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Without disassembling a solved Rubik's cube, what is the number of configurations of the Rubik's cube?

Details and Assumptions

  • You may use a scientific calculator for your calculation because the values tends to be extremely large!
Image credit: Wikipedia Hangsna

The answer is 43252003274489856000.

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2 solutions

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Ryan Tamburrino
Jan 2, 2015

First, we imagine smashing the Rubik's Cube (perhaps out of frustration) so we have all the individual cubes in front of us. We sort them into the following groups: corners, edges, and centers.

We'll start by focusing on the corners. It's evident that there are 8! ways to place the 8 corners at each vertex. Also note that there are 3 ways to orient each corner. We multiply 8! and 3^8 and set them to the side, calling their product α.

For edges, we follow a similar process. There are 12! ways to arrange these edges, and there are 2 different ways to orient each edges. We multiply 12! and 2^12, and set these to the side, calling their product β.

We're going to ignore the centers since they remain fixed and only have one possible orientation.

Now, the product of αβ gives us every possible arrangement we can make by smashing the cube into cublets and gluing them back together. However, not all of these arrangements are possible for a real, solvable Rubik's Cube. For example, if we change the orientation of one corner on a solvable cube, we'll get an unsolvable cube. There are 12 little "universes" of cubes we can have and 11 of them are unsolvable. Thus, (1/12)(αβ) gives us a large number that is the total number of arrangements of a Rubik's Cube. It is a number, unfortunately, which I don't want to write all the way out again because of my chronic laziness.

Great explanation.however may I know how did u determine there r 11 "impossible universe"

Shaun Yeoh - 6 years, 5 months ago

In the Rubik's cube, there is a parity constraint on the number of edges and corners that can be cycled. You cannot have 2-cycles on a real, solvable cube. i.e. two pieces alone cannot be swapped in a cube. So therefore, if you arranged all the other pieces, the last two pieces must come in only 1 of 2 configurations to make it a solvable cube. Now, this is the position constraint of the cube.

Similarly, there is also the orientation constraint. You cannot "flip" one edge or one corner alone. Since the edge can be flipped in 1 of 2 ways, and the corner in 1 of 3 ways.

Therefore, the total constraint on the position of the cube is 1 2 × 1 2 × 1 3 = 1 12 \frac12\times \frac 12 \times\frac 13 = \frac 1 {12}

Kp Govind - 6 years, 5 months ago

ok that explain a lot thank you =)

Shaun Yeoh - 6 years, 5 months ago
Mukil Elango
Jan 7, 2015

I am a speedcuber, (average solve : 19 secs )

The possible permutations ( by rotating the faces alone ) can be calculated by considering the 8 corners and 12 edges . The center faces are fixed. The possible permutations for the corners is 8! . The possible orientations for the 7 corners are independent of each other. But the last corner's orientation depends on the previous corner. This is because a single corner or an edge cannot be independently oriented without disturbing the other. So, there are 3 7 3^{7} possible orientations for the 8! permutations. Now the 12 edges can be permuted in 12 ! 2 \frac {12!} {2} ways ( even permutation ). Similarly to corners, the 11 edges have 2 orientations independent to each other while the 12th depends on the previous one. Hence there are 2 11 2^{11} possible orientations.

Thus combining all the combinations, we get,

8!\quad \times \quad { 3 }^{ 7 }\quad \times \quad \frac { 12! }{ 2 } \times \quad { 2 }^{ 11 }\quad =\quad 43,252,003,274,489,586,000 .

That is 43 Quintillion ( 43 × 1 0 18 43\times 10^{ 18 } ) . This is just the combinations obtained by rotating the faces alone. One can dissemble the cubies and create new so called Universes ( in the Cube world) to have even more combinations.

That would be

8!\quad \times \quad { 3 }^{ 8 }\quad \times \quad 12!\quad \times \quad { 2 }^{ 12 }\quad =\quad 519,024,039,293,878,272,000

Calculated values from : Wikipedia

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