How Many Digits? A Headache

Algebra Level 3

How many digits does the number 2 1000 2^{1000} contain?

You are given that log 10 2 = 0.3010 \log_{10} 2 = 0.3010 correct up to 4 decimal places.

The answer is 302.

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33 solutions

As 2 1000 { 2 }^{ 1000 } is not a multiple of 10, it follows that 1 0 m < 2 1000 < 1 0 m + 1 , 10^m < 2^{1000} < 10^{m+1}, where 1 0 m 10^m and thus 2 1000 2^{1000} contain m + 1 m+1 digits.

Since 1000 log 2 301.02999 , 1000\log 2 \approx 301.02999, m = 301.02999 = 301 , m= \lfloor 301.02999 \rfloor = 301, so 2 1000 2^{1000} contains 302 digits.

I had actually gotten this problem wrong, the first two as silly mistakes in my calculation, but the final was correct but I didn't account for an extra digit.

Anyhow! I think my approach to this problem is a lot simpler to everyone else's and I really wish to share it for others to see as well.

So we are all aware that the following is true:

log 10 2 0.3010 10 0.3010 2 \log _{ 10 }{ 2 } \cong 0.3010\quad \Longleftrightarrow \quad { 10 }^{ 0.3010 }\cong 2

Building off this, we can find the amount of digits through doing the following:

( 10 0.3010 ) 1000 ( 2 ) 1000 { ({ 10 }^{ 0.3010 }) }^{ 1000 }\cong (2)^{ 1000 }

10 301 2 1000 { 10 }^{ 301 }\cong 2^{ 1000 }

By observing the left-hand side, we know that 10 301 { 10 }^{ 301 } is just a 1 followed by 301 zeros. Accounting for the 1, the left hand side has 302 digits, so therefore so must the right.

Andrew Tawfeek - 5 years, 2 months ago

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good solution

Sai Ram - 5 years, 2 months ago

The procedure for solving as given by you is very much simpler and useful. Thanks for your upload.

Abdul Makhan Sk - 4 years, 12 months ago

Given L = log₁₀2 is .3010 to 4 decimals, isn't enough information.

Because if that had been .30095 ≤ L < .301, it would round up to .3010, and then the answer would have been 301 digits.

But if it's .301 ≤ L < .30105 (which it is; .3010299957...), it would round down to .3010, making the answer, 302 digits.

Or if you're told that it has been truncated, not rounded, to .3010, which is NOT the usual practice, then you'll get 302 digits.

But without that, the information is insufficient.

Fred Shuman - 4 years, 10 months ago
Cameron Wong
Nov 11, 2014

Before, note that 1 0 n 10^{n} has n + 1 n+1 digits. Taking the common logarithm of 2 1000 2^{1000} , l o g 2 1000 log2^{1000} = 1000 l o g 2 =1000log2 = 1000 0.30103... =1000*0.30103... (Sorry, approximating here) = 301.03... =301.03... Therefore, 2 1000 = 1 0 301.03.... 2^{1000}=10^{301.03....} Since: 1 0 301 < 1 0 301.03 . . . < 1 0 302 10^{301}<10^{301.03}...<10^{302} Therefore, the number has 302 digits.

Very good!

John Darryl Po Ocido - 6 years, 6 months ago

same solution :) +1

Novril Razenda - 4 years, 11 months ago


And even more specifically, for non-negative integer n, if 10ⁿ ≤ N < 10ⁿ⁺¹

then N has n+1 digits.

Fred Shuman - 4 years, 10 months ago
Stephen Lerner
Nov 13, 2014

I did it with logs too but it's more fun to think about a solution with no logs. 2^10 is 1024 or 1000X1.024. Therefore 2^1000 = 2^10^100 = (1000X1.024)^100 = (1000^100)X(1.024^100). The least significant figure is 3 decimal spaces to the right... which means every time you multiply it by 1.024 the least significant decimal moves 3 more to the right. We're raising 1.024 to the 100th power which means the least significant figure is 300 spaces to the right. Raising 1.024 to the 100th power on my calculator is 10 plus a fractional remainder. Therefore we have two decimals to the left and 300 to the right... 302!

Satyabrata Dash
Mar 6, 2016

Using the simple formula to find number if digits in a b a^{b} = b l o g a + 1 b \ log \ a + 1

IN THIS CASE, the number of digits in 2 1000 = 1000 l o g 10 2 + 1 = 1000 0.3010 + 1 = 302 2^{1000} = 1000* log_{10}2 +1 = 1000 * 0.3010 +1 = \boxed{302}

Roman Frago
Jul 4, 2015

Let 2 1000 = 1 0 x 2^{1000}=10^x then i n t ( x ) + 1 = int(x) +1 = the number of digits.

