Coming in hot, coming out cold?

Grain is loaded onto a train initially coasting at the speed v 0 m/s v_0 \text{ m/s} by dropping it vertically from a stationary silo at the rate α m kg/s \alpha_m \text{ kg/s} . How fast is the train moving when it exits from under the silo (in m/s)?


  • The train is l = 200 l = 200 m long, and has an empty weight of m 0 = 500 m_0 = 500 kg.
  • v 0 = 45 v_0=45 m/s
  • α m = 20 \alpha_m = 20 kg/s

The answer is 37.6708.

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2 solutions

Pranshu Gaba
May 5, 2015

The amount of time taken by the train to cross the silo is calculated in this problem . The expression for velocity at any time t t is also calculated in the problem .

v = m 0 v 0 m 0 + α m t v = \frac{m_0 v_0 }{m_0 + \alpha _m t}

Using the formula for velocity and substituting the values gives v 37.671 m/s v \approx \boxed{37.671 \text{m/s}} ~~~~ _\square

why is there a massive difference in points between the 2 problems?

Abu Zubair - 6 years, 1 month ago
Jun 7, 2018

Momentum conservation gives us (for the component of momentum parallel to the velocity of the train) p ( 0 ) = p 0 = m 0 v 0 = m ( t ) v ( t ) = p ( t ) . p(0)=p_0=m_0v_0=m(t)v(t)=p(t). That means v ( t ) = m 0 v 0 m ( t ) = m 0 v 0 m 0 + α m t . v(t) = \frac{m_0v_0}{m(t)}= \frac{m_0v_0}{m_0 + \alpha_m t}. The second equality comes from the fact that the train gains mass in time as m ( t ) = m 0 + α m t m(t)=m_0+\alpha_m t .

To get how far the train has traveled at time T T we integrate: s ( T ) = 0 T v ( t ) d t = v 0 0 T m 0 m 0 + α m t d t = . . . = ln ( m 0 + α m T m 0 ) s(T) = \int_0^Tv(t)dt = v_0 \int_0^T\frac{m_0}{m_0 + \alpha_m t}dt = ... = \ln \left(\frac{m_0 + \alpha_m T}{m_0}\right) Now we solve the above equation for T = t l T=t_l where l = s ( t l ) l=s(t_l) . That gives us t l = m 0 α m ( e α m l v 0 m 0 1 ) t_l = \frac{m_0}{\alpha_m}\left(e^{\frac{\alpha_m l}{v_0 m_0}}-1\right)

and by computing v ( t l ) v(t_l) we get: v ( t l ) = v 0 e α m l v 0 m 0 = 45 × e 20 × 200 45 × 500 m / s 37.6708 m / s . v(t_l) = v_0 e^{-\frac{\alpha_m l}{v_0 m_0}} = 45 \times e^{\frac{20 \times 200}{45 \times 500}} \mathrm{m/s} \approx 37.6708 \mathrm{m/s} .

plz don't overcomplicate a simple prob

Ayush Sharma - 2 years, 7 months ago

Why use such an impossible scenario to ask the question? Have any of you Brilliant people seen a grain car? They are about 50 feet long and have openings for grain that are only 4 x 5 feet -it is IMPOSSIBLE to load grain in a moving train, they ALL have a solid rainproof top aka roof.-If you used real-world scenarios many would have a better chance of learning

Doug Forbes - 2 years, 3 months ago

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