If it's not about pion versus photon, what else can it be?

A bit of briefing.

We all know that strong nuclear forces are short range forces whereas electromagnetic forces are long-range forces. In case of electromagnetic forces photons are the exchange particles , but it is pions in case of strong nuclear forces.

Which of the following difference in properties of the strong nuclear force and electromagnetic force, or the difference properties of these exchange particles account for the fact that the strong nuclear forces are short ranged when compared to the long-range electromagnetic forces?

A)charge associated with the particles.
B)Rest Mass associated with the particles.
C)Spin associated with the particles.
D)Speed of the particles.
E)the above hypothesis is experimental and not theoretical.
F)Its a law of nature and it happens so as to strike balance between strength and range of the fundamental forces.
G)None of the above reason are appropriate .
Mark the correct answer as your option.

Inspiration: Developed it from one of the questions asked to me in the KVPY interview round.

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1 solution

Vignesh S
Mar 2, 2016

According to present understanding any force is mediated by what are called exchange particles. These particles exist so as to satisfy Heisenberg's uncertainty principle Δ E m a s s Δ t h 4 π \Delta E_{mass}\cdot\Delta t\geq\frac{h}{4\pi} . So higher the energy of the particle the shorter time of its existence. This energy is nothing but the mass energy of the exchange particle. Photon is massless , therefore accounting for the infinite range, while pions are massive and if their masses are substituted in the inequality, Δ t \Delta t time comes out very small and this defines the range of the force. Calculation yields range is the order of a few fermi.

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