1000 l o g 2 = x l o g 10 1000log2=xlog10

x = 1000 l o g 2 l o g 10 x=1000\frac{log2}{log10}

x = 1000 l o g 10 2 x=1000log_{10}2

x = 1000 × 0.3010 = 301.0 x=1000 \times 0.3010 =301.0

i n t ( x ) + 1 = 301 + 1 = 302 int(x)+1=301+1=302

Subhajit Ghosh
Nov 14, 2014

N u m b e r o f D i g i t s i n 2 1000 = log 10 2 1000 = 1000 ( log 10 2 ) = 1000 × 0.3010299 = 301.02 = 302 Number\quad of\quad Digits\quad in\quad { 2 }^{ 1000 }=\left\lceil \log _{ 10 }{ { 2 }^{ 1000 } } \right\rceil \\ =\left\lceil 1000(\log _{ 10 }{ 2 }) \right\rceil \\ =\left\lceil 1000\times 0.3010299 \right\rceil \\ =\left\lceil 301.02 \right\rceil \\ =302

While it gives the correct answer in this instance, it isn't a generally correct way to determine the number of digits in an integer. In particular, it'll be off by one if the number happens to be a power of 10. As such, one should be using log 10 2 1000 + 1 \left\lfloor \log_{10} 2^{1000} \right\rfloor + 1 .

Stewart Gordon - 6 years ago

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Agreed. Using a ceiling function would lead to an error in the event that you're finding the number of digits in a power of 10.

Akeel Howell - 5 years ago
Ninad Akolekar
Nov 10, 2014



Becomes quite simple, if you have a little knowledge of logarithms and understand why such a function evolved. Logarithm is thus one of the most beautiful functions of maths. It not only eases your calculations but also makes big and complicated numbers small ( so as they are readable) and makes very small numbers big enough so that it is easy to handle them, and obviously we can take antilog to get desired result. Moreover, as in this question it tells the number of digits in such a large number.

Beautiful function, isn't it? Love Math, Love Log!!

It was so nerd of you...but I liked...I prefer hyperbolic functions.

Kashif Ahmad - 6 years, 7 months ago
Pedro Henrique
Jan 10, 2016

Exactly how I did it. :)

Raymond Johnson - 5 years ago
Hemanth Koundinya
Nov 14, 2014

2^10 = 1024 (4 digits)
10^x = 2^10
x log 10 = 10 log 2
x = 10 * 0.30103
x = 3.01 ~ 4 digits
2^100 =1267650600228230000000000000000 (31 digits)

10^x = 2^100
x log 10 = 100 log 2
x = 100 * 0.30103
x = 30.103 ~ 31 digits
2^1000 =1267650600228230000000000000000....... (302 digits) 10^x = 2^1000
x log 10 = 1000 log 2
x = 1000 * 0.30103
x = 301.03 ~ 302 digits

Daniel Ellesar
Oct 24, 2015

Not going to lie. At first I calculated it to be 3011 digits...

total digits= 100Log(2)=301.02999≈302

10715086071862673209484250490600018105614048117055336074437503883703510511249361‌​224931983788156958581275946729175531468251871452856923140435984577574698574803934‌​567774824230985421074605062371141877954182153046474983581941267398767559165543946‌​077062914571196477686542167660429831652624386837205668069376. Count the number of digits, you will get the answer.Instead you can always use logarithms.

Anand Babu Kotha
Nov 13, 2014

2^n have the number of digits is (3n+1)


n is multiple of 10

So, for example, in 2^20 the power contains TWO multiples of 10 so n = 2. Hence there are [3(2) + 1] digits, ie. 7 digits, in the answer. This is clearly true since 2^20 = 1,048,576 !!!

John Conway - 5 years, 3 months ago
Swaroop M.
Nov 13, 2014

tried this way, I only need to know if this is correct or if there are better ways to solve this:

21000 does not have a factor of 5 obviously therefore we can assume

10m<21000<10m+1 for some m

Assume k=21000, then take log on both sides logk=1000log2≈301.02999>301 Therefore 21000 has 302 digits.

I invite all participants to try thinking in the answer 333 following the idea that number of digits increases 1 each 3-step power of 2 I think that we will move 333 steps to get 332 digits and still remains 2 at last, the last umber multiplied by 2 moves number of digits to 333.

mahmoud ahmed - 6 years, 7 months ago
Zach Abueg
Jan 7, 2017

l o g 10 2 = 0.301 2 = 1 0 0.301 log_{10} 2 = 0.301 → 2 = 10^{0.301}

2 1000 = ( 1 0 0.301 ) 1000 = 1 0 301 2^{1000} = (10^{0.301})^{1000} = 10^{301}

1 0 301 10^{301} is 1 1 followed by 301 301 0 0 's

301 + 1 = 302 301 + 1 = 302 digits

Dan Waxman
Dec 4, 2016

Given that l o g 10 2 0.3010 log_{10} 2 \approx 0.3010 , we can show that 2 1 0 0.3010 2 \approx 10^{0.3010} using the definition of a logarithm. So now we have ( 1 0 0.3010 ) 1000 (10^{0.3010})^{1000} , which is equivalent to 1 0 301.0 10^{301.0} , which has 302 decimal places.

