Do The Angle Chasing Dance

Geometry Level 1

In the figure, with B A C = 4 0 , \angle BAC = 40 ^ \circ, what is the measure of A B C \angle ABC (in degrees)?

Clarification: H F A C , D F G , E D C B , I H G J HFAC, DFG, EDCB, IHGJ are all straight lines.

The answer is 19.

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26 solutions

Prasit Sarapee
Oct 18, 2015

The Angle Chasing Dance

Beautifully explained without specific working.

ministic2001 - 5 years, 7 months ago

Good job, Sarapee.

Jose Gomes - 5 years ago

Really amazing work done!

amit bera - 5 years, 2 months ago

Great dance move! :) Nicely explained!

Mahdi Raza - 1 year ago

I was really confused and just randomly decided to find the degrees for the other triangles as a last hope. Good thing for me it was the solution

Kewser Kaiser - 8 months, 1 week ago

Arrows do not show what numbers are used to find the angles they point to.

Kristin Donaldson - 5 years, 2 months ago

You could yet to 60 then use the 119 with exterior angles of a triangle are equal to the sum of the two opposite interior angles to get the 121

Jared Bawden - 5 years, 2 months ago
Shamim Hasan
Apr 17, 2014

∠FHG =( 180° - ∠FHI ) = ( 180° - 135° ) = 45° So, ∠GFH = ( ∠FGJ - ∠FHG ) = ( 105° - 45° ) = 60° And ∠ DFC = ∠ GFH = 60° So, ∠FCD = ( ∠EDF - ∠DFC ) = ( 119° - 60° ) = 59°

So, ∠ACB = 180° - ∠FCD = 180° - 59° = 121°

So, ∠ABC = 180° - ( ∠ACB + ∠BAC ) = 180° - ( 121° + 40° ) = 19°

So, ∠ABC = 19°.

Well explained.

Yousuf Kamal - 7 years, 1 month ago

Can you please explain what angle chasing is? I solved this problem, but not using that method

Krishna Ar - 7 years, 1 month ago

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sorry, I gave this problem's title as "Find the Angle" .. but the admins changed the title and made it "Do The Angle Chasing Dance" ^_^

Shamim Hasan - 7 years, 1 month ago

Angle chasing basically means that you find the measure of several angles, using basic relation (like the sum of angles in a triangle). You are 'chasing' down the value, hence the name.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years, 1 month ago

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Oh. Thank you

Krishna Ar - 7 years, 1 month ago

∠FHI=135° ∠FHG =(180°-∠ FHI ) =46° ∠FGJ=105° ∠FGH=180°-105°=75° WHOLE ANGLE OF TRIANGLE SUM IS 180°. AS SOO NO ANSWER IS 19

panku chand - 3 years, 3 months ago

180-135 is not equal to 46

Kelley Reeves - 1 year, 2 months ago

beautyfully explained.

Gulshan S. - 8 months ago

In the figure, angleJGD and angleEDG are alternate angles. But the difference between the 2 angles is 14 because segment IJ is not parallel to segment EB.

Therefore, we substract 14 from 135 degrees inorder to get angleACB. Which is equal to ( 135 - 14 = 121 )

The sum of all angles of a triangle is always 180 degrees.

Let angleABC = X





How the difference of 14 is calculated

Irfanullah Irfani - 6 years, 12 months ago

can u tell what makes u assume the logic of lines will become parallel.......... support you justification with some theorem or lemma or proof

Mayur Gohil - 7 years, 1 month ago

From collrelation of different angles,we get < FCD as 59 degree so ,ACB is 121 and therefore <ABC will be 180 -(40+121) = 19 degree ans. K.K.GARG,India

Krishna Garg - 6 years, 12 months ago

But instead of saying "JGD and EDG are alternate angles" you should have put it like "if they were to be alternate angles", coz alternate angles occur in || lines only

Vidit Kothari - 7 years, 1 month ago

Nice problem Easy but need to be awake to triangle old rules :-)

Omar El Samahy - 7 years ago

This is a really clever(different; If I may) approach. Thanks :)

Vidit Kothari - 7 years, 1 month ago

dear frnds where you see 121 degree angle,there is 119 degree angle.

vishal deshmukh - 7 years, 1 month ago

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Hey you dumb, 121 degree is angle ACB whereas 119 degree is angle EDF.

A Former Brilliant Member - 7 years, 1 month ago

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hi Ashwin, be nice okay? :)

Izzati Basir - 7 years, 1 month ago


Whity Tajik - 7 years, 1 month ago

find the FED?

