
5 people became friends at a Summer Camp. On the last day, they shook each other's hands to say farewell. How many handshakes were there?

The answer is 10.

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45 solutions

Utsav Singhal
Jul 21, 2013

Let us take a series. First man shakes hand with 4 men.Second with 3.Third with 2. Fourth with 1. So 4+3+2+1 =10 (No of hand shakes reduces by every 1 man bcoz they have already shaken hand with the men before them)

Yup! That's the easiest and most simple method.

Ansh Sharma - 7 years, 10 months ago
A.J Pradana
Jul 28, 2013

5C2 = 10

Jeremias Mendes
Jul 27, 2013

O problema trata de um combinação de C5,2 = 5!/2!.(5-2)! = 10

Represente as 5 pessoas como A, B, C, D e E. Então, faça todas as correspondências, lembrando que, por exemplo, AB = BA: AB, AC, AD, AE; BC, BD, BE; CD, CE; DE. Ao todo, 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 10 apertos de mão.

Diyar Akhmetov
Jul 27, 2013

Let's pretend that first,second, ... person is A,B,C,D,E. Then A shakes hands with B,C,D,E. B shakes hands with C,D,E. C shakes hands with D,E. D shakes hands with E. 10 shakes


Mike Andrew Baes
Jul 26, 2013

There are five people and two people handshaking at a time. Here, we can use combination. 5C2=5!/(3!*2!). Therefore, the answer is 10.

Daniel Leong
Jul 26, 2013

brute force!


Wei Zhen Peong
Jul 25, 2013

let 5 people become a, b, c , d, and e. Person a can shake wtih 4 people(b,c,d, e).person b can be shake with 3 people(c,d and e)because b has shook with a before.Person c can only shake with 2 people(d and e) because c has shook with a and b before.Person d can only shake with 1 person(e)becuase d has shook with a , b , and c before.Last,e has shook with everyone and cannot shake himself so the answer is 4+3+2+1=10

Naufalin Muhtadi
Jul 24, 2013

its about combination 5C2 = 5!/(5-2)!2! =10 ^^

Piyush Kaushik
Jul 23, 2013

5 choose 2 = 10

Reno Yonita
Jul 23, 2013

the numbers of handshakes = C(5,2) = 10

Uma pessoa dá 4 abraços e como são 5 pessoas no total, temos 4 vezes 5, porém estamos contando duas vezes os abraços logo devemos dividir por dois

Henry Okafor
Jul 23, 2013

the 1st person will shake 4 people. the 2nd person will shake 3 people. the 3rd person will shake 2. then the 4the person will shake the last person. the total number of shakes are 4+3+2+1=10

Thiago Landim
Jul 23, 2013

O evento (apertar a mão) necessita de duas pessoas, e a ordem em que essas pessoas forem escolhidas não interfere. Logo, se trata de uma combinação de 5 pessoas, duas a duas: 5!/2!.(5-2)!=10

Gilbert Chia
Jul 23, 2013

Since there are 5 people, so 1 of the people can only shake hands with 4 people. And since a handshake involves 2 people, so the answer is 5*4/2 = 10

Dāvis Sparinskis
Jul 23, 2013

Let the number of friends be n. All n friends shook hands with everybody else and since they did not shake their own hand each individual friend shook hands with n 1 n-1 other people. So the sum of all such handshakes would be n ( n 1 ) n(n-1) . However, this number is twice too large, because if friend nr 1 shakes hands with friend nr 2 and vice verse than there have been two handshakes between the same two people, so we need to half the result. So the number of handshakes is ( n ( n 1 ) ) / 2 (n(n-1))/2 . Thus the result here is ( 5 ( 5 1 ) ) / 2 = 20 / 2 = 10 (5(5-1))/2=20/2=10 .

combinations of 5 persons. Every person will hand shake with remaining person. So 4+3+2+1=10

1st person shakes for four people.2nd for three people.3rd for 2.4th for 1. i.e. 4+3+2+1 =10 hand shakes

Use the formula of combination(C).

5C2= 5 ! 2 ! 3 ! \frac{5!}{2!3!} =10


5 people- 1st person will give 4 2nd 3 3rd 2 4th 1 add 4,3, 2 and 1 it is 10 \

Space Hero - 7 years, 10 months ago

5C2 = 10

Dina Cinantya
Jul 22, 2013

there's 5 people and each people have 2 hand so 5 x 2 = 10

Edwin Setiadi
Jul 22, 2013

It is widely known that handshakes has the formula of

((number of people)*(number of people - 1)) / 2

Take 5 as the number of people,

5*(5-1)/2 =25-5/2 =20/2 =10

White Rosa
Jul 22, 2013

by cominations nCr

Louie Cantos
Jul 22, 2013

Person = 5 handshakes(n)= ? (5x4)/2= 10

Albert Gav
Jul 22, 2013


David Franzi
Jul 22, 2013

Given 5 people, start with one person shaking everyone else's hands. Let N be the number of handshakes necessary. To start, N = 4.

