Danny's subsets

Probability Level pending

Let A = { 1 , 2 , 3 , 2013 } A = \left\{ 1,2,3, \ldots 2013 \right\} . Find the smallest integer n n such that any subset B A B \subseteq A with B n \lvert B \rvert \geq n contains at least one pair of distinct numbers whose sum is a multiple of 61 61 .

This problem is posed by Danny H .

The answer is 992.

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6 solutions

Michael Tang
Aug 26, 2013

\quad We will find the maximum size of B B such that no pairs of elements sum to a multiple of 61. 61. Consider the residues mod 61 61 of all elements of A A : 0 , 1 , 2 , , 60 , 61. 0, 1, 2, \ldots, 60, 61. We have 2013 / 61 = 33 , 2013/61 = 33, so there are 33 33 elements of each residue in A . A.

\quad First consider the elements of A A that are 0 ( m o d 61 ) . 0 \pmod{61}. We can't include more than one of these elements, since then pairs of those elements would sum to a multiple of 61. 61.

\quad Next consider the 60 60 residues not including 0. 0. We can't include both a residue of 1 1 and a residue of 60 , 60, because 1 + 60 0. 1 + 60 \equiv 0. Similarly, we can't include both a 2 2 and a 59 , 59, a 3 3 and a 58 , . . . , 58, ..., a 30 30 and a 31. 31. So, we can include at most half of the 60 60 residues in B , B, because including one residue rules out another. That means we can include all of 33 33 numbers of 30 30 residues, so we can include at most 33 30 = 990 33 \cdot 30 = 990 of these elements of A . A.

\quad Therefore, the maximum possible size of B B such that no pairs sum to multiples of 61 61 is 1 + 990 = 991. 1 + 990 = 991. All sets B B with size 992 \boxed{992} or more must contain a pair whose sum is a multiple of 61. 61.

Russell Few
Aug 26, 2013

The answer to the problem is one more than the answer to this question, which we will consider instead: Find the largest integer n n such that any subset B A B \subset A with B n |B| \ge n contains at least one pair of distinct numbers whose sum is a multiple of 61 61 .

We would then try to maximise the cardinality of B without having two that have sum of 61.

Since 2013 = ( 61 ) ( 33 ) 2013=(61)(33) , there are 31 31 elements in A A that are congruent to 0 m o d 61 , 1 m o d 61 , . . . , 60 m o d 61 0 mod 61, 1 mod 61, ..., 60 mod 61 .

If we have 2 2 elements in A A such that one is congruent to n m o d 61 n mod 61 while the other is congruent to 61 n m o d 61 61-n mod 61 , their sum would be a multiple of 61 61 .

We separate the elements of A A that are multiples of 61 61 then group them such that each group has all of the elements that are congruent to n m o d 61 n mod 61 and ( 61 n ) m o d 61 (61-n) mod 61 for 1 n 30 1 \le n \le 30 . In each set, there are at most 33 33 that could be put into B without having two whose sum is a multiple of 61, because we cannot have at least one of both remainders.

Also, there is at most 1 multiple of 61, otherwise the sum of the 2 multiples of 61 would be a multiple of 61.

Hence there are at most ( 33 ) ( 30 ) + 1 = 991 (33)(30)+1=991 elements. Since the answer to this problem is 1 more than the answer to the question I gave, the answer is 992 \boxed{992} .

typo: the B A B \subset A must have a line under the subset sign, but it is not really necessary.

Russell FEW - 7 years, 9 months ago
Michal Forišek
Aug 26, 2013

We will show that the answer is n = 992 = 30 33 + 2 n = \fbox{992} = 30\cdot 33 + 2 . We will do that by first showing that any set B B that does not have the desired property must contain at most 991 elements, and then showing such a set B B with exactly 991 elements.

We have 2013 = 61 33 2013 = 61 \cdot 33 , so for each possible remainder modulo 61 the set A A contains 33 such integers. Let A i = { x : x A x m o d 61 = i } A_i = \{ x : x\in A \land x\bmod 61 = i \} .

Suppose that B B does not contain a pair of distinct numbers whose sum is a multiple of 61.

For each i i from 1 to 30, inclusive, we can make the following argument: If B A i B \cap A_i is nonempty, B A 61 i B\cap A_{61-i} must be empty and vice versa. Thus B B may contain at most 33 elements from A i A 61 i A_i \cup A_{61-i} .

Additionally (and this is a small catch in the task!) the set B B may contain at most one element from A 0 A_0 : two such elements form a contradiction, but one does not.

