Hold on, Indy!

A standard action movie scene is the following: the hero or heroine is on a bridge when the most devious evil bad guys cut the supports on one side of the bridge, leaving the hero/heroine to cling desperately to the bridge as it slowly swings down. Then there's the camera shot over the side of the cliff as we wait to see if the hero or heroine actually held on to the bridge and is now climbing back up.

Our 70 kg 70~\mbox{kg} heroine is two-thirds of the way across a horizontal 30 m 30~\mbox{m} long bridge over a canyon with perfectly vertical walls. The bad guys then cut the supports of the bridge (she is closer to where the supports are cut than the other side). The bridge, which can be modeled as a rod of mass 500 kg 500~\mbox{kg} and uniform density, then begins to rotate downwards with our heroine clinging to it. How fast is the heroine traveling in m/s when she hits the canyon wall?

Details and assumptions

  • The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s 2 -9.8~\mbox{m/s}^2 .
  • Treat the heroine as a point mass.
  • Neglect air resistance.

The answer is 19.8.

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6 solutions

Solution using energy:
The total distance that the heroine falls once the bridge hits the wall is 20 meters since the heroine is standing 2/3 the way across a 30 meter bridge.
We know that after the fall, all of the potential energy after 20 meters will be converted to kinetic energy.

m v 2 / 2 = m g h mv^{2} /2 = mgh via conservation of energy.
v 2 = 2 g h v^{2}= 2gh * after cancelling the mass. Note: mass is irrelevant in this problem.
v = 2 × 9.8 m e t e r s / s e c o n d 2 × 20 m e t e r s v=\sqrt{2 \times 9.8meters/second^{2} \times 20 meters}
after taking the square root of both sides
The final answer for velocity comes out to 19.8 meters/second .

I am too dumb.. I solved it by calculating various inertias and rotational energy and so on. :D

Nice solution!

Snehal Shekatkar - 7 years, 6 months ago

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I feel like this question baits people into using rotational motion, but I always look to see if I can solve problems using forces and energy first since they are the simplest.

A Former Brilliant Member - 7 years, 6 months ago

can someone please post a solution not by energy method but by rotational motion ??

Upendra Singh - 7 years, 6 months ago

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I will try..

Snehal Shekatkar - 7 years, 6 months ago

I had the same idea, but I made up my solution with 30 meters instead of 20!

Jean Paul Filpo - 7 years, 6 months ago

i used v^2=u^2+2as where u=0, a=9.8, s=20

See Wei Hong - 7 years, 6 months ago

Very impressive!!

Didarul Azam Chowdury - 7 years, 6 months ago

This is very nice, but I'm a little confused. We just covered rolling motion in school and I thought that kinetic energy had to be split into translational and rotational? Why can we simply use a single 'V' in this problems?

Timothy Zhou - 7 years, 6 months ago

So weird... so much useless info...

Sudarshan Spud - 7 years, 6 months ago

Wait. Why doesn't the answer come when we use Rotational Mechanics? The bridge, modelled as a rod, pivoted at leftmost point, suffers a decrease of PE as its center of mass descends by 15m. So it gains both rotational and translational Kinetic energy. The girl suffers decrease of PE as it descends by 30 m and gains kinetic energy. But the answer does not come.

Christopher Johnboy - 7 years, 6 months ago

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There is a rotational mechanics solution that someone else posted below this. In the end, rotational mechanics and energy should yield the same answer.

A Former Brilliant Member - 7 years, 6 months ago
Stav Haldar
May 20, 2014

Moment of inertia of the bridge-heroine system about the point from where the bridge is hanging = (m1l^2)/3 + m2r^2 I = (500 30 30)/3 + 70 20 20 I = 178000 kgm^2 Work done by gravitational Torque dW = Ƭ sinө dө Total work done W = ʃ(0toπ/2) Ƭ sinө dө = ʃ(0toπ/2)(m1gr1 + m2gr2)sinө dө W = [(20 70 9.8)+(15 500 9.8)] (0-(-1)) = 87220 By work energy theorem W = ΔK.E. ½ Iω^2 = 87220 So; ω = 0.99 rad/s Velocity of heroine = r2 ω So; v = 20*0.99 v = 19.8 m/s

Ryan Yang
Dec 1, 2013

In this system, the total energy is conserved. As a result, M b r i d g e g h c m , b r i d g e + M p e r s o n g h p e r s o n = 1 2 ( I b r i d g e + M p e r s o n ( 2 3 L ) 2 ) ω 2 M_{bridge}gh_{cm,bridge} + M_{person}gh_{person} = \frac{1}{2}(I_{bridge}+M_{person}(\frac{2}{3}L)^{2})\omega^{2} .

