Countably Infinitely Many Hats

Logic Level 2

Countably infinitely many mathematicians have been taken hostage. They are indexed by the positive integers (each mathematician knows their integer) and are standing in a line so that mathematician n n can see each mathematician m m for m > n m>n .

The mathematicians are each given a red or blue hat; they cannot see their own. Starting from the back (mathematician 1), each mathematician will guess their own hat color (one at a time) . They can hear all previous answers. All mathematicians who guess correctly may leave after their turn. The mathematicians are not allowed to communicate extra information other than their guess (e.g. by gesturing or changing tone on pain of death) to all the participants--they must simply guess.

Beforehand, the mathematicians have agreed upon a strategy to minimize the number of mathematicians who might guess incorrectly. Ignoring problems like limited vision or finite memory capacity and assuming the axiom of choice holds , what is the greatest possible number of mathematicians that might guess incorrectly?

This problem is original but based off of the famous red/blue hat puzzle . If you are stuck, try this problem first.
1 Infinitely many They can guarantee that a finite number is incorrect, but can give no upper bound 2 0

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2 solutions

Maggie Miller
Jul 16, 2015

The mathematicians apply an equivalence relation to the set of all sequences of red and blue hats. They agree that two sequences are equivalent if they differ in at most finitely many places (I will not prove here that this is an equivalence relation, but it is very easy to check for yourself). By the axiom of choice, they may agree on a representative sequence from each equivalence class. When it is time to guess, the first mathematician looks ahead and determines which equivalence class the actual sequence lies in. S/he then counts the number of places at which the actual sequence differs from the agreed upon representative (not include their own hat, of course). If the number of differences is even , mathematician one will say red . If the number of differences is odd . mathematician one will say blue .

Mathematician two will look ahead and count the number of differences. If they count the same parity as communicated by mathematician one, then they will guess the second element of the agreed upon representative. If they count the opposite parity, they will guess the opposite color. (This ensures mathematician two guess correctly.)

After hearing mathematician two's answer, mathematician three will still know the parity of the differences by noting whether or not mathematician two guesses as if s/he were in the representative sequence. Thus, mathematician three will similarly guess correctly. So on down the line, each mathematician will know the parity of the differences in front of/including themself by listening to previous answers. Thus, all mathematicians (except possibly mathematician one) will guess correctly.

Unfortunately for mathematician one, their knowledge remains unchanged if their hat changes color (since they are the first to guess, nothing can be communicated to them). Thus, they cannot guarantee that mathematician one will guess correctly. Therefore, the answer is 1 \boxed{1} .

Can you rephrase your solution without using the terms "axiom of choice", "representative sequence", "parity", or "equivalence class"?

Brian Egedy - 5 years, 3 months ago

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For each possible way the sequence of hats (i.e. "red red blue red blue blue ....") might "end" (meaning all the infinite hats after some finite point), the mathematicians agree on one sequence with that ending. Then to guess, the first mathematician look ahead at the actual sequence of red and blue hats and think about the sequence with that ending that they agreed upon. Those two sequences will be different in N N places. If N N is even, the first mathematician will say "red." If N N is odd, they will say "blue." Then the second mathematician will look ahead and see a sequence different than the one the agreed upon in K K places. If the second mathematician has the color of hat in the 2nd place in the agreed upon sequence, then K = N K=N . Otherwise, K = N 1 K=N-1 (because s/he can't see his own hat but the first mathematician could). They know if N N was even or odd, and they can see if K K was even or odd, so they know if their own hat color agrees with the other sequence or not. Then this goes down the line, with each mathematician guessing correctly.

Maggie Miller - 5 years, 1 month ago

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Awesome, Thank you!

Brian Egedy - 5 years, 1 month ago

It appears that the problem can be solved also for more than two possible hat colors. The mathematicians don't even need to stay in a line. I have made a puzzle about that problem here . I am inviting you to solve it too.

Maria Paszkiewicz - 1 year ago
Daniel Liu
Jul 17, 2015

The mathematicians come up with the following plan:

First, mathematician 1 guesses red if there is an even number of red hats he sees, otherwise blue. WLOG suppose he guesses "red".

Mathematician 2 then checks the number of red hats in front of him. If he sees an odd number of red hats, he guesses red since he must be the last red hat to make it even. Otherwise, he guesses blue. Either way, he is guaranteed to be correct.

Mathematician 3 knows that Mathematician 2 is correct, so Mathematician 3 does a similar procedure as Mathematician 2 (guess based on Mathematician 1's choice, taking Mathematician 2's hat out of the count).

Mathematician n n can do exactly the same, so we can always guarantee that everyone except the first mathematician can guess correctly.

Hi Daniel, Unfortunately, this doesn't work for an infinite number of hats. There may very well be infinitely many blue hats and infinitely many red hats, so we cannot assign a parity to the number of either!

Maggie Miller - 5 years, 11 months ago

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Ah, I didn't see that there were an infinite number. If there is, I have no power over this problem; it's beyond me. I admit I didn't understand your solution at all.

Daniel Liu - 5 years, 11 months ago

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It does require the axiom of choice, which can be a little difficult to follow!

Maggie Miller - 5 years, 11 months ago

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