Floating Coin

If you drop a coin in water, it sinks. However, if you slowly lower the coin onto the surface of the water so that its flat bottom is parallel to the surface of the water, it floats. Why does this happen?

Surface tension keeps the coin from sinking The coin traps air molecules below it The coin is kept afloat by the buoyancy force The coin is attracted to evaporating molecules at the surface

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4 solutions

Naren Bhandari
Mar 8, 2018

Generally, when the coin is dropped randomly, it sinks since the coins is denser than that of water. However, when the coins is placed gently being parallel ( θ = 0 ) (\theta =0^{\circ}) to the surface of water, it floats. This is because of the peculiar nature of water called surface tension which acts as the stretched membrane.

As soon as the coins is placed gently it creates a small depression on the water surface due to which surface tension force F T F_T come come into play vertically upward which balances the entire weight of the coin. i.e, F T cos θ = m g γ ( 2 π r ) = m g 2 π r γ = m g \begin{aligned} F_{T}\cos\theta = mg\implies \gamma (2\pi r) = mg\implies2\pi r \gamma = mg\end{aligned} where γ \gamma is surface tension of water.

it says thats its placed gently, parallel to the surface of the water implying that there is air under it... another stupid question.

Bo Treat - 3 years, 3 months ago

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Why should that imply air under the coin? How should pure air hold a coin? It would just move away.

Michael Brauweiler - 3 years, 3 months ago

If what you're referring is that the coin is not perfectly flat and there should be little air trapped, then the air is not sufficient to produce enough buoyancy for the coin to float. If we assume the surface of the coin is negligible and to be flat, the air under the coin should be pushed away as we put the coin slowly. Besides, the main reason for the coin to float is surface tension.

Danial Frost - 3 years, 3 months ago

I would think "placed gently" implies the opposite. The air is smoothly displaced because the coin is placed with care.

Richard Desper - 3 years, 2 months ago

Hi Naren

If I understand correctly the 2x factors would not be used in this case, as the water has one surface only

Meneghin Mauro - 3 years, 3 months ago

Nice! Could you please explain the given formula a bit further for a physics noob like me? =)

Michael Tolkachev - 3 years, 3 months ago

Total noob question... isn't a metal coin too heavy for the surface tension of water? I think it would be possible for denser liquids but not water.. Has it been done before? It would be really cool to see that.

Kỳ Duyên Thái Thị - 3 years, 3 months ago

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I've tried to reproduce the effect with 5 different kinds of danish coins, with different techniques aswell, with none of the tries working. Should it work with any coin? does the temperature affect the outcome?

Bjørghedin Valdemarsson - 3 years, 2 months ago

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It works best with an aluminium coin, which has low density.

Pranshu Gaba - 3 years, 2 months ago

The question implies that it has been done (although I have not succeeded). Assuming there is such a coin, and the surface is hydrophobic enough, the coins weight would be displaced, raising the water level slightly. Most coins have an edge rim, which would trap air (bubbles), but I think that support would be unstable, and much (not all) of that bubble would slip out on one side. All objects (even sunken) in water 'float' at least a bit in that their water (spring-scale) weight is their air weight minus the weight of their displaced water. The surface tension will balance the water weight, not "balances the entire weight" of the coin. If the surface tension holding the coin to the surface of the water, prevents the water from flowing over the top surface of the coin,(per Ruben Jimenez) there will form a well of air which also displaces water, effectively increasing the displacement volume of water. This also, or maybe is the mechanism, by which the surface tension holds the coin at the surface. Is there anyone who can calculate (and explain) or measure these displacements? If surface tension is a vector, I don't understand how it is attached to the coin by a fluid at a non-wetting metal surface.

J B - 3 years, 2 months ago

How are you writing in subscripts, bold font, and Greek?

Grant Itow - 3 years, 2 months ago

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It is typed with LaTeX, a language that helps typeset math symbols and equations. Here is a basic guide for LaTeX .

Pranshu Gaba - 3 years, 2 months ago

Archimede law should apply to this case. If the weight of water displace by the volume of the coin is greater than the weight of the coin then it will float.

Denis Boissinot - 3 years, 2 months ago

I tried out the experiment but my coin sank anyways so It didn't really help. I guessed and checked. I think I should have done a little research instead. I would rate this problem a 7 because I don't really get it.

Lucia Tiberio - 3 years, 2 months ago

buoyant force should also be there in the equation because clearly its not sinking in 2nd case so its floating and when something is floating that statement is synonym with " its buoyant" .

Beyond Zero - 3 years, 2 months ago
Laura Gao
Mar 12, 2018

If you drop the coin into the water, the gravity causes it to break the surface tension. But if you put it gently parallel to the bottom, there isn't as much initial downward force and the surface tension doesn't break.

The downward force (gravitational force) acting on the coin is constant , regardless of the initial velocity.

You should rely on the following fact: "There isn't as much initial momentum , so the surface tension is sufficient to 'stop' the falling coin before it sinks". Then, the coin will be at an equillibrium state (Tension Force = Gravitational Force)

Queijo Silva - 3 years, 3 months ago

the coin must have a mass in relation to surface tension constant of water . no one has mentioned this yet but it is key since any old coin will not float .

Randin Divelbiss - 3 years, 2 months ago
Stiffisharc .
Mar 15, 2018

This isn't actually much of a solution, but I want to say this before someone goes and tries to do that. This does not work for all coins. If you do it with a US quarter it will sink no matter what because it weighs so much. I know that it will work with a Japanese 1 yen coin if you are slow and careful. This works because in the creation of the 1 yen coin, they aerate the inside of the coin so that they don't have to put as many resources into the coin itself. I don't know if there are any other coins that currently exist that you can do this with, but I don't believe that there are any US coins you can do it with.

Basudeb Jena
Mar 14, 2018

When the coin is put into the water directly it have enough momentum to overcome the surrounding tension of the water and when it penetrates inside the water it stinks downwards because of its high density but when it is put slowly it's momentum is low due to less relative speed and thus the surface tension which is the force which makes the surface like a stretched membrane which keeps the water molecule intact gathers enough force to keep it on the surface of water.

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