
B O B D A D = 0. H U L K H U L K H U L K \Large \dfrac{BOB}{DAD} = 0.HULKHULKHULK\dots

In the above cryptogram B O B BOB is divided by D A D DAD to obtain a recurring decimal 0. H U L K H U L K H U L K 0.HULKHULKHULK\dots which has repeating period of four digits ( H U L K ) (HULK) . Furthermore, gcd ( B O B , D A D ) 1 \gcd(BOB, DAD) \neq 1 .

Compute B + O + D + A + H + U + L + K B+O+D+A+H+U+L+K .

Details And Assumptions:

  • B , O , D , A , H , U , L , K B,O,D,A,H,U,L,K represent distinct digits.

  • B O B BOB and D A D DAD are three digit numbers.

Source: A book

The answer is 33.

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4 solutions

Arjen Vreugdenhil
Oct 18, 2015

I tried to narrow down the possibilities a lot before crunching numbers!

The equation can be written as H U L K D A D = B O B 9999. HULK\cdot DAD = BOB\cdot 9999. Since 101 9999 101 | 9999 is a prime factor, H U L K HULK or D A D DAD should be a multiple of 101. But it can't be H U L K HULK , for four-digit multiples of 101 are of the form X Y 101 = X Y X Y XY\cdot 101 = XYXY , with repeating digits. Therefore D A D DAD is a multiple of 101. It follows immediately that D A D = 101 D DAD = 101\cdot D , and A = 0 A = 0 . The equation becomes H U L K D = B O B 99. HULK\cdot D = BOB\cdot 99. From the fact that B O B / D A D < 1 BOB/DAD < 1 it follows that B D B \leq D . In fact, since O > A = 0 O > A = 0 , we know that B < D B < D . This immediately rules out D = 1 D = 1 and B = 9 B = 9 .

Further analysis of prime factors shows that 11 H U L K 11|HULK . The quotient H U L K / 11 = ? ? K HULK/11 = ??K ends in the same digit as H U L K HULK . This gives ? ? K D = B O B 9 ??K \cdot D = BOB \cdot 9 ; because K B K \not= B it follows that D 9 D \not= 9 and B 8 B \leq 8 .

It is also easy to see that K , D , B 5 K, D, B \not= 5 : if K K or D D were equal to 5, then B B should be 0 or 5, which is not allowed. And B B can only be 5 if either K K or D D is 5.

We also see that D D should be a divisor of B O B 9 BOB\cdot 9 . This means that D B O B D|BOB , unless D = 6 D = 6 , in which case we only require that B O B BOB is even. (Why is D = 3 D = 3 no exception? We are told that the gcd of B O B BOB and D A D = 101 D DAD = 101\cdot D is not 1, so these numbers have a common factor. It can't be 101, because O 0 O \not= 0 ; if D = 3 D = 3 , the only possible common factor is 3, so that in this case also D B O B D | BOB .)

This condition of divisibility can be worked out in more detail.

  • D = even D = \text{even} : Then B B must also be even. Combined with B < D B < D , we rule out D = 2 D = 2 and B = 8 B = 8 . Moreover, for D = 4 D = 4 we have B O B = 101 B + 10 O B + 2 O 0 BOB = 101B + 10O \equiv B + 2O \equiv 0 mod 4, showing that B B is a multiple of four if and only if O O is even; for D = 8 D = 8 this condition can be sharpened.

  • D = 3 D = 3 : We have B O B 2 B + O 0 BOB \equiv 2B + O \equiv 0 mod 3.

  • D = 7 D = 7 : We have B O B = 101 B + 10 O 3 B + 3 O 3 ( B + O ) 0 BOB = 101B + 10O \equiv 3B + 3O \equiv 3(B+O) \equiv 0 mod 7, so that B + O = 7 or 14 B + O = 7 \ \text{or}\ 14 .

