Divisor Equation

Define d ( n ) d(n) to be the number of positive divisors of n n for a positive integer n . n. For example, d ( 2018 ) = 4. d(2018)=4.

If n d ( n ) = 2018 , \frac{n}{d(n)}=2018, then find the sum of all the possible values of n . n.

The answer is 36324.

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1 solution

Patrick Corn
Jul 25, 2018

First, the inequality d ( n ) 2 n d(n) \le 2\sqrt{n} implies that n d ( n ) n 2 , \frac{n}{d(n)} \ge \frac{\sqrt{n}}2, so n 403 6 2 . n \le 4036^2. (For a proof of the inequality, see my solution to Divisor Problem (2), or just think about pairing off divisors which multiply to n . n. )

Now n = 2018 d ( n ) , n = 2018 d(n), so the prime 1009 1009 must divide n . n. If 100 9 2 n , 1009^2 | n, then 1009 d ( n ) , 1009 | d(n), which implies that n n has a prime divisor with exponent at least 1008. 1008. This would make n n far bigger than 403 6 2 , 4036^2, so the conclusion is that n = 1009 a n = 1009a where a a is coprime to 1009. 1009. This implies 2018 = n d ( n ) = 1009 a d ( 1009 a ) = 1009 2 a d ( a ) , 2018 = \frac{n}{d(n)} = \frac{1009a}{d(1009a)} = \frac{1009}2 \frac{a}{d(a)}, so a d ( a ) = 4. \frac{a}{d(a)} = 4.

By the inequality from the beginning, we need only search for such a a up to a = 8 2 , a = 8^2, and a quick search finds that there is exactly one solution, a = 36. a=36. Hence there is only one value of n , n, n = 1009 36 = 36324 . n = 1009 \cdot 36 = \fbox{36324}.

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