The figure shows an apparatus suggested by Faraday to generate electric current from a
flowing river. Two identical conducting plates of length
and width
are placed parallel facing one another on opposite sides of the river flowing with velocity
at a distance
apart. Now both the plates are connected by a load resistance
. Then the current through the load
Consider vertical component of the magnetic field produced by earth is and the resistivity of river water is .
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The river can be considered as large number of rods of length d connected in parallel.
Emf of each rod is B v u d since all rods are in parallel so the equivalent emf is B v u d the internal resistance of river is r e s i s t i v i t y × A r e a o f c r o s s − s e c t i o n l e n g t h
which is equal to a b ρ d
now current I = l o a d r e s i s t a n c e + i n t e r n a l r e s i s t a n c e E m f
SO the answer is I = R + a b ρ d B v u d