Find the minimum value!

Algebra Level 3

As x x ranges across all real values, the minimum value of

( x 16 ) ( x 14 ) ( x + 14 ) ( x + 16 ) (x-16)(x-14)(x+14)(x+16)

can be expressed as A -A . What is the value of A A ?

The answer is 900.

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8 solutions

I decided to expand the polynomial because it seemed there were expressions in the form of: ( a + b ) ( a b ) = a 2 b 2 (a+b)(a-b)= a^{2}-b^{2}
( x 16 ) ( x + 16 ) ( x 14 ) ( x + 14 ) = ( x 2 256 ) ( x 2 196 ) = x 4 452 x 2 + 50176 (x-16)(x+16)(x-14)(x+14)= (x^{2}-256)(x^{2}-196)= x^{4} - 452 x^{2} +50176 . In order to find the critical points (local mins, local maxes), one should take the derivative of the function above and set it to 0. This leaves:
4 x 3 226 x = 0 4x^{3}-226x=0
4 x ( x 2 226 ) = 0 4x(x^{2}-226)=0
x = 0 x=0 or x 2 = 226 x^{2} = 226
There is no need to plug in x = 0 x=0 because it gives the value 16 × 14 × 16 × 14 = s o m e t h i n g b i g 16 \times 14 \times 16 \times 14= somethingbig and we know the answer must be negative.
Notice how I kept the second possible solution in the form of x 2 = 226 x^{2} = 226 . This was because x 2 = 226 x^{2}=226 plugs in nicely to the original equation when it's in the form of: ( x 2 256 ) ( x 2 196 ) (x^{2}-256)(x^{2}-196)
We find that: A = ( 226 256 ) ( 226 196 ) = 30 × 30 -A = (226-256)(226-196) = -30 \times 30 .
A = 900 -A = -900 So the final answer is:
A = 900 \boxed{A=900} .

Correction on line 6: It should read: 4 x 3 904 x = 0 4x^{3} - 904x =0

A Former Brilliant Member - 7 years, 5 months ago

Nice From (x^2 - 256)(x^2 - 196) use product rule. So it actually simplifies to 2x(x^2 - 256) + 2x(x^2 - 196)=0 So either x=0 or x^2=256+196 Sorry I had no where to post a solution

Ceesay Muhammed - 7 years, 5 months ago

Oops, I kept wondering how root(226) was wrong. Turns out they asked for the minimum value!

Neil Sengupta - 7 years, 3 months ago

microsoft mathematics ftw !!!!!!!!

math man - 6 years, 10 months ago

one can also use am gm inequality

naveen singh - 7 years, 4 months ago

very good buddy!!...seems like i've to work on my math..

Damodar Prabhu - 7 years, 3 months ago

the answer is 899

edmund letaba - 6 years, 11 months ago
Ahaan Rungta
Dec 31, 2013

Note that

( x 16 ) ( x 14 ) ( x + 14 ) ( x + 16 ) = ( x 2 256 ) ( x 2 196 ) . (x-16)(x-14)(x+14)(x+16) = \left( x^2 - 256 \right) \cdot \left( x^2 - 196 \right).

Let this function be f ( x ) f(x) . Then:

f ( x ) = ( x 2 256 ) ( 2 x ) + ( x 2 196 ) ( 2 x ) = 2 x ( 2 x 2 452 ) . f'(x) = \left( x^2 - 256 \right) \cdot \left( 2x \right) + \left( x^2 - 196 \right) \cdot \left( 2x \right) = 2x \cdot \left( 2x^2 - 452 \right).

Note that f ( x ) = 0 f'(x) = 0 when x = 0 x = 0 or x = ± 226 x = \pm \sqrt{226} . At x = 0 x = 0 , it is not an absolute minimum. At x = ± 226 x = \pm \sqrt {226} , the function reaches the minimum of 900 -900 , so A = 900 A = \boxed {900} .

