Heaven seven

How many positive divisors of 2002 0 12 20020^{12} have 7 as their units digit?

The answer is 546.

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7 solutions

Donald Fillmore
Oct 20, 2013

Observe that 2002 0 12 = 2 12 5 12 7 12 1 1 12 1 3 12 20020^{12} =2^{12} * 5^{12} * 7^{12} * 11^{12} * 13^{12} .

Suppose we have a factor with the desired property,If the factor is divisible by 2 2 or 5 5 then its residue modulo 10 10 cannot be 7, hence the factor has a prime factorization of the form 7 l 1 1 m 1 3 n 7^l*11^m*13^n (where 0 l , m , n 12 0 \le l,m,n \le 12

We now observe that 1 1 n = 1 11^{n} = 1 mod 10 10 , and 7 l 1 3 n = 7 7^l*13^n = 7 mod 10 10 if and only if one of the following four cases is true:

Case 1: 7 l = 1 , 1 3 n = 7 7^l = 1, 13^n =7

7 7 and 13 13 are relatively prime to 10 10 , and ϕ ( 10 ) = 4 \phi (10) = 4 , hence there are 4 4 valid values of l l and 3 3 of n n , and 12 l , n l,n combinations in this case.

Case 2: 7 l = 7 , 1 3 n = 1 7^l = 7, 13^n =1

Similarly there are 12 l , n l,n combinations in this case.

Case 3: 7 l = 3 , 1 3 n = 9 7^l = 3, 13^n =9

By the same reasoning as in case 1, there are 3 3 valid values of l l and 3 3 of n n , and 9 l , n l,n combinations overall.

Case 4: 7 l = 9 , 1 3 n = 3 7^l = 9, 13^n =3

Similarly there are 9 l , n l,n combinations in this case.

Thus there are 42 l , n l,n combinations overall. Remembering that m m such that 0 m 12 0 \le m \le 12 work for every l , n l,n combination, there are 42 13 = 546 42*13 = \boxed {546} such factors.

NIce solution. However, it is not enough to note that ϕ ( 10 ) = 4. \phi(10)=4. It is also needed that 4 4 is the smallest n n such that 3 3 and 7 n 7^n end at 1 1 .

Alexander Borisov - 7 years, 7 months ago

The exponent of 2 in the prime factorisation should be 24 rather than 12, although this is not actually relevant for the rest of the question.:)

Raymond Ding - 7 years, 7 months ago
Will Song
Oct 20, 2013

20020 = 2 2 5 7 11 13 20020 = 2^2 \cdot 5 \cdot 7 \cdot 11 \cdot 13 . The only factors that matter are 7 , 11 , 13 7, 11, 13 .

We have 13 possibilities for 11 because it stays as 1.

Let a a be the exponent on 7 and b b be the exponent on 13. We have a = 0 ; b = 3 , a = 1 , b = 0 ; a = 2 , b = 1 ; a = 3 , b = 2 a = 0; b = 3, a = 1, b = 0; a = 2, b = 1; a = 3, b = 2 (in mod 4), contributing 12, 12, 9, and 9 solutions respectively. 13 42 = 546. 13 * 42 = 546.

Avi Eisenberg
Oct 22, 2013

First of all, we realize that any such divisors cannot have 2 2 or 5 5 as factors. So factoring those numbers out of 20020 20020 , we get 1001 = 7 11 13 1001=7*11*13 . Now consider, any such number will retain the same units digit if it is multiplied by 11 11 . So we should see how many combinations of 13 13 or less of 7 s 7s and 13 s 13s there are with a 7 7 units digit. The first 13 multiples of 7 modulo 10 are 1 , 7 , 9 , 3 , 1 , 7 , 9 , 3 , 1 , 7 , 9 , 3 , 1 {1,7,9,3,1,7,9,3,1,7,9,3,1} and those of 13 are 1 , 3 , 9 , 7 , 1 , 3 , 9 , 7 , 1 , 3 , 9 , 7 , 1 {1,3,9,7,1,3,9,7,1,3,9,7,1} . As you can see, in both of them there are 3 3 of [{3,7 and 9}) and 4 4 ones. So, each 1 can be paired with a 7, each 3 with a 9, and each 7 with 1 and 9 with 3. Counting those, we get 42 42 . Now, this must be multiplied by 13 possibilities for the factor of 11, and we get 546.