With this information, the possible values for B , O , D B, O, D are severely limited! I generated all 29 remaining possibilities by hand, and used a calculator to find H U L K = B O B 99 / D HULK = BOB\cdot 99/D :

3   141 4653                        
3   171 5643                        
3   252 8316
3   282 9306
4   212 5247
4   232 5742
4   252 6237
4   272 6732
4   292 7227
6   212 3498
6   232 3828
6   252 4158
6   272 4488
6   292 4818
6   424 6996
6   484 7986
7   161 2277
7   252 3564
7   343 4851
7   434 6138
7   616 8712
7   686 9702
8   232 2871
8   272 3366
8   424 5247
8   464 5742
8   616 7623
8   656 8118
8   696 8613

The only case where there is no overlap in digits within H U L K HULK or between H U L K HULK and D , B O B D, BOB is the combination D = 6 D = 6 , B O B = 212 BOB = 212 , and H U L K = 3498 HULK = 3498 . The total of these digits, together with A = 0 A = 0 , is 33 \boxed{33} .

Extra: The condition that gcd ( B O B , D A D ) 1 (BOB,DAD) \not= 1 is essential. From the discussion above, it played a role when D = 3 D = 3 . Indeed, if we allow D = 3 D = 3 but 3 ∤ B O B 3\not|BOB , we find an additional solution D = 3 D = 3 , B O B = 242 BOB = 242 and H U L K = 7986 HULK = 7986 .

Hi! I wonder how you determine and count huge prime numbers. With no help and no resources, I am unable to solve a question. Could you tell me how much time you need to count total prime number of up to 1110987654321?

Lu Chee Ket - 5 years, 6 months ago

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Hi Lu, see my solution to this problem ... There it took me about one hour (using Java) to count prime numbers to a value about 10 percent higher yet.

Arjen Vreugdenhil - 5 years, 5 months ago

I'll run my program and let you know what I found :) For sure the number 1110987654321 itself is not prime; it is a multiple of 3.

Arjen Vreugdenhil - 5 years, 5 months ago
Aditya Raut
Jul 25, 2015

Here's the short to type, brute force BASH in Python!

It uses a bit of reduction by Math, that 0. H U L K H U L K . . . = H U L K 9999 0.HULKHULK... = \dfrac{HULK}{9999} .

from fractions import gcd
from itertools import permutations

for i in permutations('0123456789'):
    if B!='0' and D!='0':
        if int(B+O+B)*9999==int(H+U+L+K)*int(D+A+D) and gcd(int(B+O+B),int(D+A+D))!=1:
            print int(B)+int(O)+int(D)+int(A)+int(H)+int(U)+int(L)+int(K)

It prints the answer 33 \boxed{33} .

And I feel so happy, people haven't forgotten Mistakes Give Rise To Problems ,

because Julian Poon has posted Mistakes do give rise to Problems

@Julian Poon , thank you very much ^_^

Aditya Raut - 5 years, 10 months ago

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Even I must be thanked :/

Nihar Mahajan - 5 years, 10 months ago

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Thank you @Nihar Mahajan , the 'Marvel lover' ;)

Aditya Raut - 5 years, 10 months ago

A simplification could be : permutations('0123456789', 8) in stead of permutations('0123456789')

Abdelhamid Saadi - 5 years, 9 months ago
Lu Chee Ket
Dec 8, 2015



9999 x = HULK

x = H U L K 9999 \frac{HULK}{9999} = B O B D A D \frac{BOB}{DAD} {Not visualizing simplification allowed.}

With B, D, H from 1 to 9, and O, U, L, K and also A from 0 to 9, where among all alphabets are not equal, AND 1009899 B + 99990 O = (1000 H + 100 U + 10 L + K)(101 D + 10 A):

212 606 0.349834983498350
242 303 0.798679867986799

212 606 = 106 303 \frac{212}{606} = \frac{106}{303} but not applicable in the context for verification.

gcd (212, 606) \neq 1 wanted means 212 606 = 0.349834983498... \frac{212}{606} = 0.349834983498... wanted, although quite unusual.

2 + 1 + 6 + 0 + 3 + 4 + 9 + 8 = 33

Answer: 33 \boxed{33}

Alexis Munsayac
Sep 27, 2015

I used a Lua program where it prints a list of factors which shows a recurring 4-digit to compute this and i tried the first result with unique digits: BOB = 212 DAD = 606 0.HULK = 0.3498... Then computed for bodahulk(w/c i forgot to include in my program): 2+1+6+0+3+4+9+8=33

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