Today is
Alokananda's birthday
As a tribute, Agnishom plans to generate a
program that outputs the string
Happy Birthday!
He sees that the following program would be the simplest for him to understand: link .
But then after playing around a bit, he discovers that is too profuse and can be done with a simpler code:
1 |
This inspires him to find the shortest BF program that prints
Happy Birthday!
In general, he is willing to write a (Python) program that outputs the shortest BF program that prints a given string.
Will he succeed?
Assume we are running BF on an infinite cell memory and furthermore, our brains are not super-turing.
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What Agnishom is attempting to do is to determine the Kolmogorov Complexity of a string relative to bf.
This is not computable by a Turing Machine.
(Proof coming soon)