Divisors of a0b

Algebra Level 5

Find the sum of all 2 digit numbers N = a b N=\overline{ab} , where a 0 a \neq 0 , such that N N divides a 0 b \overline{a0b} .

Details and assumptions

a b c \overline{abc} means 100 a + 10 b + 1 c 100a + 10b + 1c , as opposed to a × b × c a \times b \times c . As an explicit example, for a = 2 , b = 3 , c = 4 a=2, b=3, c=4 , a b c = 234 \overline{abc} = 234 and not 2 × 3 × 4 = 24 2 \times 3 \times 4 = 24 .

The answer is 528.

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17 solutions

Alex A.
May 20, 2014

For b = 0 b = 0 , the condition that a 0 \overline{a0} divides a 00 \overline{a00} holds true for all possible values of a a , i.e. 1 , 2 , . . . 9 1, 2, ... 9 . That yields the following solutions for N N : 10 , 20 , . . . 90 10, 20, ... 90 .

If b 0 b \neq 0 , we observe that a 0 b < a b 0 = 10 a b \overline{a0b} < \overline{ab0} = 10 * \overline{ab} . So, the result of dividing a 0 b \overline{a0b} by N N must be strictly lower than 10 10 . We can assign the quotient values from 9 9 to 1 1 to find additional solutions:

  • a 0 b = 9 a b 5 a = 4 b N = 45 \overline{a0b} = 9 * \overline{ab} \Rightarrow 5 * a = 4 * b \Rightarrow N = 45 is a solution.
    • a 0 b = 8 a b 20 a = 7 b \overline{a0b} = 8 * \overline{ab} \Rightarrow 20 * a = 7 * b \Rightarrow No solution found.
    • a 0 b = 7 a b 5 a = b N = 15 \overline{a0b} = 7 * \overline{ab} \Rightarrow 5 * a = b \Rightarrow N = 15 is a solution.
    • a 0 b = 6 a b 8 a = b N = 18 \overline{a0b} = 6 * \overline{ab} \Rightarrow 8 * a = b \Rightarrow N = 18 is a solution.
    • a 0 b = 5 a b 50 a = 4 b \overline{a0b} = 5 * \overline{ab} \Rightarrow 50 * a = 4 * b \Rightarrow No solution found.

We could go over the next possibilities 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 {4, 3, 2, 1} , but we can observe instead that the ratio b a \frac {b}{a} increases as the quotient gets smaller. For a quotient value of 5 5 , the ratio already exceeds 10 10 . Taking into consideration that a a and b b are both digits, we can conclude that we won't find any other solutions.

Finally, ( 10 + 20 + . . . + 90 ) + 45 + 15 + 18 = 528 (10 + 20 + ... + 90) + 45 + 15 + 18 = 528 .

The hard part in this problem is not to find all the solutions, but to justify that the list is complete. This can only be done by some kind of a regular search. Besides the method employed here, correct solutions included the following ideas:

1) If the quotient of two numbers is k, then last digit b is preserved by multiplication by k. This is fairly rare, and each such case can be easily studied separately.

2) If 100a+b is a multiple of 10a+b, then 100a+b-10(10a+b)=-9b is also a multiple of 10a+b. One can then look at all possible factors of 9b, for b =1,2,...,9 to find all solutions with non-zero b.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago

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Nothing against any of those methods, but there is another. Knowing that N 90 a N|90a , the trick is showing that N / g c d ( a , b ) N/gcd(a,b) has to be a two-digit factor of 90 (which is to say, either 15, 18, 45 or 10, 30, 90).

Peter Byers - 5 years, 6 months ago

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That's a good observation! Can you add it as a solution? Thanks!

Calvin Lin Staff - 5 years, 6 months ago
Qi Huan Tan
May 20, 2014

Let n ( 10 a + b ) = 100 a + b n(10a+b)=100a+b for some positive integer n n . This implies that a ( 100 10 n ) = b ( n 1 ) a(100-10n)=b(n-1) where 1 < = n < = 10 1<=n<=10 . By checking all cases for n = 1 , 2 , 3 , , 10 n=1,2,3, \ldots, 10 : n = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 8 n=1,2,3,4,5,8 have no solutions.

