Ellipse area

Geometry Level 5

Ellipse tangent lines

x 2 y = 6 x-2y=-6

4 x + y = 6 4x+y=6

2 x + 5 y = 6 2x+5y=6

x + 2 y = 6 -x+2y=-6

4 x y = 30 -4x-y=-30 .

If area of ellipse equal π A B {\pi } A \sqrt{B} - ( B B - is square free integer, A A - integer) - give answer A + B A+B .

Problem original.

The answer is 7.

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4 solutions

Mark Hennings
Sep 8, 2020

Let E \mathcal{E} be the Steiner inellipse of the triangle N T U NTU , where N ( 6 , 6 ) N\;(6,6) , T ( 2 , 2 ) T\;(-2,2) and U ( 8 , 2 ) U\;(8,-2) are the pairwise intersections of the lines x 2 y = 6 x-2y=-6 , 4 x y = 30 -4x-y=30 and 2 x + 5 y = 6 2x+5y=6 . Then E \mathcal{E} is tangential to the lines N T NT , T U TU , U N UN at their midpoints K ( 2 , 4 ) K\;(2,4) , L ( 3 , 0 ) L\:(3,0) and M ( 7 , 2 ) M\:(7,2) . The centre of E \mathcal{E} is the centroid S ( 4 , 2 ) S\;(4,2) of the triangle N T U NTU .

The point diametrically opposite M M on E \mathcal{E} is J ( 1 , 2 ) J\;(1,2) . The tangent to E \mathcal{E} at J J will be parallel to the tangent to E \mathcal{E} at M M , and so will have gradient 4 -4 . Thus the equation of the gradient to E \mathcal{E} at J J is 4 x + y = 6 4x + y = 6 .

The point diametrically opposite K K on E \mathcal{E} is A ( 6 , 0 ) A'\;(6,0) . The tangent to E \mathcal{E} at A A' will be parallel to the tangent to E \mathcal{E} at K K , and so will have gradient 1 2 \tfrac12 . Thus the equation of the gradient to E \mathcal{E} at A A' is x + 2 y = 6 -x + 2y = -6 .

Thus E \mathcal{E} is the ellipse we want. The area of E \mathcal{E} is equal to π 3 3 \tfrac{\pi}{3\sqrt{3}} times the area of N T U NTU . Since the triangle N T U NTU has area 36 36 , the area of E \mathcal{E} is π 4 3 \pi4\sqrt{3} , making the answer 4 + 3 = 7 4+3 = \boxed{7} .

Joseph Newton
Sep 8, 2020

The lines seem to form an incomplete hexagon, so maybe we can turn this ellipse into a circle by applying a linear transformation to make the hexagon regular.

The points O , P , Q , R O,P,Q,R are ( 2 / 3 , 10 / 3 ) , ( 4 / 3 , 2 / 3 ) , ( 14 / 3 , 2 / 3 ) , ( 22 / 3 , 2 / 3 ) (2/3,10/3),(4/3,2/3),(14/3,-2/3),(22/3,2/3) respectively. Let's first shift P P to ( 0 , 0 ) (0,0) , so that these points become ( 2 / 3 , 8 / 3 ) , ( 0 , 0 ) , ( 10 / 3 , 4 / 3 ) , ( 6 , 0 ) (-2/3,8/3),(0,0),(10/3,-4/3),(6,0) . Now, let's draw a simpler regular hexagon which we'll want to transform into these points. The red hexagon fragment has side length 1, and so the coordinates of its points are ( 1 2 3 2 ) , ( 0 0 ) , ( 1 0 ) , ( 3 2 3 2 ) {-\frac12\choose\frac{\sqrt3}2},{0\choose0},{1\choose0},{\frac32\choose\frac{\sqrt3}2} We now want a linear transformation in the form of a 2 × 2 2\times2 matrix that takes these vectors to ( 2 3 8 2 ) , ( 0 0 ) , ( 10 3 4 3 ) , ( 6 0 ) {-\frac23\choose\frac82},{0\choose0},{\frac{10}3\choose-\frac43},{6\choose0} With a small amount of working out, we find that the following matrix works: M = ( 10 3 2 3 4 3 4 3 ) M=\begin{pmatrix} \frac{10}3 & \frac2{\sqrt3} \\ -\frac43 & \frac4{\sqrt3} \end{pmatrix} Now, a circle inside this red hexagon has height 3 \sqrt3 , so it has radius 3 2 \frac{\sqrt3}2 , and hence area 3 4 π \frac34\pi . When we stretch the coordinate system from the red hexagon to the blue one, areas increase by a factor of det M \det M . Hence, the ellipse in the question has area 3 4 π det M = 4 3 π \frac34\pi\det M=4\sqrt3\pi

