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An 8-digit number has a property that the number formed by ANY permutation of it's digits is always divisible by 11. If I am given that the original number is divisible by 5 , what is the sum of digit sums of all the possible distinct numbers formed by permutations of digits of the 8-digit number ?


Digit sum of number 879489 879489 is 8 + 7 + 9 + 4 + 8 + 9 = 45 8+7+9+4+8+9 = 45

00098765 00098765 is a 5 digit number , not 8-digit.

ALL the possible numbers formed by permutations of digits of the number 234 234 are :- 324 , 342 , 423 , 432 , 243 , 234 324,342,423,432 ,243,234 (yeah , the number itself is also counted)

The answer is 40.

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3 solutions

Aditya Raut
May 4, 2014

because of the word "ANY" , we come to know that if the number is divisible by 11, and because ANY permutation is divisible by 11 , ALL the digits MUST be the same , and this thing happens only for a number with EVEN number of digits. As the number is divisible by 5 , it's unit digit can be 0 or 5 , but as all digits are same and number is 8-digit , we conclude that the digit is not 0 , it's 5..... Thus the number given to us indirectly is 55555555 55555555 and sum of the digits of ALL possible numbers here means only the number itself . , hence answer is 40 \boxed{40}

The proof of the above used fact can be done by

Let the number be a b c d e f g h \overline{abcdefgh} then we have this divisible by 11 , and also a b c d e f h g \overline{abcdefhg} divisible by 11. Thus remainder of g h gh is same as h g hg mod 11. And h=0 or 5. Thus we can surely say that gh=00 or 55 . And doing this for all possible pairs of numbers, we get that all the digits are 0 or 5. But if 0 then number is not 8 digit hence the number is 55555555 \Huge{55555555} Thus it gives digit sum of 40 \Huge{\color{limegreen}{40}}

Ivan Koswara
Jan 9, 2015

We claim that the only number satisfying it is 55555555 55555555 .

Suppose (for the sake of contradiction) that the number has two different digits. Then the number also has two adjacent digits that are different, since otherwise any pair of adjacent digits are equal and hence all digits are equal, contradiction.

Suppose our number is N = a b N = \overline{\ldots ab \ldots} . Denote the other digits of the number as a single number n n , so that our number is N = n + 1 0 k + 1 a + 1 0 k b N = n + 10^{k+1}a + 10^kb for some k k . Observe that 1 0 k + 1 = 10 1 0 k 1 0 k ( m o d 11 ) 10^{k+1} = 10 \cdot 10^k \equiv -10^k \pmod{11} , so N n + 1 0 k ( b a ) ( m o d 11 ) N \equiv n + 10^k(b-a) \pmod{11} . And since this is divisible by 11 11 , we need n + 1 0 k ( b a ) 0 ( m o d 11 ) n + 10^k(b-a) \equiv 0 \pmod{11} .

Now consider a permutation of the number, where we swap a a and b b and leaves everything else intact. Then our new number is N = b a = n + 1 0 k + 1 b + 1 0 k a n + 1 0 k ( a b ) ( m o d 11 ) N' = \overline{\ldots ba \ldots} = n + 10^{k+1}b + 10^ka \equiv n + 10^k(a-b) \pmod{11} . And since this is also divisible by 11 11 , we need n + 1 0 k ( a b ) 0 ( m o d 11 ) n + 10^k(a-b) \equiv 0 \pmod{11} .

Thus n + 1 0 k ( b a ) n + 1 0 k ( a b ) ( m o d 11 ) n + 10^k(b-a) \equiv n + 10^k(a-b) \pmod{11} , or 2 1 0 k ( b a ) 0 ( m o d 11 ) 2 \cdot 10^k(b-a) \equiv 0 \pmod{11} . Since 2 1 0 k 2 \cdot 10^k is always relatively prime to 11 11 , it has a multiplicative inverse ( 2 1 0 k ) 1 (2 \cdot 10^k)^{-1} modulo 11 11 . Multiplying both sides with it gives ( 2 1 0 k ) 1 ( 2 1 0 k ) ( b a ) ( 2 1 0 k ) 1 0 ( m o d 11 ) (2 \cdot 10^k)^{-1}(2 \cdot 10^k) \cdot (b-a) \equiv (2 \cdot 10^k)^{-1} \cdot 0 \pmod{11} , or b a 0 ( m o d 11 ) b-a \equiv 0 \pmod{11} .

But a , b a,b are digits; in particular, 0 a , b 9 0 \le a,b \le 9 . If a b a \neq b , due to b a 0 ( m o d 11 ) b-a \equiv 0 \pmod{11} we need b a 11 |b-a| \ge 11 (since the quantity b a b-a is divisible by 11 11 but is not equal to 0 0 ). But 0 9 b a 9 0 0-9 \le b-a \le 9-0 , or b a 9 |b-a| \le 9 , contradiction. Thus our assumption that there are two different digits in the number can't hold, and thus all digits in the number are equal.

Since the number is divisible by 5 5 , the last digit must be 0 0 or 5 5 . If the last digit is 0 0 , this forces the number to be 00000000 00000000 which is not a 8-digit number. So the number is 55555555 55555555 . The only permutation of this number is itself, and thus the sum of digit sums is simply the digit sum of 55555555 55555555 , which is 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 40 5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5 = \boxed{40} .

Richard Desper
Nov 19, 2016

It is a property of multiples of 11 that the alternating sum of the digits equals zero. By this I mean, if the number a b c d e f g h \overline{abcdefgh} is a multiple of 11, then a b + c d + e f + g h = 0 a - b + c - d + e - f + g - h = 0 . Alternatively a + c + e + g = b + d + f + h . a + c + e + g = b + d + f + h. We are given that any permutation of the digits is also a multiple of 11. Thus a b c d e f h g \overline{abcdefhg} is also a multiple of 11, so a + c + e + h = b + d + f + g . a + c + e + h = b + d + f + g. These two equations imply that g = h g = h . This equality holds for any pair of digits, thus the eight-digit number has eight identical digits. We are told that it is a multiple of 5 (and that 00000000 is not considered an eight-digit number), thus the only number satisfying the criteria is 55555555. Its sum of digits is 40.

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