When n = 6 n=6 , 40 a = 5 b 40a=5b , so 8 a = b 8a=b , has solution a = , b = 8 a=, b=8 .

When n = 7 n=7 , 30 a = 6 b 30a = 6b has solution a = , b = 5 a=, b=5 .

When n = 9 n=9 , 10 a = 8 b 10a=8b has solution a = 4 , b = 5 a=4, b=5 .

When n = 10 n=10 , 9 b = 0 9b=0 , has solution a = 1 , 2 , 3 , . . . , 10 a=1,2,3,...,10 as long as b = 0 b=0 .

Adding all possible values, 18 + 15 + 45 + 10 + 20 + 30 + 40 + 50 + 60 + 70 + 80 + 90 = 528 18+15+45+10+20+30+40+50+60+70+80+90=528

This question requires the student to make sense of the statement, in order to write an equation to solve.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago
Shen Hong
May 20, 2014

100a+b=k(10a+b) 10(10-k)a=(k-1)b When b=0, then k=10, a=1,2,…,9 When b<>0, then consider the value of k: K=9, 10a=8b, so ab=45 K=8, 20a=7b K=7,30a=6b,so ab=15 K=6,40a=5b,so ab=18 K=5,50a=4b, no solution Sum=10+20+…+90+45+15+18=528

D Gertler
May 20, 2014

The conditions of the problem are satisfied if and only if there exists an integer k such that k = a 0 b / ab , or k x ab = a 0 b .

Condition is trivially satisfied whenever b =0 (e.g., 200 divides by 20, the case of a =2 and b =0). Summing these nine cases, where a =1,...,9, yields 10 n ( n +1)/2 = 10 x 45 = 450 .

For the remaining cases, namely when b > 0, it can easily be demonstrated that the product k x ab = a 0 b will not maintain the units digit, b , when k is 2, 4, or 8, since multiplication by 2, 4, and 8 always result in a different units digit.

In fact, the only cases where the units digit will be maintained are in the following ( k , b , k x b ) triplets: (9, 5, 5), (7, 5, 5), (6, 4, 4), (6, 6, 6), (6, 8, 8), (5, 5, 5), (3, 5, 5), (1, ALL, ALL)

Let's look more closely at the remaining cases, where b > 0.

We can see that when a = 9, k falls between 901/91 and 909/99. Thus 10 > k > 9, so there are no integer quotients for any of these cases.

Similar for a = 8.

When a is 4, 5, 6, or 7, we can easily see that 10 > k > 8, leaving only 9 as a potential integer quotient. Furthermore, the triplets above would then require that b = 5 when k = 9. Thus only (45, 405), (55, 505), (65, 605), and (75, 705) need to be tested and, in fact, only 405/ 45 yields an integer k .

When a is 2 or 3, we see that 10 > k > 7, leaving only 9 and 8 as potential integer quotients. Recall (or examine the possible triplets to see), however, that multiplication by 8 will never maintain the units digit, so this possibility can be ignored. Again from among the possible triplets, we have only (25, 205), (35, 305), and neither yields an integer k .

Finally, when a = 1, we have 10 > k > 5, giving 9, 7, and 6 as potential integer quotients. From the possible triplets, we have the following possible ( ab , a 0 b ) pairs: (15, 105), (14, 104), (16, 106), and (18, 108). From these, only ( 15 , 105) and ( 18 , 108) yield integer k s.

Summing: 450 + 45 + 18 + 15 = 528


Defri Ahmad
May 20, 2014

ab=10a+b a0b=100a+b the remainder of 100a+b divided by 10a+b is -9b. if b=0 of course the remainder is 0 now we cek that if b is not zero then ab is a faktor of -9b atau -9b=ab*k=10ka+bk or b(-9-k)=10ka for any k thus b multiple of 5 or -9-k multiple of 5 if b=5 then ab=15 or 45 since -9b=-45 if k=1 then -b=ka and if k=6 then -b=4a no solution satisfied it, if k>=11 impossible because a,b is a digit, if k=-4 then -5b=-40a thus 18 satisfy it, if k<=-9 impossible. so the sum of all ab is: 10+15+18+20+30+40+45+50+60+70+80+90=528