ω \omega is the final angular velocity of the bridge and the person when they reach the canyon wall.

h c m , b r i d g e h_{cm,bridge} is the center of mass height above the final center of mass position of the bridge.

h c m , p e r s o n h_{cm,person} is the height of the person above the final position of the person.

I b r i d g e I_{bridge} is the moment of inertia of the bridge about an axis at its end.

Using this equation, you can solve for ω \omega to be approximately 0.990 r a d / s e c . 0.990 rad/sec. .

The tangential velocity of the person would then be ω ( 2 3 L ) = 19.809 m / s \omega(\frac{2}{3}L) = \boxed{19.809 m/s} .

I too tried that way I of bridge should be 1/3ML^2 and not 1/12 ML^2 isn't it?

Ayush Goyal - 7 years, 6 months ago

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Yes, the moment of Inertia for a rod rotating at its center of mass is 1/12ML^2 and since the bridge is rotating with respect to and end, yes, it should be I = 1/3 ML^2

Andres Quiroz - 7 years, 6 months ago

What is the numerical value for h_cm,bridge??

Andres Quiroz - 7 years, 6 months ago
Bojan Serafimov
May 20, 2014

Let's isolate the bridge from the hero. First, calculate the bridge's final velocity: P E i + K E i = P E f + K E f PE_i + KE_i = PE_f + KE_f m g h = m v 2 2 mgh = \frac{mv^2}{2} 2 g h = v 2 2gh = v^2 The bridge has uniform velocity, so we can treat it as a point of mass located in the center of the bridge. v 2 = 2 g h = 2 × g × 15 m = g × 30 m v^2 = 2gh = 2 \times g \times 15m = g \times 30m The same way, we find the hero's velocity squared to be g × 40 m g \times 40m . They both have the same angular velocity, so that means one does not depend on the other. The hero's velocity is then: 9.8 m / s 2 × 40 m 19.79 m / s \sqrt{9.8m/s^2 \times 40m} \approx 19.79m/s

Wilson Ly
May 20, 2014

Because potential and kinetic energy are conserved, P E i = K E f PE_i = KE_f . Or, in other words, m g h = m v 2 2 mgh = \frac{mv^2}{2} and v = g h v=\sqrt{gh} . In this case, since he is 2 3 \frac{2}{3} of the way, the radius - or height - is 2 3 ( 30 m ) = 20 m \frac{2}{3}\left(30m\right) = 20m . Thus, v = 9.81 ( 20 ) = 19.809 v=\sqrt{9.81\left(20\right)} = 19.809 .

Both the solutions here miss crucial aspects of the problem. The key notion here is that the heroine and the bridge make up one rigid body that is rotating. Hence one needs to consider conservation of energy, but with total angular kinetic energy rather than translational. Hence we want to avoid statements about "uniform velocity" etc. and talk about "uniform angular velocity". Anyone have a correct, condensed solution?

David Mattingly Staff - 7 years ago
Tushar Gopalka
Dec 7, 2013

This is a relatively simple problem requiring just excessive calculations. Let mass of Bridge be M and heroine be m. Let she cling at a spot r from the center of rotation of the bridge. As length of bridge is l=30 m. I am taking reference level for calculation of P.E from that point Initial Mechanical Energy= Mg 30 +mg 30. Final M. E= Mg 15 + mg (30-2/3*30) +1/2 I Omega^2....the last tem is due to M.I. Equate both sides and the asnwer is obtained...

Sun traverse 180 degree in 12 hours and sun and moon are separated by half a degree so it will take approx 2 minutes

prottay das - 4 years, 10 months ago

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