Aleksejs Popovs
Oct 23, 2013

20020 = 2 2 × 5 × 7 × 11 × 13 20020 = 2^2 \times 5 \times 7 \times 11 \times 13 therefore 2002 0 12 = 2 24 × 5 12 × 7 12 × 1 1 12 × 1 3 12 20020^{12} = 2^{24} \times 5^{12} \times 7^{12} \times 11^{12} \times 13^{12} therefore x x is a divisor of 2002 0 12 20020^{12} iff x = 2 a × 5 b × 7 c × 1 1 d × 1 3 e x = 2^a \times 5^b \times 7^c \times 11^d \times 13^e , where 0 a 24 0 \le a \le 24 and 0 b , c , d , e 12 0 \le b, c, d, e \le 12 .

If x x ends with a 7, a = 0 a = 0 , because otherwise it'd end in an even digit. For almost the same reason, b = 0 b = 0 .

d d can have any value, because multiplying a number by 1 1 n 11^n doesn't change the number's units digit.

Now we're looking for values of c c and d d . Since x y ( m o d 10 ) x^y (mod 10) is periodic, following pairs of values are suitable:

  • c = 4 k , d = 4 l + 3 c = 4k, d = 4l + 3
  • c = 4 k + 1 , d = 4 l c = 4k + 1, d = 4l
  • c = 4 k + 2 , d = 4 l + 1 c = 4k + 2, d = 4l + 1
  • c = 4 k + 3 , d = 4 l + 2 c = 4k + 3, d = 4l + 2

where k k and l l are non-negative.

(make a table of the last digits of 7 x 7^x and 1 3 x 13^x if this is unclear).

Counting how many suitable pairs we have, we get 4 × 3 + 3 × 4 + 3 × 3 + 3 × 3 = 42 4 \times 3 + 3 \times 4 + 3 \times 3 + 3 \times 3 = 42 . Remembering that we have 13 possible values for d d , the answer is 42 × 13 = 546 42 \times 13 = 546 .

Anik Mandal
Apr 19, 2014

prime factorization of your number is N = 20020¹² = 2²⁴ × 5¹² × 7¹² × 11¹² × 13¹².

So, the set of all divisors of N would be D = {2ᵃ×5ᵇ×7ᶜ×11ᵈ×13ᵉ | a, b, c, d, e ϵ ℕ, a ≤ 24, b, c, d, e ≤ 12}.

And since each assignment of values to a, b, c, d, e gives a unique number, there would be a total of (24+1)×(12+1)×(12+1)×(12+1)×(12+1) = 714025 different divisors of N.

But to get a 7 in the units digit, no divisor should be a multiple of 2 or 5. Removing them, we have the set of divisors as D' = {7ᵃ×11ᵇ×13ᶜ | a, b, c ϵ ℕ, a, b, c ≤ 12}, which are (12+1)×(12+1)×(12+1) = 2179 in number. But not all such divisors will have 7 as their units digit. So we'd analyse a bit more.

We need not worry about the factor 11, since it does not affect the units digit. The problem boils down to finding all multiples formed by combinations of 7 and 13, such that the units digit is 7. If we only look only at the units digit, what combinations of 7 and 3 give us 7? Thus, we need to find S = {(a, b) | u(3ᵃ×7ᵇ) = 7, a, b ϵ ℕ, a, b ≤ 12}, where u(·) means "units digit".

