomial theorem and add.

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