Dividing by 999

Find the remainder when the number 109109109109109109109109 is divided by 999.

Try not to brute force divide it

The answer is 872.

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4 solutions

Divide 109 109 by 999 999 and you'll get 109 109 as remainder. Divide 109109 109109 by 999 999 and you'll get 218 218 as remainder. Divide 109109109 109109109 by 999 999 and you'll get 327 327 as remainder.

Notice that for every 109 109 present in the number, you'll have 109 n 109n as its remainder when divided by 999 999 where n n is the number of 10 9 s 109's .

Since there are 8 8 10 9 s 109's in the number, then

109 n = 109 × 8 109n = 109 \times 8 = 872 \boxed{872}

Is there a reason to why this works?

Anthony J. - 7 years, 3 months ago

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The reason why this works is because 1000=1(mod 999). So 109109=109000+109=109 1000+109=109+109. Using the same kind of thinking for 8 109's it's obvious that the remainder is 109 8=872.

Daniel Liu - 7 years, 3 months ago

109n ?

aritri chatterjee - 7 years, 3 months ago

Sorry for the typographical error on the last line. Yes, it's 109n. Thanks for correcting.

Jude Martin Grozen - 7 years, 3 months ago
Nathan Ramesh
Feb 27, 2014

We can rewrite 109109109109109109109109 as 109000000000000000000000+109000000000000000000+...109 and then notice these are each 109 mod 999 because they are 109*1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 and notice 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000=1000^7=1^7=1 (mod 999) and this is true for all so we reduce it to 109+109+109+109+109+109+109+109=109x8=872

Danilo Tedeschi
Mar 13, 2014

First you can write 109109109.... as 109.10^21 + 109.10^18 + 109.10^15 + ... + 109.

Dividing each of those terms by 999 we get 109 as reamainder, because we get this remainder 8 times 8.109 = 872.

Leonel Castillo
Mar 15, 2018

Define 10 9 1 = 109 , 10 9 2 = 109109 , . . . 109_1 = 109, 109_2 = 109109, ... . We will prove a recursive relation for 10 9 n 109_n . Notice that 10 9 n + 1 = 1000 × 10 9 n + 109 10 9 n + 1 = 999 × 10 9 n + 10 9 n + 109 10 9 n + 1 10 9 n + 109 m o d 999 109_{n+1} = 1000 \times 109_{n} + 109 \implies 109_{n+1} = 999 \times 109_{n} + 109_n + 109 \implies 109_{n+1} \equiv 109_n + 109 \mod 999 . Applying this identity recursively:

10 9 8 10 9 7 + 109 10 9 6 + 2 × 109 . . . 10 9 1 + 7 × 109 = 8 × 109 = 872 m o d 999 109_8 \equiv 109_7 + 109 \equiv 109_6 + 2 \times 109 \equiv ... \equiv 109_1 + 7 \times 109 = 8 \times 109 = 872 \mod 999

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