Now, units digit, u(3ᵃ×7ᵇ) = 7 only in the following cases: Case 1: u(3ᵃ) = 1 and u(7ᵇ) = 7 Case 2: u(3ᵃ) = 7 and u(7ᵇ) = 1 Case 3: u(3ᵃ) = 3 and u(7ᵇ) = 9 Case 4: u(3ᵃ) = 9 and u(7ᵇ) = 3

But, since a, b ≤ 12, we have: u(3ᵃ) = 1 if and only if a ϵ {0, 4, 8, 12} u(7ᵇ) = 1 if and only if b ϵ {0, 4, 8, 12} u(3ᵃ) = 7 if and only if a ϵ {3, 7, 11} u(7ᵇ) = 7 if and only if b ϵ {1, 5, 9} u(3ᵃ) = 3 if and only if a ϵ {1, 5, 9} u(7ᵇ) = 3 if and only if b ϵ {3, 7, 11} u(3ᵃ) = 9 if and only if a ϵ {2, 6, 10} u(7ᵇ) = 9 if and only if b ϵ {2, 6, 10}

Thus, For case 1, we have a ϵ {0, 4, 8, 12} and b ϵ {1, 5, 9}; 4 × 3 = 12 For case 2, we have a ϵ {3, 7, 11} and b ϵ {0, 4, 8, 12}; 3 × 4 = 12 For case 3, we have a ϵ {1, 5, 9} and b ϵ {2, 6, 10}; 3 × 3 = 9 For case 4, we have a ϵ {2, 6, 10} and b ϵ {3, 7, 11}; 3 × 3 = 9 having 12, 12, 9, and 9 feasible combinations respectively. So, we have a total of 12+12+9+9 = 42 combinations. Now, considering the 13 possible multiples of 11 (including 11⁰, 11¹, ..., 11¹²), we get 42 × 13 = 546 divisors altogether, which have last digit as 7. Thus, the answer is 546.

Siao Chi Mok
Oct 21, 2013

First, it is found that 2002 0 12 20020^{12} = 2 24 2^{24} × \times 5 12 5^{12} × \times 7 12 7^{12} × \times 1 1 12 11^{12} × \times 1 3 12 13^{12} . Note that the divisors 2, 5 and 11 do not yield 7 as the unit digit if they are used as factors of a number N. Let the positive divisors that have 7 as their unit digits be N. There are 6 cases that fulfill the given condition:

Case 1: When N is in the form 7 a 7^{a} , there are 3 powers of 7 that has 7 as their unit digits, namely 7 1 7^{1} , 7 5 7^{5} and 7 9 7^{9} .

Case 2: Similarly, when N is in the form 1 3 b 13^{b} , there are 3 possible values of N.

Case 3: When N is in the form 7 c 7^{c} × \times 1 1 d 11^{d} , the unit digit of powers of 7 are 7, 9, 3, 1 which "rotates" while powers of 11 only have 1 as its unit digit, regardless of its power. Take note that only 7 × \times 1 = 7. The powers of 7 that yields 7 as its unit digit are 7 1 7^{1} , 7 5 7^{5} and 7 9 7^{9} . There are 3 possible values of c and 12 possible values of d that yield 7 as the unit digit for 7 c 7^{c} × \times 1 1 d 11^{d} . Hence, there are 3 × \times 12 = 36 values of N.

Case 4: When N is in the form 7 e 7^{e} × \times 1 3 f 13^{f} , the unit digits of powers of 7 are as stated above, and the unit digits of powers of 13 are 3, 9, 7 and 1. In this case, 9 × \times 3, 3 × \times 9, 1 × \times 7 and 7 × \times 1 yields 7 as the unit digit. Consider several conditions:

  1. 9 × \times 3: To yield 9 as the unit digit of 7 e 7^{e} , there are 3 values of e. To yield 3 as the unit digit of 1 3 f 13^{f} , there are 3 values of f. Hence, there are 3 × \times 3 = 9 values of N fulfilling Condition 1.