Muhammad Tahir - 7 years ago

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if <CFE=90 deg, then <FED={180-(119+30)}=31 DEG

Subrata Debnath - 7 years ago

find all the angles in this order n then you'll get ABC. GHF, HGF, HFG, DFC, FDC, FCD, then ABC= FCD - CAB

Nandish Immortal - 6 years, 11 months ago

I like this one. :)

shania kiss - 6 years, 1 month ago


A Former Brilliant Member - 3 years, 10 months ago

That's exactly how I did it too!

A Former Brilliant Member - 3 years, 5 months ago

(linear pair) <IHF + <FHG = 180, 135 + <FHG = 180, <FHG = 180 - 135, <FHG = 45 (linear pair) <JGF + <FGH = 180, 105 + <FGH = 180, <FGH = 180 - 105, FGH = 75 (sum of angles in the triangle)<FHG + <FGH + <GFH = 180, 45 + 75 + <GFH = 180, <GFH = 180 - 120, <GFH = 60 (vertical angle) <DFC = <GFH, <DFC = 60 (linear pair) <EDF + <FDC = 180, 119 + <FDC = 180, <FDC = 180- 119, <FDC = 61 (sum of angles in the triangle) <EDF + <FDC + <FCD= 180, 60 + 61 + <FCD= 180, <FCD = 180-121 <FCD = 59 (linear pair) <FCD + <ACB = 180, 59 + <ACB = 180, <ACB = 180-59, <ACB = 121 (sum of angles in the triangle) <ACB + <CAB + <ABC= 180, 121 + 40 + <ABC= 180, <ABC= 180-161, <ABC= 19

Joel Natividad - 7 years, 1 month ago





Christian de Guzman - 7 years, 1 month ago

as the figure reflects <h= 180-135=> 45 : <g=180-105=> 75: by these two <hfg=>60: by this we can easily get triangle FDC is equilateral and <ACB as 180-60=> 120 and <CBA= 180-(120+40)=> 20. Thanks ..

Naresh Ram Surisetti - 7 years, 1 month ago

i gave the answer 20 silly calculation error PHEW.....

Pranjal Awasthi - 7 years, 1 month ago
Lum Jian
Apr 23, 2014

∠HFG = ∠DFC = 180 - (45 + 75) = 60

∠CAB + ∠ABC = ∠FCD

40 + ∠ABC = 180 - 60 - 61

∠ABC = 19

∠CAB + ∠ABC = 180 - ∠FCD

N Solomon - 6 years, 11 months ago
Abhik Chowdhury
Apr 24, 2014

As <JGF=105, so, <HGF=180-105= 75 Again, as <IHF=135, so, <GHF=180-135= 45 So, <GFH= 180-45-75= 60 Again, <CFD=<GFH= 60 As, <EDF=119, so, <CDF=180-119= 61 So, ACD=<FCD=180-60-61=59 So, <ACB=180-59= 121 So, <ABC=180-121-40= 19 So, answer: <ABC= 19...

It's very easy question .. 👍

alaa ahmed - 7 years, 1 month ago
Samir Shaheen
Apr 24, 2014

All depends on straight line is 180 and the total of the triangle angles is 180. Result is 19.

Mr. Aashutosh anand..... Very nice question.....

Monty Nayak - 7 years, 1 month ago
Rishabh Sood
Jan 28, 2016

Easiest question posted on brilliant

you say that all the time bro , great.

Ashish Menon - 5 years, 4 months ago
Needa Petkar
Apr 28, 2016

Given:- <IHG=135°, <FGJ=105°, <FDE=119°, <BAC=40°

To Find:- <ABC


1) In triangle HGF,

a) <GHF=180°-<IHF=180°-135°=45°     <GHF=45°

b) <HGF=180°-<JGF=180°-105°=75°     <HGF=75°

c) <HFG=180°-(<GHF-<HGF)=180°-(75°-45°)=180°-120°=60°     <HFG=60°

2) <HFG=<DFC {Vertically Opposite Angles} <DFC=60°

3) <FDC=180°-<FDE=180°-119°=61° <FDC=61° {Linear Pair of Angles}

4) In triangle FDC, a) <ACB=<FDC+<CFD=60°+61°=121° <ACB=121° {Sum of two opposite interior angles is equal to the sum of the exterior angle}

5) In triangle ABC, a) <ABC=180°-(<ACB+<BAC)=180°-(121°+40°)=180°-161°=19°

Therefore, the measure of <ABC=19°

Mohammed Emad
Oct 18, 2015

FHG = 180 - 135 = 45

FGH = 180 - 105 = 75

HFG = 180 - (45 + 75) = 60

DFC = 60

FCD = 119 - 60 = 59

ACB = 180 - 59 = 121

ABC = 180 - (121 + 40) = 19

Sakina Ashraf
Sep 6, 2015

in the Figure Angle 180-105=75, 180-135=45, So angle at F is 60 Angle At D is 180-119=61, Angle at ACD is 59 and Angle at ACB=121 angle at B is 19