Zhimin Gong
May 20, 2014

.100a+b=k(10a+b) 10(10-k)a=(k-1)b When b=0, then k=10, a=1,2,…,9 When b<>0, then consider the value of k: K=9, 10a=8b, so ab=45 K=8, 20a=7b K=7,30a=6b,so ab=15 K=6,40a=5b,so ab=18 K=5,50a=4b, no solution Sum=10+20+…+90+45+15+18=528

Jigar Soni
May 20, 2014

a0b=100a+b & ab=10a+b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (1) As ab divides a0b, a0b=nab _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (2) (where n is positive integer)
From (1) & (2) ; 100a+b=n(10a+b) So, b/a=(100-10n)/(n-1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (3) As a & b are one digit numbers, 0<b/a<9 and from (3); 0<(100-10n)/(n-1)<9, By solving this, we'll find 5<n<10; by putting this values in equation (3) we will get b/a values and by using it properly we find all such possible values (ab).

Rudra 0072
May 20, 2014

Let's take a number 105. so, 105=100+15 ; 105= 90+15. Now factorize 90 and we get 10, 15 ,18 inside 10 - 19. Similarly 405= 360+45. Factorizing it we only get 45 as a divisor of 360 inside 40-49. so if we factorize 90(100-10), 180(200-20),.....810(900-90) and find their divisor between their region then we are done. So the answer is (10+20+30+..........+90) +15+18+45=450+15+18+45=528. And 528 is the answer.

The argument is interesting, but some details are just sketched.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago
Andrei Dos Santos
May 20, 2014

All the pars that b = 0 satisfies the problem. So, the pars(a,b) = (1,0);(2,0)(3,0)(4,0)(5,0)(6,0)(7,0)(8,0)(9,0) are in the sum. And the pars (a,b) = (1,5);(1,8);(4,5) also are in the sum. So , 10+20+30+40+50+60+70+80+90 +15+18+45 = 528 is the sum of all 2 digit numbers N.

No explanation, why the list is complete

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago
Habib Lotfi
May 20, 2014

We split N to tow parts: Tens and Units. In Tens part for each i we have: i=10 till i<99 next i will be i=i+10 and to make j's as Unit we have j=0 till j<9 next j will be j = j+1, so we have N = i+j and X = i*10+j Then we apply the Divided Condition if remainder of X/N is Zero we are going to add the N in sum: sum = sum+N;

Pi Han Goh
May 20, 2014

Obviously 10 | 100, 20 | 200, 30 | 300, ... 90 | 900

So 10, 20, 30, ... 90 are solutions to N.

Since ((ab)) divides ((a0b)), then (100a+b)/(10a+b) = c, for some integer c such that 0 < c < 9

By cross multiplying, and factoring, we get 10a(10 - c) = b(c - 1)

And we try to find different ways to factor 10, 20, 30, ... 90

10 = 2x5, 20 = 10x2 = 5x4, 30 = 5x6=10x3, 40 =5x8=10*4, 50=10x5

Comparing them to the equation above, we get (a,b,c) = (1,5,7), (1,8,6),(4,5,9)

So the answer is 10+20+30+40+50+60+70+80+90+15+18+45=528

"And we try to find different ways to factor 10, 20, 30, ... 90

10 = 2x5, 20 = 10x2 = 5x4, 30 = 5x6=10x3, 40 =5x8=10*4, 50=10x5

Comparing them to the equation above, we get (a,b,c) = (1,5,7), (1,8,6),(4,5,9)"

It is not at all clear that the search was complete. In other words, no real proof that there are no other solutions.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago
Calvin Lin Staff
May 13, 2014

Let a 0 b = k a b \overline{a0b} = k \overline{ab} for a positive integer k k . Clearly k 10 k\leq 10 as 10 a b = a b 0 a 0 b 10\overline{ab} = \overline{ab0} \geq \overline{a0b} . Then 100 a + b = k ( 10 a + b ) 100a + b = k(10a+b) 10 ( 10 k ) a = ( k 1 ) b \Rightarrow 10(10-k)a=(k-1)b .

