Emordnilap palindromE 2

What percent of 4-digit palindromes are not divisible by 77 77 ?

The answer is 80.

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3 solutions

Fox To-ong
Feb 18, 2015

there are 77, 717,7117 and 71117 so thats 4/5 = 80%

Vinay Sipani
May 10, 2014

The 4 digit palindromes must have 1st and last digit same = > 9 ways possible in unit’s place and thousand’s place excluding 0 => \text{ 9 ways possible in unit's place and thousand's place excluding 0 }

And 2nd and 3rd digit must be same => 10 ways possible including 0 \text{=> 10 ways possible including 0} Total palindromes possible = 90 ways \text{Total palindromes possible = 90 ways }

All palindromes are divisible by 11.The least palindrome is 1001 which is divisible by 7.Addition of 770 and 1001 givies palindromes divisible by both 7 and 11.The palindromes divisible by both 7 and 11 are 1001 , 1771 , 2002 , 2772 , 3003 , 3773 , 4004 , 4774 , 5005 , 1001,1771,2002,2772,3003,3773,4004,4774,5005, 5775 , 6006 , 6776 , 7007 , 7777 , 8008 , 8888 , 9009 , 9999 5775,6006,6776,7007,7777,8008,8888,9009,9999

= > ( 90 18 ) / 90 × 100 = 80 % palindromes not divisible by 77 => (90-18)/90 × 100=80\text{\% palindromes not divisible by 77 }

Alex Segesta
May 10, 2014

We know that all 4-digit palindromes are divisible by 11. So we just need to count how many palindromes aren't divisible by 7. We'll use complementary counting. Let's count how many 4-digit palindromes ARE divisible by 7. We start off with 1001 and check to see if it is divisible by 7. The prime factorization of 1001 1001 is 7 × 11 × 13 7\times11\times13 . So it is divisible by 7. Now, all multiples of 1001 are divisible by 7, so 1001 , 2002 , 3003 , . . . , 9009 1001,2002,3003,...,9009 are divisible by 7. Also, when we add a multiple of 7 to another multiple of 7, the result is also a multiple of 7. So we add 770 770 to 1001 1001 to get 1771 1771 another palindrome divisible by 7. We add 770 770 to all the other palindromes we came up with, so we have altogether 18 palindromes that are divisible by 77. There are no more ways to come up with more palindromes divisible by 7. Now we count how many palindromes there are. We use constructive counting. We have 9 choices for the thousands digit (because of 0) and 10 choices for the hundreds. The tens digit has to be equal to the hundreds digit and the ones needs to be equal to the thousands so we are only left with 1 option for the tens and ones digit. This gives us 9 × 10 = 90 9\times10=90 4-digit palindromes. Of these palindromes, 18 18 are multiples of 77 77 . So we have 90 18 = 72 90-18=72 that are not multiples of 77 77 Now we are asked for the percent of the 4-digit palindromes that aren't divisible by 77 77 Our answer is 72 90 = 80 100 \frac{72}{90}=\frac{\boxed{80}}{100}

EDIT: oops sniped.

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