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What is the remainder when

6 5 4 3 2 \Large 6^{5^{4^{3^{2}}}}

is divided by 6 ! 6! ?

The answer is 576.

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5 solutions

Otto Bretscher
Mar 13, 2016

Let's write the given number as a = 6 b a=6^b , with b > 5 b>5 . Now 6 b 4 1 ( m o d 5 ) 6^{b-4}\equiv1\pmod5 . Multiplying through with 6 4 = 1296 6^4=1296 we find a = 6 b 6 4 ( m o d 6480 ) a=6^b\equiv 6^4 \pmod{6480} . Now 6480 = 6 ! × 9 6480=6!\times 9 so a 6 4 576 ( m o d 6 ! ) a\equiv 6^4\equiv \boxed{576}\pmod{6!}

Moderator note:

Great use of the Chinese Remainder theorem to consider this ( m o d 144 ) \pmod{144} and ( m o d 5 ) \pmod{5} .

Using Euler's theorem, we need to determine: 5 4 9 modulo ϕ ( 720 ) , 4 9 modulo ϕ ( ϕ ( 720 ) ) \displaystyle 5^{ 4^{9}} \: \text{modulo } \: \phi (720), \; 4^{9} \: \text{modulo} \: \phi(\phi (720))

Since ϕ ( 720 ) = 192 , ϕ ( 192 ) = 64 \phi (720) = 192, \; \phi(192) = 64 , we have 4 9 0 ( m o d 64 ) 4^9 \equiv 0 \pmod{64} 5 ( ) 1 ( m o d 192 ) 5^{(\cdots)} \equiv 1 \pmod{192}

We can't repeat these steps now because gcd ( 6 , 720 ) 1 \gcd(6,720) \neq 1 . But 6 ( ) 6 5 1 576. ( m o d 720 ) 6^{(\cdots)} \equiv 6^{5^1} \equiv \boxed{576.} \pmod{720}

Simple solution!

Let n be any int. 4 \geq 4 .

I will prove that 6 n 576 ( m o d 720 ) 6^n \equiv 576 \pmod{720} by induction.

and then our problem's solution immediately follows.

Basis: 6 4 576 ( m o d 720 ) 6^4 \equiv 576 \pmod{720}

Proof: 6 4 = 1296 = 720 + 576 6^4 = 1296 = 720 + 576

Inductive Step:

Assume: For int. k \geq 4, 6 k 576 ( m o d 720 ) \quad 6^k \equiv 576 \pmod{720}

Prove: 6 k + 1 576 ( m o d 720 ) 6^{k+1} \equiv 576 \pmod{720}

Proof: Since 6 × 576 = 4 × 720 + 576 , 6 \times 576 = 4 \times 720 + 576,

6 k + 1 = 6 × 6 k = 6 × 576 576 ( m o d 720 ) 6^{k+1} = 6 \times 6^k = 6 \times 576 \equiv 576 \pmod{720}

Q E D \boxed{QED}

Therefore: Solution: 576 \boxed{576}

Michael Fischer - 6 years, 9 months ago

Brilliant! :D

Finn Hulse - 7 years, 1 month ago

This is exactly what I was looking for! :D

Finn Hulse - 7 years, 1 month ago

@Calvin Lin Why is there no rating?

Finn Hulse - 7 years ago

Could you explain a bit why 6 5 4 3 2 6 5 1 ( m o d 720 ) 6^{5^{4^{3^2}}}\equiv 6^{5^1}\pmod {720} ? would really appreciate :/

mathh mathh - 6 years, 11 months ago
Datu Oen
Apr 18, 2014

This might be a solution by brute force, but still is my solution...

The main idea is we use the fact that

  1. 2 4 4 576 ( m o d 6 ! ) 24^4 \equiv 576 \pmod {6!}
  2. 576 = 2 4 2 576 = 24^2 .

We solve it by parts using the powers.

This is 6 5 6^5 :

6 5 24 ( m o d 6 ! ) 6^5 \equiv 24 \pmod {6!}

This is 6 5 4 {{6}^5}^4 :

24 4 = 331776 576 ( m o d 6 ! ) {24}^4 = 331776 \equiv 576 \pmod {6!}

Then we have

This is 6 5 4 3 {{{6}^5}^4}^3 :

57 6 3 = 24 2 3 = 24 6 = 24 4 × 24 2 576^3 = {{24}^2}^3 = {24}^6 = {24}^4 \times {24}^2

Note that from (1) , 24 4 576 ( m o d 6 ! ) {24}^4 \equiv 576 \pmod {6!}

Now, 24 4 × 24 2 576 × 24 2 ( m o d 6 ! ) {24}^4 \times {24}^2 \equiv 576 \times {24}^2 \pmod {6!}

576 × 24 2 = 24 2 × 24 2 = 24 4 2 4 2 ( m o d 6 ! ) 576 \times {24}^2 = {24}^2 \times {24}^2 = {24}^4 \equiv 24^2 \pmod {6!}

Finally, this is 6 5 4 3 2 {{{{6}^5}^4}^3}^2 :

2 4 2 2 = 24 4 576 ( m o d 6 ! ) {24^2}^2 = {24}^4 \equiv 576 \pmod {6!}

Not bad! :D

Finn Hulse - 7 years, 1 month ago
Nick Turtle
Jan 23, 2018

We want to find 6 5 4 3 2 ( mod 720 ) 6^{5^{4^{3^{2}}}}\ (\text{mod}\ 720) .

As 720 = 144 5 720=144\cdot5 and 144 144 and 5 5 are coprime integers, we can rewrite the problem as finding the unique 0 x < 720 0≤x<720 that satisfies 6 5 4 3 2 x ( mod 144 ) 6^{5^{4^{3^{2}}}}\equiv x\ (\text{mod}\ 144) 6 5 4 3 2 x ( mod 5 ) 6^{5^{4^{3^{2}}}}\equiv x\ (\text{mod}\ 5)

Note that 144 = 2 4 3 2 144=2^4\cdot3^2 , thus 6 5 4 3 2 0 ( mod 144 ) 6^{5^{4^{3^{2}}}}\equiv0\ (\text{mod}\ 144) . Furthermore, 6 1 ( mod 5 ) 6\equiv1\ (\text{mod}\ 5) , and thus 6 5 4 3 2 1 ( mod 5 ) 6^{5^{4^{3^{2}}}}\equiv1\ (\text{mod}\ 5) .

So we want to find 0 x < 720 0≤x<720 such that x 0 ( mod 144 ) x\equiv0\ (\text{mod}\ 144) x 1 ( mod 5 ) x\equiv1\ (\text{mod}\ 5)

By the Chinese Remainder Theorem, there exists one such unique x x . With trial and error ( x = 144 , 288 , 432 , 576 , x=144,288,432,576,\ldots ), we find that x = 576 x=576 .

Perfect :)

Finn Hulse - 3 years, 4 months ago

The key is to break 6! Into coprime numbers......i found that breaking it into (16,5,9) is particularly easy. The number already contains powers of 2 and 3 which are much much higher than 4 and 2 the remainder when it is divided by 16 and 9 is 0. Now when the number is divided by 5 is easy to see that the remainder will be 1. So we need to find the solution of the system of congruences x= 0 mod 144 and x=1 mod 5 (forgive me for using" = "instead of congruence). Use chinese remainder theorem of division algorith to quickly find that the remainder is nothing but 144 × 4 = 576

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