Demento-Santa enters the workshop at his evil lair on the South Pole where he is holding a number of elves he has kidnapped from Santa's workshop at the North Pole. He offers them a grand bargain. Although they're starved, tired, and can't even support their own weight, he'll open the bay doors and let the elves make a run for it if they can play and survive the following game:
Demento-Santa puts the elves into separate the rooms and affixes a 0 or 1 (randomly) to the forehead of each elf. In each room is a set of closed-circuit monitors that allow each elf to see every other elf, but not themselves. In other words, each elf can see the numbers of the other elves but not their own number. On Demento-Santa's command, every elf must either guess the number on his head, or decline to guess. If no elves guess, they all instantly die. If any elf guesses incorrectly, they also all die. If the elves who guess all guess correctly, the bay doors open and they are free to leave.
The question is: The maximum chance for the elves to survive can be written as where and are positive coprime integers. What is the value of ?
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Let G be the ( 7 , 4 ) Hamming code. Here are the relevant properties: G is a subspace of F 2 7 of dimension 4 , hence has 1 6 elements, and every element of F 2 7 is either in G or can be changed to something in G by changing one of its coordinates (and there is only one way to do this; G is "perfect"). Each configuration of numbers on the elves' heads is an element of F 2 7 , and each elf knows all but one of the coordinates. So from each elf's perspective, the configuration is one of two possible elements of F 2 7 .
The strategy is as follows:
(1) If both of the possible elements are not in G , don't guess.
(2) If one of the possible elements is in G , guess that the configuration is NOT in G .
If the configuration is not in G , then exactly one elf will guess, and he will guess correctly. If the configuration is in G , then all seven elves will guess wrong. The probability that the elves will win is 1 − 2 7 2 4 = 8 7 .
To see that this is the best strategy, consider that if we run the strategy with all 1 2 8 possible configurations, the total number of correct and incorrect guesses must be equal. After all, each individual guess has a probability of exactly 1 / 2 of being right. If the elves win with probability p , then the winning configurations produce at least 1 2 8 p correct guesses (since at least one elf has to guess right), and the incorrect configurations have at most ( 1 − p ) ⋅ 1 2 8 ⋅ 7 incorrect guesses (the maximum being when all the elves guess wrong). Hence 1 2 8 p ≤ ( 1 − p ) ⋅ 1 2 8 ⋅ 7 , which leads to p ≤ 7 / 8 .