Fariz Kabir
Aug 29, 2016

Given that log(10) 2≈0.3010, we can rewrite

this as 10^(301/1000)≈2. Since we are

attempting to find the number of digits in

2^1000, we can simply use the property of

substitution and obtain

10^((301/1000)×1000). The 1000's cancel

each other and we are left with 10^301. Now

at this point we may find that the total

number of digits in 10^301 is 302 because the

number of digits in 10^n is n+1. And since

10^301≈2^1000, we may conclude that the

number of digits in 2^1000 is 302. Thus we

obtain 302 as our final answer.

Zach Bian
Aug 22, 2016

Bash shell one-liner:

dc <<< "2 1000 ^ p" | perl -pe 's/[\s\\]//g' | wc -c

and you get 302.

Akil Nayak
Aug 3, 2016

We have 2 1000 2^{1000} = 1 0 log 10 2 1000 =10^{\log_{10}{2^{1000}}} = 1 0 1000 log 10 2 =10^{1000\log_{10}{2}}

And using log 10 2 0.3010 \log_{10}{2} \approx 0.3010 , we have

2 1000 = 1 0 1000 log 10 2 1 0 0.3010 1000 2^{1000}=10^{1000\log_{10}{2}} \approx 10^{0.3010*1000} = 1 0 301 =10^{301}

Then, 2 1000 2^{1000} is approximately equal to (greater than) 1 0 301 10^{301} , which have 302 302 digits. And 2 1000 = 1 0 1000 log 10 2 2^{1000}=10^{1000\log_{10}{2}} is less than 1 0 302 10^{302} , which have 303 303 digits. It is easy to see that 1 0 1000 log 10 2 = 2 1000 10^{1000\log_{10}{2}}=2^{1000} is nearer from 1 0 301 10^{301} than from 1 0 302 10^{302} , and therefore 2 1000 2^{1000} must have 302 302 digits, and not 303 303 .

Rebaz Sharif
Apr 9, 2016

Given the logarithm: 10^(0.3010) = 2

hence: 2^1000 = 10^301 = 100000000.......... (301 zeros)

hence : the number of digits is 302

Pawan Pal
Apr 3, 2016

2^1000 1000(log2)=301.3 When u take antilog , the characteristic is 302 ... Therefore it would be of the order 10^302 .. So it has 302 digits ..

Nikkil V
Mar 12, 2016

Leong Guang Ye
Nov 9, 2015

We can let 2 1000 2^{ 1000 } = k, so l o g 2 { log }_{ 2 } k = 1000. Then, change the base, l o g 10 k l o g 10 2 \frac { { log }_{ 10 }{ k } }{ { log }_{ 10 }{ 2 } } =1000. Given l o g 10 2 { log }_{ 10 }{ 2 } =0.3010, so l o g 10 k { log }_{ 10 }{ k } =301. Change to index form, k = 10 301 { 10 }^{ 301 } . In this way, we know that there are 302 digits for this value.

Anurag Malakar
Nov 1, 2015

Log10 (2^1000) =1000*Log10(2) =1000 * .301=301 So, 10^301 = 2^1000 And 10^n contains n+1 digits So, we get 301+1=302 digits

Hardik Parekh
Oct 4, 2015

X=2^1000, LogX=1000Log2 where Log is in base 10.. LogX=1000×0.3010 (Given fact in the problem) LogX=301 X =10^301 The digits in 10^n term are n+1... Hence the number of digits in the answer are 302

2^n contains x+1 digits, where x = floor(n*log2)

Jesse Nieminen
Jun 21, 2015

(\log_10 2\ )= x

10^{x} = 2

if x = 0.3010

10^{0.3010} = 2

Rwit Panda
Jun 14, 2015

We know that log2=0.301. So, 10^0.301=2. So 2^1000=10^301. 10^301 has 302 digits, so the answer is 302 digits. (P.S. 10^301 is not equal to 2^1000, it's an approximation due to an approximate logarithmic value)

Hon Ming Rou
Jun 14, 2015

Given that log 2 = 0.3010

log 2 ^ 1000 = 1000 log 2 = 1000 (0.3010) = 301

2 ^ 1000 = 10 ^ 301

2 ^ 1000 contains 302 digits.

Vishal S
Jan 12, 2015

log 2 1000 2^{1000} = 1000log 2 = 301.0299957 \simeq 302

Anna Anant
Nov 15, 2014

2^1000 is not a multiple of 10 therefore: 10^x < 2^1000 < 10^(x + 1) 10^x = 2^1000 xlog10 = 1000log2 x = 301.3 therefore 2^1000 is between 10^301 and 10^302 Therefore it has 302 Digits.

Zain Ameer
Nov 15, 2014

2^1000 = x . Taking Log on both sides :- 1000 log 2 = log x

1000 (.3010) = log x

301 = log x Taking antilog :- 10^301 = x

Since , raising 10 to any power gives a number having number of digits (1+value of power raised ). So x = 2^1000 will have 301+1=302 digits :)

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