Divisible by 1972

For how many positive integer n n ( 2017 \leq 2017 ), will S S be divisible by 1972 1972 ? S = 34 5 n + 17 9 n 5 n 2 6 n + 49 3 n S=345^n+179^n-5^n-26^n+493^n

The answer is 1008.

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2 solutions

1972 = 2 2 17 29 1972=2^2*17*29 So if a number is divisible by all of the 4 , 17 , 29 4, 17, 29 numbers, then it is divisible by 1972 1972 .

We wil use that a b a n b n a-b\mid a^n-b^n for any a , b , n a, b, n positive integers.

Divisible by 17 17 :

S = ( 34 5 n 5 n ) + ( 17 9 n 2 6 n ) + 49 3 n S=(345^n-5^n)+(179^n-26^n)+493^n

Since 345 5 = 340 = 20 17 34 5 n 5 n 179 26 = 153 = 9 17 17 9 n 2 6 n 493 = 17 29 49 3 n \begin{aligned} 345-5=340 & = 20*17 & \mid 345^n-5^n \\ 179-26=153 & = 9*17 & \mid179^n-26^n \\ 493 & = 17*29 & \mid 493^n\end{aligned} S S is divisible by 17 17 .

Divisible by 29 29 :

S = ( 34 5 n 2 6 n ) + ( 17 9 n 5 n ) + 49 3 n S=(345^n-26^n)+(179^n-5^n)+493^n


345 26 = 319 = 11 29 34 5 n 2 6 n 179 5 = 174 = 6 29 17 9 n 5 n 493 = 17 29 49 3 n \begin{aligned} 345-26=319 & = 11*29 & \mid 345^n-26^n \\ 179-5=174 & = 6*29 & \mid179^n-5^n \\ 493 & = 17*29 & \mid 493^n \end{aligned} S S is divisbly by 29 29 .

Divisible by 4 4 :

It is clear that S S always divisible by 2 2 , because the sum of three odd numbers - an even and an odd number = even number. The question is that what is the remainder when it is divided by 4 4 .

S = ( 4 86 + 1 ) n + ( 45 4 1 ) n ( 4 + 1 ) n ( 6 4 + 2 ) n + ( 123 4 + 1 ) n S=(4*86+1)^n+(45*4-1)^n-(4+1)^n-(6*4+2)^n+(123*4+1)^n

Note that ( 4 k + l ) n l n m o d 4 (4k+l)^n\equiv l^n \ \mod 4 This can be proved using the Binominal theorem. From that ( 4 86 + 1 ) n 1 m o d 4 ( 45 4 1 ) n { If n is odd 1 If n is even 1 m o d 4 ( 4 + 1 ) n 1 m o d 4 ( 6 4 + 2 ) n { n = 1 2 n > 1 0 ( 123 4 + 1 ) n 1 m o d 4 \begin{aligned} (4*86+1)^n & \equiv 1 \ \mod4 \\ (45*4-1)^n & \equiv \begin{cases} \text{If n is odd}\Longrightarrow -1 \\ \text{If n is even} \Longrightarrow 1 \end{cases} \ \mod4 \\ (4+1)^n & \equiv 1 \ \mod 4 \\ (6*4+2)^n & \equiv \begin{cases} n=1 \Longrightarrow 2 \\ n>1 \Longrightarrow 0 \end{cases} \\ (123*4+1)^n & \equiv 1 \ \mod 4 \end{aligned}

So the remainders: n = 1 S 2 m o d 4 n is odd n > 1 S 0 m o d 4 n is even S 2 m o d 4 \begin{aligned} n=1\space & S & \equiv 2 \ \mod 4 \\ \text{n is odd}\quad n>1\space & S & \equiv 0 \ \mod 4 \\ \text{n is even}\space & S & \equiv 2 \ \mod 4 \end{aligned}

So S S will divisible by 1972 1972 , if (and only if) n n is an odd number, > 1 >1 .

Therefore the answer is 1008 \boxed{1008} .

What a great insight and property to use! Can't wait to see the full solution :)

Zach Abueg - 3 years, 10 months ago

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Solution finished!

Áron Bán-Szabó - 3 years, 10 months ago

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Beautiful :) The part of your solution on its divisibility by 4 4 is amazing, and it's now clear why n n must be odd.

Zach Abueg - 3 years, 10 months ago
Zach Abueg
Aug 2, 2017

[Not a solution.]

By trying sufficient n n , we can conjecture that 1972 1972 only divides S S if n n is odd and 3 \geq 3 , making the answer 2017 3 2 + 1 = 1008 \dfrac{2017 - 3}{2} + 1 = \boxed{1008} assuming that our conjecture is in fact true for all such n n .

I'm not sure how to prove it, however; I didn't get very far breaking 1972 1972 and each term of S S down into its prime factors. What's the proof for this, @Áron Bán-Szabó ?

Zach Abueg - 3 years, 10 months ago

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I started writing the solution, but I have to go now. When I arrive home, I will finish my solution. Until then try to finish my solution ;)

Áron Bán-Szabó - 3 years, 10 months ago

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