Each subsequent person will have one less person to shake hands with, since they've already exchanged farewells. Therefore, each individual's handshake exchange will take the form N-1.

This can be expressed using the summation from i, [1,5], of 5-i.

Joshua Crouch
Jul 22, 2013

Imagine the 5 friends standing in a line. The first friend steps out of the line and walks down it shaking the other four friends' hands and then he leaves. The second friend does the same thing but only shakes the remaining three friends' hands. The third shakes the remaining two hands and leaves. The fourth shakes the last hand and leaves. The last friend leaves without shaking a hand because there are none left. The friends shook 4,3,2,1, and 0 hands. 4+3+2+1+0=10

Ben Sockol
Jul 22, 2013

The first person has to shake 5-1=4 people's hands. The second person has to shake 4 people's hands not including the first person so that means that he shakes three new handshakes. The next person has to shake 4 people's hands not including the first two, so that means he shakes 2 new handshakes. The fourth person has to shake 4 people's hands not including the first three, so that means that he shakes 1 new handshake. The last person has already had his hand shaken by everybody else, so he shakes 0 new handshakes. So overall, 4+3+2+1=10 unique handshakes were shaken.

Nael Cassio
Jul 22, 2013

A primeira pessoa vai apertar a mão das outras quatro, a segunda pessoa vai apertar a mão das outras três, pois ja apertou a mão da primeira, a terceira por ter apertado a mão da segunda e da primeira só vai apertar a mão da quarta e da quinta, e assim por diante ate a quinta pessoa. Fazendo assim: (5-1)+(5-2)+(5-3)+(5-4)=10

Dan Paulo Canites
Jul 22, 2013


it's just the same as the formula to find the number of segments

Puzzle Seeker
Jul 22, 2013

the first person shakes his hand with four people the second person shakes his hand with 3 people likewise third person shakes with 2 people and third person with 1 person so to totally there is 4+3+2+1=10 hand shakes

Anurag Pandey
Jul 22, 2013

take 5 points and make every possible lines using that five points and then count the number of lines each lines shows one handshake therefore total handshakes are 10

Agus Yoga Anggara
Jul 22, 2013

1 = 0, 2 = 1, 3 = 3, 4 = 6, so 5 = 10

Kiran K
Jul 22, 2013

It is a basic Combination Problem.As we have 5 people each of them handshakes with every other.We have the formula nCr=n!/(r!*(n-r)!)(Here n=5 and r=2 as two of them shake their hands so we have to find combinations of 2).Applying this we will get the answer as 10

Ankur Verma
Jul 22, 2013


Tan Li Xuan
Jul 22, 2013

If the 5 people are A , B , C , D , E A,B,C,D,E then the handshakes are A B , A C , A D , A E , B C , B D , B E , C D , C E , D E AB,AC,AD,AE,BC,BD,BE,CD,CE,DE

Leonardo Cidrão
Jul 21, 2013

"N" people can shake hands with "N-1" people. However, the quantity of shakes have to be divide by 2, because a shake is mutual. So: 5.4=20 --> 20:2 =10

Ronald Salim
Jul 21, 2013


Maxmer Murao
Jul 21, 2013


Sherry Sarkar
Jul 21, 2013

Let us name the 5 people A, B, C, D, and E. A shakes hands with 4 people -- B, C, D, and E. Person B shakes hands with 3 people -- C, D, and E (he already shook hands with A). C shakes hands with 2 people (D and E) and D shakes hands with 1 person (E). This comes to a total number of 10 handshakes. This method is effective because it avoids over counting.

Guillermo Angeris
Jul 21, 2013

Note that the number of possible network combinations is: N = n ( n 1 ) 2 N=\frac{n(n-1)}{2} Which is equivalent to the problem at hand. Note that when n = 5 n=5 , this gives the desired result of N = 10 N=10 .

Alternatively, the sum of numbers below a given case is: n ( n + 1 ) 2 \frac{n(n+1)}{2} Note that each person will shake hands with n 1 n-1 people with n n people remaining. Plugging in n = l 1 n=l-1 also gives the desired result.

Daniel Cabrales
Jul 21, 2013

Let the people be vertices of the graph. Since it is said that each shook each others hand. The vertices must be a complete simple undirect graph. Given that there are 5 5 vertices, the number of edges that would connect them all is

N ( e ) = ( n 2 ) N(e) = \dbinom{n}{2} so,

N ( e ) = ( 5 2 ) N(e) = \dbinom{5}{2}

N ( e ) = 5 ! ( 5 2 ) ! 2 ! N(e) = \frac{5!}{(5 - 2)! 2!}

= 120 3 ! 2 ! = 10 = \frac{120}{3!2!} = 10

Ronald Keswantono
Jul 21, 2013

Known : total people at Summer Camp = 5 Suppose :Person = n

total of handshake =\binom{n}{k} =\binom{5}{2} = 10

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