Gabriele Farina
Dec 30, 2013

First notice that ( x 16 ) ( x + 16 ) ( x 14 ) ( x + 14 ) = ( x 2 1 6 2 ) ( x 2 1 4 2 ) = ( t 1 6 2 ) ( t 1 4 2 ) , t 0 (x-16)(x+16)(x-14)(x+14) = (x^2-16^2)(x^2-14^2)=(t-16^2)(t-14^2),\quad t\ge0 We then have a parabola (restricted to lie in the positive region of the t t -axis. The minimum is reached in the vertex (which lies at t = ( 1 6 2 + 1 4 2 ) / 2 0 t = (16^2+14^2)/2 \ge 0 . We find min = Δ 4 = ( 1 6 2 + 1 4 2 ) 2 4 1 6 2 1 4 2 4 = ( 1 6 2 1 4 2 ) 2 4 = ( 30 2 ) 2 4 = 900 . \min = \frac{-\Delta}{4} = \frac{(16^2+14^2)^2-4\cdot 16^2\cdot 14^2}{4} = \frac{(16^2-14^2)^2}{4} = \frac{(30\cdot 2)^2}{4} = \boxed{900}.

Yay a solution that doesn't require calculus :P good job

Michael Tong - 7 years, 5 months ago
Victor Loh
Mar 16, 2014

There are different ways of approaching this problem. This is my way of approaching this problem:

It is obvious that

( x 16 ) ( x 14 ) ( x + 14 ) ( x + 16 ) (x-16)(x-14)(x+14)(x+16)

= ( x 16 ) ( x + 16 ) ( x 14 ) ( x + 14 ) =(x-16)(x+16)(x-14)(x+14)

Using the algebraic identity a 2 b 2 = ( a b ) ( a + b ) a^{2}-b^{2}=(a-b)(a+b) , we have

( x 16 ) ( x + 16 ) ( x 14 ) ( x + 14 ) (x-16)(x+16)(x-14)(x+14)

= ( x 2 1 6 2 ) ( x 2 1 4 2 ) =(x^{2}-16^{2})(x^{2}-14^{2})

= ( x 2 256 ) ( x 2 196 ) =(x^{2}-256)(x^{2}-196)

Now, since 256 = 226 + 30 256=226+30 and 196 = 226 30 196=226-30 , we have

( x 2 256 ) ( x 2 196 ) (x^{2}-256)(x^{2}-196)

= [ x 2 ( 226 + 30 ) ] [ x 2 ( 226 30 ) ] =\lbrack{x^{2}-(226+30)}\rbrack\lbrack{x^{2}-(226-30)}\rbrack

= [ ( x 2 226 ) 30 ] [ ( x 2 226 ) + 30 ] =\lbrack{(x^{2}-226)-30}\rbrack\lbrack{(x^{2}-226)+30}\rbrack

Now, using the algebraic identity a 2 b 2 = ( a b ) ( a + b ) a^{2}-b^{2}=(a-b)(a+b) once again, we have

= [ ( x 2 226 ) 30 ] [ ( x 2 226 ) + 30 ] =\lbrack{(x^{2}-226)-30}\rbrack\lbrack{(x^{2}-226)+30}\rbrack

= ( x 2 226 ) 2 3 0 2 =(x^{2}-226)^{2}-30^{2}

= ( x 2 226 ) 2 900 =(x^{2}-226)^{2}-900

The minimum value of this expression is simply 900 -900 , when ( x 2 226 ) 2 = 0 (x^{2}-226)^{2}=0 .

Hence, A = ( 900 ) = 900 A=-(-900)=\boxed{900} , and we are done.

I'm a newbie here, so do advise me if I can improve on my solution in any way. And I'm not the Victor Loh who posted the question! I'm a different guy :)

Amazing solution! Good job!

Daniel Leite - 5 years, 9 months ago

Excellent solution

kush pandya - 5 years, 8 months ago
Yuxuan Seah
Dec 26, 2013

This solution uses a little bit of calculus.

(x-16) (x-14) (x+14) (x+16)

can be rearranged as

(x-16) (x+16) (x-14) (x+14).


a^{2}-b^{2} = (a+b) (a-b),


(x-16) (x+16) (x-14) (x+14)

can be expressed as

(x^{2}-16^{2}) (x^{2}-14^{2})

which is equivalent to

(x^{2}-256) (x^{2}-196).

