Half The Friction \text{Half The } \color{#D61F06}{\text{Friction}} ! \text{!}

The block is projected towards right with initial velocity v v such that it comes to rest \color{#20A900}{\text{rest}} just after travelling distance d = 10 m \color{#20A900}{d = 10 m} .

Find the time elapsed \color{#20A900}{\text{time elapsed}} ( in sec ) (\text{in sec}) just before it comes to rest \color{#20A900}{\text{rest}} .

Details and Assumptions:

  • The block is resting on the smooth part \color{#20A900}{\text{smooth part}} and is just in contact with rough part \color{#20A900}{\text{rough part}}

  • Length of block is l = 10 m \color{#20A900}{l = 10 m}

  • Coefficient of Friction of rough surface is μ = π 2 100 \color{#20A900}{\mu = \frac{\pi^2}{100}}

  • Take acceleration due to gravity g = 10 m / s 2 \color{#20A900}{g = 10m/s^2}

Inspiration Aniket Sanghi

All of my problems are original

Difficulty: \dagger \dagger \dagger \dagger \color{grey}{\dagger}

The answer is 5.

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3 solutions

Aryan Sanghi
Aug 3, 2020

Let the mass of the block be M \color{#20A900}{M} and initial velocity be u \color{#20A900}{u}

Find Velocity at time t and initial velocity.

Now, let at time t \color{#20A900}{t} , the velocity of block be v \color{#20A900}{v} , and x \color{#20A900}{x} part of block be at rough part. Let acceleration at that time be a \color{#20A900}{a}


frictional force = M a \text{frictional force } = Ma μ M x l g = M a \mu \frac{Mx}{l} g = Ma μ x l g = a \mu \frac{x}{l} g= a μ x l g = v d v d x \mu \frac{x}{l} g= \frac{-vdv}{dx} μ g x l d x = v d v \mu g\frac{x}{l}dx = -vdv μ l g 0 x x d x = u v v d v \frac{\mu}{l}g\int_0^xxdx = -\int_u^v vdv μ l g x 2 = u 2 v 2 \frac{\mu}{l}g x^2 = u^2 - v^2 v = u 2 μ g l x 2 \boxed{v = \sqrt{u^2 - \frac{\mu g}{l}x^2}} At x = l , v = 0 \text{At } x = l, v = 0 So, u = μ g l \text{So, } \boxed{u = \sqrt{\mu gl}}

Finding time

So v = u 2 μ g l x 2 v = \sqrt{u^2 - \frac{\mu g}{l}x^2} d x d t = u 2 μ g l x 2 \frac{dx}{dt} = \sqrt{u^2 - \frac{\mu g}{l}x^2} d x u 2 μ g l x 2 = d t \frac{dx}{\sqrt{u^2 - \frac{\mu g}{l}x^2}} = dt 0 l d x u 2 μ g l x 2 = 0 t d t \int_0^l\frac{dx}{\sqrt{u^2 - \frac{\mu g}{l}x^2}} = \int_0^tdt l μ g sin 1 ( μ g l u ) = t \sqrt{\frac{l}{\mu g}}\sin^{-1}\bigg(\frac{\sqrt{\mu gl}}{u}\bigg) = t Put u = μ g l \text{Put } u = \sqrt{\mu gl} t = l μ g sin 1 1 t = \sqrt{\frac{l}{\mu g}} \sin^{-1}1 t = ( 10 ) ( π 2 100 ) ( 10 ) π 2 t = \sqrt{\frac{(10)}{(\frac{\pi^2}{100})(10)}} \frac{\pi}{2} t = 5 sec \color{#3D99F6}{\boxed{t = 5 \text{ sec}}}

@Aryan Sanghi Ah just today I found the exact same problem in Serway and Jewett physics for engineers. Problem no. 75 from Chapter 8, energy conservation. It's a fun one! This time I solved it by hand last night.

Krishna Karthik - 5 months, 4 weeks ago

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Ohk. That's a nice coincidence. It's good you solved without code. :)

Aryan Sanghi - 5 months, 4 weeks ago

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Hehe, that way brilliant is like a repository of all the fun problems.

Krishna Karthik - 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Krishna Karthik
Aug 5, 2020

I didn't want to do any integrating or ODE solving; I used a numerical simulation method where I coded in the value of acceleration.

Firstly, let's take the length of the block that's on the rough side of the surface to be x x .

Therefore, the normal force acting on that rough side would be N = x 10 M g \bold{N} = \displaystyle -\frac{x}{10} Mg .

Multiplying the normal force by the friction coefficient and simplifying, we get:

x ¨ = x μ \ddot{x} = -x \mu

We know that the block will come to rest when x ˙ = 0 \dot{x} = 0 ; when we code in an initial value of x ˙ \dot{x} as a random value of v v , by simulating till x ˙ = 0 \dot{x} = 0 , we can get the displacement travelled before rest for the test value of v v .