For k = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 k=1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 5 we have 90 a = 0 , 80 a = b , 35 a = b , 20 a = b 90a = 0, 80a = b, 35a = b, 20a = b and 25 a = 2 b 25a = 2b , respectively. Clearly this has no solutions where 1 a 9 1\leq a \leq 9 and 0 b 9 0 \leq b \leq 9 .

For k = 6 k=6 we have 8 a = b 8a = b . Since b 9 b \le 9 this implies a = 1 a=1 is the only possibility. Thus a = 1 , b = 8 N = 18 a = 1, b = 8 \Rightarrow N=18 is the only solution for this case.

For k = 7 k=7 we have 5 a = b 5a = b . Since b 9 b \leq 9 this implies that a = 1 a=1 is the only possibility. Thus a = 1 , b = 5 N = 15 a=1, b = 5 \Rightarrow N = 15 is the only possible solution for this case.

For k = 8 k = 8 we have 20 a = 7 b 20a = 7b . Since gcd ( 7 , 20 ) = 1 \gcd(7,20)=1 this implies that 20 20 must divide b b which gives b = 0 b=0 . Thus a = 0 a=0 , but a 1 a \geq 1 , hence there are no solutions for this case.

For k = 9 k=9 we have 5 a = 4 b 5a = 4b . Since gcd ( 4 , 5 ) = 1 \gcd(4,5)=1 this implies that 5 5 divides b b which gives b = 5 b=5 as the only possibility in the given range. Thus a = 4 a = 4 . So a = 4 , b = 5 N = 45 a=4, b=5 \Rightarrow N=45 is the only possible solution for this case.

For k = 10 k=10 we have 0 a = 9 b b = 0 0a=9b \Rightarrow b = 0 . Thus all 1 a 9 1\leq a\leq 9 will satisfy the equation and we have N = 10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 60 , 70 , 80 , 90 N=10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90 as possible solutions for this case.

Hence the sum of all solutions is 18 + 15 + 45 + 10 + 20 + 30 + 40 + 50 + 60 + 70 + 80 + 90 = 528 18+15+45+10+20+30+40+50+60+70+80+90 = 528 .

Rishav Koirala
Sep 6, 2016

Here's how I did it: The question asks all numbers of the form 10 a + b 10a+b such that they divide the corresponding numbers of the form 100 a + b 100a+b .

Now, if that were to happen, 10 ( 10 a + b ) ( 100 a + b ) 10*(10a+b)-(100a+b) should be divisible by 10 a + b 10a+b .

This means that 9 b 9b is divisible by 10 a + b 10a+b . For example, setting b = 0 b=0 we get 9 b = 0 9b=0 which is divisible by all numbers of the form 10 a 10a where a = 1 , 2 , 3...9 a=1,2,3...9 . Therefore 10 , 20 , 30 , . . . 90 10,20,30,...90 are some of the numbers.

Now setting b = 1 b=1 we see that 9 b = 9 9b=9 has to be divisible by the numbers 10 a + 1 10a+1 . Clearly, this is impossible for any a a . We can similarly check the the result for other values of b b , and we find that the only other numbers that satisfy this are:

  • 15 15 and 45 45 , for b = 5 b=5 and
  • 18 18 , for b = 8 b=8 . So the answer is 10 + 20 + 30 + . . . 90 + 15 + 18 + 45 = 528 10+20+30+...90+15+18+45 = \boxed{528} .
Maharnab Mitra
Jan 26, 2016

If ( 10 a + b ) ( 100 a + b ) (10a+b) | (100a+b) , then ( 10 a + b ) [ ( 100 a + b ) ( 10 a + b ) ] ( 10 a + b ) ( 90 a ) (10a+b) | [(100a+b) - (10a+b)] \implies (10a+b) | (90a)

Now there are two cases:

When b = 0 b = 0 ,

10 a 10a always divides 90 a 90a for any value of a a .

So, a b = 10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 60 , 70 , 80 , 90 \overline{ab} = 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90

When b 0 b \neq 0 ,

10 a + b 10a+ b never divides a a but it can divide 90 90 .