The above upper bound on the size of B B can now easily be extended to find such a set B B of maximum size. For example, the set B = { 61 } A 1 A 30 B = \{61\} \cup A_1 \cup \dots \cup A_{30} has 1 + 30 33 = 991 1 + 30\cdot 33 = 991 elements and it clearly does not contain two distinct numbers that sum up to a multiple of 61, q.e.d.

Tim Vermeulen
Aug 26, 2013

Note that A = 2013 \lvert A \rvert = 2013 and 2013 = 61 33 2013 = 61 \cdot 33 , so for any m Z 61 m \in \mathbb{Z}_{61} , there are exactly 33 33 elements k k of A A that satisfy

k m ( m o d 61 ) . k \equiv m \pmod{61}.

Note that if B B contains all elements k k of A A that satisfy

k m ( m o d 61 ) with 1 m 30 k \equiv m \pmod{61} \quad \text{ with } 1 \leq m \leq 30

and one element that is divisible by 61 61 , then there is no pair of elements of B B of which the sum is divisible by 61 61 . So, n > 33 30 + 1 = 991 n > 33 \cdot 30 + 1 = 991 .

Let's assume there is a subset B B of A A with B = 992 \lvert B \rvert = 992 that does not contain a pair of numbers whose sum is a multiple of 61 61 . Divide A A into disjoint subsets C 0 , C 1 , C 2 , , C 60 C_0, C_1, C_2, \dots, C_{60} such that C i C_i contains all elements k k of A A such that

k i ( m o d 61 ) . k \equiv i \pmod{61}.

Note that C i = 33 \lvert C_i \rvert = 33 for all i Z 61 i \in \mathbb{Z}_{61} . B B can only contain one element of C 0 C_0 , because if it would contain more, two of those form a pair whose sum is a multiple of 61 61 as well.

Let D D be the set such that

D = { C 1 , C 2 , , C 60 } . D = \{ C_1, C_2, \dots, C_{60} \}.

B B contains 991 991 elements of the sets in D D . 991 > 30 33 991 > 30 \cdot 33 , so by the pigeonhole principle, at least 31 31 of the sets in D D contain at least one element that is also an element of B B . Now, let E E be the set such that

E = { ( C 1 , C 60 ) , ( C 2 , C 59 ) , ( C 3 , C 58 ) , , ( C 30 , C 31 ) } . E = \{ (C_1,C_{60}),(C_2,C_{59}),(C_3,C_{58}), \dots ,(C_{30},C_{31}) \}.

We know that E = 30 \lvert E \rvert = 30 , so again by the pigeonhole principle, there is at least one pair ( C a , C 61 a ) (C_a,C_{61-a}) in E E such that C a C_a and C 61 a C_{61-a} both contain at least one number that is also an element of B B . The sum of those numbers p , q p,q is

p + q a + ( 61 a ) 61 0 ( m o d 61 ) , p+q \equiv a + (61 - a) \equiv 61 \equiv 0 \pmod{61},

so the sum of these two numbers is a multiple of 61 61 . Therefore, the assumption that there exists a subset B B of A A with B = 992 \lvert B \rvert = 992 that does not contain a pair of numbers whose sum is a multiple of 61 61 was wrong, hence n = 992 n = \boxed{992} .

Daniel Chiu
Aug 28, 2013

I will call a collision a pair adding to a multiple of 61.

We consider modulo 61. There are 30 pairs of distinct residues that add to 61.


Since 61 33 = 2013 61\cdot 33=2013 , we can choose 33 numbers with each of 30 residues (say choose those 1-30) and still not have a collision. This is 990 numbers. However, we can also include one multiple of 61, since only if we include two will they cause a collision.

Adding in the extra number to force a collision, the answer is 992 \boxed{992} .

Tan Gian Yion
Aug 26, 2013

Dividing all 2013 numbers by 61, we see that there are 33 numbers for each quantity of remainder ( mod 1, mod 2, mod 3, mod 4, etc)

The questions asks for any subset B⊆A with ∣B∣≥n contains at least one pair of distinct numbers whose sum is a multiple of 61. So we can simply pick all the numbers from mod 1 to mod 30 to ensure that none of them will add up to form mod 0, giving us 990 numbers, then just add another one more mod 0 because pairing a mod 0 number with another number with a different remainder will never give a mod 0 number again. Then just add one more number to ensure that it is impossible to find no pairs which add up to forma multiple of 61. So the answer is 992.

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