Vasant Barve
Jul 28, 2015

According to the picture above, what is the measure angle ABC (in degrees) of ? Clarification: are all straight lines. Solution angle HGF = 75, a, angle GHF = 45, angle HFG = 180 – 75 – 45 = 60 Now angle DFC = 60 opposite angles at a F. Consider triangle DFC angle EDF is external angle EDF = angle DFC + angle DCF There fore angle DFC = 119 – 60 = 59
And this is external for triangle ABC therefore angle B = 59 – 40 = 19


FHG is 45, FGH is 75. HFG and DFC are 60, then FDC is 61 and DCF is 59. ACB is 121, and if we know that CAB is 40 then CBA is 180-161=19.

Every single triad of letters is obviously an angle.

Note: I hate solutions written like that, but it's a lazy moment.

Rishabh Purohit
Jul 8, 2015

Firstly ,angle FHG +180-135=45degree then angle.HGF +180-105=75degree then by Angle Sum Property{ASP} of triangle angleHFG = 180-120=60degree . now angleDFC=angleHFG=60 degree.{vertically opposite angles} angleFDC=180-119=61degree so by ASP again,angleFCD=180-121=59degree now ,angle ACB=180-59=121 degree now to get angle ABC we apply ASP again therefore angleABC=180-40+121=19degree

HENCE......its solved.

Acey Kerr
May 21, 2015

GHF-45 HGF-75 HFG-60 GFC-120 DAC-60 ADC-61 ACD-59 ABC-19

Using alternate interior angles, you follow your way to the needed angle.

Cameron Law
Aug 1, 2014

Using 3 simple equations:

180-((180-135)+(180-105))=60 HFG

180-((180-119)+60)=59 ACD

180-((180-59)+40)=19 ABC

Gopal Singh Negi
Jun 30, 2014




Devendra Sahasi
Jun 9, 2014

consider in triangle FCD

angle FCD = 40 + x angle DFC = 180 - angle HFG= 180 - ( 180-135) + ( 180 -105 ) = 180 - 45+75 = 180 - 120= 60 angle FDC = 180-119=61

so.... angle DFC + FCD + CDF = 180 60 + 40 + x +61 = 180 x = 19 degree hence done :P

Krishna Garg
May 22, 2014

From Given angles in figure,taking adjacent angles calculations as 180- given angles, we get<CDF=61,<FGH =75,<FHG=45 so <GFH =60 gegree,and >CFG =60( opposite angles Now from triangle CDF we get DCF =59 degree and slo angle BCA = 121. Since <BAC =40 ( given) therefore anfgle CBA = 180 - (40 +121)= 19 degree Ans K.K.GARG,India

Vishnudatt Gupta
May 4, 2014

In the figure, angleJGD and angleEDG are alternate angles. But the difference between the 2

angles is 14 because segment IJ is not parallel to segment EB.

Therefore, we substract 14 from 135 degrees inorder to get angleACB. Which is equal to ( 135 - 14 =121)

The sum of all angles of a triangle is always 180 degrees.



Pranjali Bhargava
Apr 29, 2014

Find Angle GHF & HGF. by this we can find angle HFG . Angle HFG= Angle DFC. In triangle Def, let angle def = x, then 119+ x + x =180 , x = 30.5 Then Angle FEC + Angle EFC = Angle FCB = 60+30.5+30.5 = 121 In triangle ACB, let let Angle ABC = y. Then 121 + 40 + y =180. y = 19. Hence solved

Dladla Arthur
Apr 28, 2014

In triangle HGF

180-135 = 45 < its angle H and 180-105 = 75...... Angles on the straight line

then angle F = 60 sum of angles in the triangle

In triangle CDF : Angle F = 60..... opposite angles.

180-119 = 61 which is Angle D in CDF.... angles on the straight line.

then 60+61 = 121 which is angle C in ABC. ... exterior angle.

180-40-121 = 19 ... Sum of angles in triangle ABC..

Tanmay Sharma
Apr 28, 2014




Janice Hillhouse
Apr 27, 2014

In the figure, I first found the angle measures of triangle FGH which are 45, 75, and 60. Angle HFG is 60 degrees and is a vertical angle with angle DAC so angle DAc is equal to 60. next you find the rest of the angle measure for triangle ADC. By doing this you find out that the anlge ACD is eaual to 59 and get that angle ACB is equal to 121. Then you do 180 minus 121 and 40 to get 19 degrees as the measurement for angle ABC

Raoof Sha
Apr 27, 2014


Pragyan Sundarray
Apr 27, 2014

FGH=75,FHG=45=>HFG=60 =>DFC=60(opposite angles)




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