Expanding, we obtain

x^{4}-196x^{2}-256x^{2}+256 \times 196

which is equivalent to

x^{4}-452x^{2}+256 \times 196

Let y = x^{4}-452x^{2}+256 \times 196.

According to the Power Rule, if

y = x^{n},


dy/dx = nx^{(n-1)}.

Hence dy/dx

= 4x^{3}-(452 \times 2)x

= 4x^{3}-904x

In order for dy/dx to be minimum, dy/dx = 0.


4x^{3}-904{x} = 0

Dividing both sides by x, we obtain

4x^{2}-904 = 0

4x^{2} = 904


= 904/4

= 226

Then -a

= (x^{2}-256) (x^{2}-196)

= (226-256) (226-196)

= (-30) (30)

= -900

Hence, a = 900.


Victor Loh - 7 years, 5 months ago
Erick Wilts
Jul 6, 2016

f ( x ) = ( x 16 ) ( x 14 ) ( x + 14 ) ( x + 16 ) = ( x 2 1 6 2 ) ( x 2 1 4 2 ) f(x) = (x-16)(x-14)(x+14)(x+16) = (x^{2}-16^{2})(x^{2}-14^{2})

Let y = x 2 y = x^{2} . Then:

f ( y ) = ( y 1 6 2 ) ( y 1 4 2 ) = y 2 ( 1 6 2 + 1 4 2 ) y + 1 4 2 × 1 6 2 f(y) = (y-16^{2})(y-14^{2}) = y^{2} - (16^{2}+14^{2}) y + 14^{2} \times 16^{2} .

For minimum values of f(y), f ( y ) = 0 f'(y) = 0 . So:

2 y ( 1 6 2 + 1 4 2 ) = 0 2y - (16^{2} + 14^{2}) = 0

2 y = 1 6 2 + 1 4 2 2y = 16^{2} + 14^{2}

y = 226 y = 226

x 2 = 226 x^{2} = 226

Let's plug this back into f(x):

f ( x ) = ( 226 1 6 2 ) ( 226 1 4 2 ) = 30 × 30 = 900 f(x) = (226-16^{2})(226-14^{2}) = -30 \times 30 = -900

Thus, A = 900 A = 900

Said Pattinson
Jun 5, 2014

-A=(x^2-256)(x^2-196) -> A=(256-x^2)(x^2-196) so dA/dx= - 2x(x^2 - 196)+ 2x(256 - x^2)= - 2x(2x^2 - 452)=0 so x^2 ={0 ، 226} -> so d^2A/dx^2 >0 when x^2=226 & <0 when x=0 so when x^2=226 the minimum value. so A=(226 - 256)(196 - 226)=900 #

Kenny Lau
Jan 1, 2014

On résout l'equation f ( x ) = 0 f'(x)=0 si l'on voudrait trouver le minimum de f ( x ) f(x) . d d x [ ( x 16 ) ( x 14 ) ( x + 14 ) ( x + 16 ) ] = d d x [ ( x 2 196 ) ( x 2 256 ) ] = d d x [ x 4 452 x 2 + 50176 ] = 4 x 3 904 x \begin{array}{cl} &\frac d{dx}[(x-16)(x-14)(x+14)(x+16)]\\ =&\frac d{dx}[(x^2-196)(x^2-256)]\\ =&\frac d{dx}[x^4-452x^2+50176]\\ =&4x^3-904x\\ \end{array}

f ( x ) = 0 4 x 3 904 x = 0 x 3 226 x = 0 x ( x 226 ) ( x + 226 ) = 0 x = 226 ou x = 0 ou x = 226 \begin{array}{rcl} f'(x)&=&0\\ 4x^3-904x&=&0\\ x^3-226x&=&0\\ x(x-\sqrt{226})(x+\sqrt{226})&=&0\\ x=-\sqrt{226}\mbox{ ou}&x=0&\mbox{ou }x=\sqrt{226} \end{array}

  • Quand x = 226 x=-\sqrt{226} , f ( x ) = 900 f(x)=-900 .
  • Quand x = 0 x=0 , f ( x ) = 50176 f(x)=50176 .
  • Quand x = 226 x=\sqrt{226} , f ( x ) = 900 f(x)=-900 .

Donc, le minimum de f ( x ) f(x) est 900 -900 .

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