This method is sort of a "virtual laboratory" approach to the problem. It's just trial and error. What I have done is as follows:

  • Give a random value for v v (initial velocity) and check the displacement travelled before rest
  • Knowing that the value for displacement will have to be 10 m 10 m , modify the value for the velocity to arrive at the correct displacement
  • When the value of the velocity produces a displacement of exactly 10 10 , acquire the time which was recorded when the block stopped

This time will be the time it will take for the block to come to rest.

Here's the program:

import math

time = 0
deltaT = 10**-6

v = math.pi #Test value for v

x = 0 #initial 
xDot = v #initial velocity

mu = math.pi**2/100 #friction coefficient
g = 10 #gravitational acceleration

while xDot >= 0: #till the body stops

  xDotDot = -x*mu #Friction force

  #Euler numerical integration 
  xDot += xDotDot*deltaT
  x += xDot*deltaT

  #updating value of time
  time += deltaT

#Calculating error in values of displacement and expected displacement
if abs(10-x)<= 0.001:
  print("The time it takes to come to rest is: "+str(time))
  print("Test value of initial velocity isn't accurate.")

Excellent code solution Krishna. Thanku for sharing it with us.

Aryan Sanghi - 10 months, 1 week ago

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You're welcome bro. Yeah; the virtual lab method is actually really effective against multiple scenarios. The code is surprisingly simple, yet it produces a result that is complicated to do by hand.

Krishna Karthik - 10 months, 1 week ago
Hosam Hajjir
Aug 3, 2020

The equation of motion is

x ¨ = g μ x 10 = μ x \ddot{x}= - g \mu \dfrac{x}{10} = - \mu x

Thus the differential equation governing the movement of the block is

x ¨ + μ x = 0 \ddot{x} + \mu x = 0

The solution of this differential equation is

x ( t ) = a cos ( μ t ) + b sin ( μ t ) = a cos ( π t 10 ) + b sin ( π t 10 ) x(t) = a \cos( \sqrt{\mu} t ) + b \sin ( \sqrt{\mu} t ) = a \cos \left( \dfrac{\pi t }{10} \right) + b \sin \left( \dfrac{\pi t }{10} \right)

Since x(0) = 0, then a = 0 a = 0 , and the solution x ( t ) = b sin ( π t 10 ) x(t) = b \sin \left( \dfrac{\pi t }{10} \right)

The velocity of the block is x ˙ ( t ) = b π 10 cos ( π t 10 ) \dot{x}(t) = \dfrac{ b \pi }{10} \cos \left( \dfrac{ \pi t }{10} \right)

Thus the velocity is decreasing (as the cos \cos function is decreasing ) and becomes zero when π t 10 = π 2 \dfrac{ \pi t }{10} = \dfrac{\pi}{2}

From which, the block will stop at t = 5 sec t = 5 \text{ sec} .

Since we are given that the block stops when it has travelled 10 10 m, then b = 10 b = 10 and v = π v = \pi . For a given initial velocity v v , b = 10 v π b = \dfrac{10 v}{\pi} , so that if v < π v < \pi then the block will stop before travelling 10 10 m. However if v > π v > \pi , then the solution we obtained is valid for 0 t t 0 \le t \le t^* , where b sin ( π t 10 ) = 10 b \sin \left( \dfrac{\pi t^* }{10} \right) = 10 , i.e. sin ( π t 10 ) = π v \sin \left( \dfrac{\pi t^* }{10} \right) = \dfrac{ \pi}{v} ; and for t > t t \gt t^* , the equation of motion becomes

x ¨ = μ g \ddot{x} = -\mu g , with x ( t ) = 10 x(t^*) = 10 and x ˙ ( t ) = b π 10 cos ( π t 10 ) \dot{x}(t^*) = \dfrac{ b \pi }{10} \cos \left( \dfrac{ \pi t^* }{10} \right)

Integrating once, to obtain the velocity, we obtain,

x ˙ = x ˙ ( t ) μ g ( t t ) \dot{x} = \dot{x}(t^*) - \mu g (t - t^*)

Equating the above to zero, we can obtain t f t_f , the final time of movement,

t f = t + x ˙ ( t ) μ g t_f = t^* + \dfrac{ \dot{x}(t^*) }{\mu g}

Excellent solution sir. Thanku for sharing it with us.

Aryan Sanghi - 10 months, 1 week ago

A crucial point to understand. Even though the equation of motion resembles that of an S. H. M., it is accidental. The force is neither a driving force, nor an inertial force. It is the resistive force. So, once the block stops, it will never move further .

A Former Brilliant Member - 10 months, 1 week ago

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