  2. 3 × \times 9: Similar to Condition 1, to yield 3 as the unit digit of 7 e 7^{e} , there are 3 values of e. To yield 9 as the unit digit of 1 3 f 13^{f} , there are 3 values of f. Hence, there are 3 × \times 3 = 9 values of N fulfilling Condition 2.

Same goes to Condition 3 and 4, namely 1 × \times 7 and 7 × \times 1 respectively. These two conditions share the same number of values of N too, i.e. 9. Thus, there are a total of 9 × \times 4 = 36 values of N in Case 4.

Case 5: Similar to Case 3, when N is in the form 1 1 g 11^{g} × \times 1 3 h 13^{h} , the unit digit of powers of 13 are 3, 9, 7 and 1 which "rotates" while powers of 11 only have 1 as its unit digit, regardless of its power. Hence, only 7 × \times 1 = 7. The powers of 13 that yields 7 as its unit digit are 1 3 3 13^{3} , 1 3 7 13^{7} and 1 3 11 13^{11} . There are 12 possible values of g and 3 possible values of h that yield 7 as the unit digit for 1 1 g 11^{g} × \times 1 3 h 13^{h} . Hence, there are 3 × \times 12 = 36 values of N.

Case 6: N is in the form 7 j 7^{j} × \times 1 1 k 11^{k} × \times 1 3 m 13^{m} . We have known the unit digits of powers of 7, 11 and 13. Among these numbers, there are 4 possible combinations of unit digits of powers of 7, 11 and 13 of which their products have 7 as their unit digits, namely (7,1,1), (9,1,3), (3,1,9) and (1,1,7) respectively. Consider several conditions:

  1. (7,1,1): The value of j should be 1, 5, 9 and the value of m should be 4, 8, 12. The value of k ranges from 1 to 12. Thus, there are 3 × \times 12 × \times 3 = 108 values of N fulfilling this condition.

Condition 2, 3 and 4, namely (9,1,3), (3,1,9) and (1,1,7) also yields the same number of N, i.e. 108 for each condition. Thus, for Case 6, there are altogether 108 × \times 4 = 432 values of N.

Total number of N = Case 1 + Case 2 + Case 3 + Case 4 + Case 5 + Case 6 = 3 + 3 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 432 = 546, which is what we want to get.

Daniel Chiu
Oct 20, 2013

We factorize: 20020 = 2 2 5 7 11 13 20020=2^2\cdot 5\cdot 7\cdot 11\cdot 13 An efficient way to do this is to recognize the factor of 1001, which I happen to remember (probably because it is 1001) is 7 11 13 7\cdot 11\cdot 13 .

If the number ends in 7, we cannot take 2 or 5. Then, we are left with 7 12 1 1 12 1 3 12 7^{12}\cdot 11^{12}\cdot 13^{12} We can take any number of 11's without affecting the units digit, so we multiply by 13 at the end.

We can write down the last digits of powers of 7 and 13: 7 , 9 , 3 , 1 , 7 , 9 , 3 , 1 , 7 , 9 , 3 , 1 7,9,3,1,7,9,3,1,7,9,3,1 3 , 9 , 7 , 1 , 3 , 9 , 7 , 1 , 3 , 9 , 7 , 1 3,9,7,1,3,9,7,1,3,9,7,1 Now, we divide into cases:

Case 1: We take at least one 7 and at least one 13

We notice that for each power of 7, there are 3 powers of 13 that match: 7 1 = 7 7\cdot 1=7 9 3 = 27 9\cdot 3=27 3 9 = 37 3\cdot 9=37 1 7 = 7 1\cdot 7=7 Therefore, there are 12 3 = 36 12\cdot 3=36 possibilities here.

Case 2: Either a power of 7 or a power of 13

In this case, we must take a power that ends in 7. There are 6 6 .

The final answer is 13 ( 36 + 6 ) = 546 13\cdot(36+6)=\boxed{546} .

There's a typo in the final sentence, should be 6 instead of 8.

kksdk kkk - 7 years, 7 months ago

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Daniel Chiu - 7 years, 7 months ago

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