Yuriy Kazakov
Sep 8, 2020

Find five tangent points

Example - D D intersection two diagonals O Q OQ and P R PR and tangent point L L - intersection two lines P Q PQ and N D ND .

x = 3 , y = 0 x = 3, y = 0

x = 6 , y = 0 x = 6, y = 0

x = 1 , y = 2 x = 1, y = 2

x = 7 , y = 2 x = 7, y = 2

x = 2 , y = 4 x = 2, y = 4

Find ellipse equation for this five points 4 x 2 + 2 x y + 7 y 2 36 x 36 y + 72 = 0 4x^2+2xy+7y^2-36x-36y+72=0 and find his area.

Sorry, I'm a bit confused - what is the significance of point D D ? And how do you then know point L L will be the tangent point? (This looks like a theorem I just haven't seen before - if so could you put a link to it?)

Chris Lewis - 9 months, 1 week ago

Brianchon_theorem - here are six tangent points - and try to bring two neighboring tangent points closer.

Yuriy Kazakov - 9 months, 1 week ago

Thanks! Sorry, one more question - the theorem you sent applies to six tangents, not five; you've said you try to bring two points together, but (without doing the analysis) how do you know to do that with two points at L L ? Or even that that will be possible?

Chris Lewis - 9 months, 1 week ago

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GEOGEBRA - tangent point F go to tangent point A - and F=G=A - three points in one and two tangent lines - is one tangent line. I dont have strong conclusion. The result is a simple consequence of the theorem Brianchon.

Yuriy Kazakov - 9 months, 1 week ago
Chris Lewis
Sep 8, 2020

I don't think I found a good approach here - hopefully someone will post a better one.

The equation of an ellipse in general position is A x 2 + B x y + C y 2 + D x + E y + F = 0 Ax^2+Bxy+Cy^2+Dx+Ey+F=0

where B 2 4 A C < 0 B^2-4AC<0 . For definiteness, we can set A = 1 A=1 .

A line with equation y = m x + c y=mx+c intersects the ellipse twice, once, or not at all. We're interested in tangents, which intersect exactly once.

Eliminating y y between these equations, x 2 + B x ( m x + c ) + C ( m x + c ) 2 + D x + E ( m x + c ) + F = 0 x^2+Bx(mx+c)+C(mx+c)^2+Dx+E(mx+c)+F=0

This is a quadratic in x x . For this to have exactly one solution, we want the discriminant to be zero; ie ( B c + 2 C m c + D + E m ) 2 4 ( 1 + B m + C m 2 ) ( C c 2 + E c + F ) = 0 (Bc+2Cmc+D+Em)^2 - 4(1+Bm+Cm^2)(Cc^2+Ec+F) = 0

The five given tangent lines give five pairs of values ( m , c ) (m,c) . Substituting these in, we get five equations in B , C , D , E , F B,C,D,E,F .

Solving these (I used a combination of Wolfram|Alpha and Excel Solver for this), we find the equation of the ellipse: x 2 + 1 2 x y + 7 4 y 2 9 x 9 y + 18 = 0 x^2+\frac12 xy+\frac74 y^2-9x-9y+18=0

Helpfully, there is a formula to calculate the axes from this form, see for example here . Plugging in, we find the semi-axes have lengths 2 3 11 ± 13 \sqrt{\frac23} \sqrt{11 \pm \sqrt{13}}

so the area is 4 π 3 4\pi \sqrt3 and the answer is 7 \boxed7 .

Just a note (this may help with a neater solution): the centre of the ellipse is ( 4 , 2 ) (4,2) . Translating the ellipse so its centre is the origin gives an easier form: 4 x 2 + 2 x y + 7 y 2 36 = 0 4x^2+2xy+7y^2-36=0

This also makes finding the axes easier.

Thanks for attention. Fine solution.

Yuriy Kazakov - 9 months, 1 week ago

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