Imagine all the points

Geometry Level pending

A sphere of radius 1 1 is inscribed in a regular triangular pyramid A B C S ABCS with the base A B C . ABC. The angle between the base of the pyramid and its side is 6 0 . 60^\circ. A plane intersects the edges A B AB and B C BC at some points M M and N , N, such that M N = 5 , |MN|=5, and it is tangent to the sphere at a point equidistant from M M and N . N. It intersects the line of the altitude S K SK beyond the point K K at some point D . D. Find C D 2 . |CD|^2.

Details and assumptions

A triangular pyramid A B C S ABCS is called regular if its base A B C ABC is an equilateral triangle and the vertex S S lies on the line perpendicular to the base, that passes through its center.

The answer is 48.

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1 solution

Calvin Lin Staff
May 13, 2014

Suppose the center of sphere is O , O, and the midpoint of A C AC is E . E. Consider the triangle E K S . EKS. It is a right triangle, with K E S = 6 0 . \angle KES=60^\circ. The point O O lies on K S , KS, at the distance 1 1 from K K and from the side S E . SE. Therefore, E O EO is the angle bisector of K E S , \angle KES, thus K E O = 3 0 . \angle KEO=30^\circ. This implies that K E = 3 , |KE|=\sqrt{3}, thus S E = 2 3 |SE|=2\sqrt{3} and K S = 3. |KS|=3.

In the equilateral triangle A B C , ABC, the segment K E KE is the in-radius. Because A K E = 6 0 , \angle AKE = 60^\circ, A E = 3 tan 6 0 = 3. |AE|=\sqrt{3} \cdot \tan 60^\circ = 3. So A C = 6. |AC|=6.

Because a plane through M M and N N is tangent to the sphere at a point equidistant from M M and N , N, we can conclude (e.g., using the Pythagorean Theorem) that O M = O N . |OM|=|ON|. Therefore, K M = K N . |KM|=|KN|. Disregard for a moment the condition M N = 5. |MN|=5. As a point M M moves from A A to B , B, its distance from K K first decreases from 2 3 2\sqrt{3} to 3 , \sqrt{3}, then increases back to 2 3 , 2\sqrt{3}, after it passes the midpoint of A B . AB. For every such M M there are two points N N on B C BC at the same distance from K K (they coincide when M M is the midpoint of A B AB ). One of them is symmetric to M M about the line B K BK . The other one has M K N = 12 0 . \angle MKN=120^\circ.

We will show that the second possibility is impossible, given the other conditions of the problem. Indeed, if M N = 5 |MN|=5 and M K N = 12 0 , \angle MKN =120^\circ, the distance from the midpoint of M N MN to K K is 5 2 3 . \frac{5}{2\sqrt{3}}. Because this is greater than 1 , 1, the plane through M N MN that is tangent to the sphere (and is different from the plane A B C ABC ) will intersect O K OK beyond O , O, rather than beyond K . K.

So, M M and N N are symmetric about the line B K . BK. Note that the midpoint of M N MN lies in the plane S K E . SKE. Let us call it F . F. Because B K : K E = 2 : 1 , |BK|:|KE|=2:1, the length of the cross-section of A B C ABC passing through K K parallel to A C AC equals 2 3 6 = 4. \frac{2}{3}\cdot 6 =4. Because M N = 5 = 4 + 6 2 , |MN|=5=\frac{4+6}{2}, F F is the midpoint of K E . KE.

Now we do some calculations in the plane S K E SKE . Suppose K O F = α . \angle KOF=\alpha. Suppose G G is the point of the plane through M N , MN, where it is tangent to the sphere. Then F O G = K O F = α , \angle FOG=\angle KOF= \alpha, so K F D = 18 0 2 ( 9 0 α ) ) = 2 α . \angle KFD=180^\circ-2(90^\circ-\alpha))=2\alpha. Since tan α = 3 2 , \tan \alpha = \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}, tan ( 2 α ) = 3 1 3 4 = 4 3 . \tan (2\alpha )=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{1-\frac{3}{4}}=4\sqrt{3}. So D K = 4 3 3 2 = 6. |DK|=4\sqrt{3}\cdot \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} = 6.

To finish up, C K = 2 3 . |CK|=2\sqrt{3}. By the Pythagorean theorem for the triangle D K C DKC , C D 2 = 36 + 12 = 48. |CD|^2=36+12=48.

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