smooth function
is a function which is differentiable forever, i.e, both it and all of it's derivatives are defined and continuous.
flat function
is a smooth function which has a point, where all of the derivatives of the function
to zero.
is flat at x=0.
In the example above, as x approaches zero, every derivative of the function (and in this case, the function itself, but that is not necessary) approaches zero.
Notice that the function is not defined at x=0, so it doesn't actually have a point where all of it's derivatives equal zero, only a point where they go to zero. Let's define a dead function as a function which is flat at a defined point, i.e, it has a point where all derivatives actually equal zero.
It's obvious that all constant functions (of the form ) are dead, but is that it? Can a non-constant dead function exist?
(Note: For our purposes, a piecewise function made of two different smooth functions cannot be smooth at the point of meeting, and thus, cannot be dead at that point).
Solutions/Proofs welcome!
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