Fun with numbers! (Part-3)

How many 7 digit Natural numbers are there which satisfy the given set of constraints.

  1. The number is divisble by 3 .

  2. The digit 0 is not there in the number .

  3. Repetition of digits within the number is not allowed . (Each digit can used exactly once)

The answer is 60480.

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2 solutions

Aryan Goyat
Dec 14, 2015

sum all natural no 1-9 is 45. Since 7 digits selected sum up to a number divisible by three--->the other 2 no's are also divisible by we get 12 groups---(1,2)(1,5)(1,8)(2,7)(2,4)(3,6)(3,9)(4,5)(4,8)(5,7)(6,9)(7,8). the remaining 7 can be arranged in any manner so 12*(factorial{7}) is answer

nice solution

Prakhar Bindal - 5 years, 6 months ago
Solomon Olayta
Dec 17, 2015

We partition the digits 1,2,3,..,9 into congruence classes modulo 3, that is, we let A={3,6,9}, B={1,4,7} and C={2,5,8}. We can form the desired 7-digits by taking 1 element from A, 3 elements from B,3 elements from C, and 3 elements from A , 2 elements from B, 2 elements from C since the seven digit formed must be divisible by 3. Thus, there are ( 3 1 ) x ( 3 3 ) x ( 3 3 ) + ( 3 3 ) x ( 3 2 ) x ( 3 2 ) = 12 \dbinom{3}{1} x \dbinom{3}{3} x \dbinom{3}{3}+\dbinom{3}{3}x\dbinom{3}{2}x\dbinom{3}{2}=12 7-elements subset from {1,2,3,...,9} whose sum of the digits is divisible by 3. Hence the total number of 7-digits formed in these sets is 12 x 7 ! = 60480 12 x 7!=60480

That's the method for which the problem was made! :)

Prakhar Bindal - 5 years, 5 months ago

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