So, a b = 10 , 15 , 18 , 30 , 45 , 90 \overline{ab} = 10, 15, 18, 30, 45, 90

Therefore, our numbers are 10 , 15 , 18 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 45 , 50 , 60 , 70 , 80 , 90 10, 15, 18, 20, 30, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 which after adding gives 528 528 .

if a b a 0 b ab\mid a0b and b 0 b \ne 0 then k Z ( 10 a + b ) × k = 100 a + b \exists k \in \mathbb{Z} \because (10a+b)\times k = 100a+b \Rightarrow 10a(10-k) = b(k-1) \tag{1}

From which we can deduce that 2 k 9 2 \le k \le 9 and ( k 1 , 10 ) 1 (k - 1, 10) \ne 1
Moreover 10 ( 10 k ) k 1 < 10 110 < 20 k k > 5 \frac{10(10-k)}{k-1} < 10 \Rightarrow 110 < 20k \Rightarrow k > 5 as k Z k \in \mathbb{Z}

Thus k 6 , 7 , 9 k \in {6, 7,9} , replacing k in (1) we get

For k = 6 , 10 a ( 10 k ) = b ( k 1 ) 10 a × 4 = b × 5 8 a = b k = 6, 10a(10-k) = b(k-1) \Rightarrow 10a\times 4 = b \times 5 \Rightarrow 8a = b so a = 1, b = 8

For k = 7 , 10 a ( 10 k ) = b ( k 1 ) 10 a × 3 = b × 6 5 a = b k = 7, 10a(10-k) = b(k-1) \Rightarrow 10a\times 3 = b \times 6 \Rightarrow 5a = b so a = 1, b = 5

For k = 9 , 10 a ( 10 k ) = b ( k 1 ) 10 a × 1 = b × 8 5 a = 4 b k = 9, 10a(10-k) = b(k-1) \Rightarrow 10a\times 1 = b \times 8 \Rightarrow 5a = 4b so a = 4, b = 5 So the numbers are {15, 18, 45}\tag{2}

if b = 0, then 10 a ( 10 k ) = b ( k 1 ) = 0 10a(10-k) = b(k-1) = 0 as a 0 a \ne 0 we get k = 10 k = 10 which would satisfy for all values of a i.e. 0 a 9 0 \le a \le 9

So the numbers are {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90}\tag{3}

Summing (2) and (3) we get 528

Why is that "the other trivial solution"? You should explain why it didn't arise as a case in your first equation.

Calvin Lin Staff - 5 years, 6 months ago

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Added the explanation by amplifying the trivial case

Abhijit Bhattacharjee - 5 years, 6 months ago

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Great! This improves your solution!

Calvin Lin Staff - 5 years, 6 months ago
Kaushik Surai
May 20, 2014

a0b¯¯¯¯¯.=(100 \times a)+(10 \times 0)+b=M(say) N=(10 \times a)+b Let, M/N=x(say) so, x=frac {100a+b}{10a+b}=an integer so, a \times (100-10 \times x)=b \times (x-1) so, \frac {10a}{b}=\frac {(x-1)}{(10-x)} Now if x=1, a=0 so it can't be possible.

For x=2, b=80 \cdot a.

For x=3, 3b=70 \cdot a.

For x=4, b=20 \cdot a.

For x=5, 2 \cdot b=25 \cdot a.

Now, a & b have the range of (0,9) So any of these is not possible.

Now for x=6 we get, b=8 \cdot a so we get a=1 & b=8 So, one of them is 18.

For x=7 we get, b=5 \cdot a So we get a=1 & b=5 So, another one is 15.

For x=8 we get, 7 \cdot b=20 \cdot a So,we can not get any exact value of a & b.

For x=9 we get, 4 \cdot b=5 \cdot a we get 1 pair of (a,b)=(4,5) So another one is 45.

Now if b=0 then we get, x=\frac {100a}{10a}=10 for this a can take the value from 1 to 9 i.e. the values are = 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80 and 90.

So the summation of all the numbers is= 15+18+45+(10+20+30+40+50+60+70+80+90)=528

Winston Wright
May 20, 2014

To make the units digit fit, the a0b must be divisible by 11,21,31,41,51,61,71,81,or 91. I found all numbers of the form a0b divisible by any of those numbers.

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