Find the equivalent resistance through A and B. (All values in Ohms)
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How can we write that resistance between c&d is R/2? Pls explain.
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Good question, it is the only thing in this question which requires a good analyzing power. See carefully that all the combination of resistance across A and B we say that their equivalent would be R than here we can see that : R = one 1ohm resistance in series then one in parallel then half in series then half in parallel and then 1/4 in series and in parallel and it goes on. So you can see that across C and D there is one 1/2ohm resis. in series then 1/2 in parallel then 1/4 in series and parallel and then 1/8 in series and parallel and goes to infinity. So all the combination of resistances which make up R are now halved across C and D so we can conclude that here equivalent resistance will be R/2.
if we add 2ohm resistance behind 1ohm in such a way that a G.P continues but starts from 2 that case this method wouldn't work ....
Denote the overall resistance as R . For convenience, we will refer to the first intersection of A's row as A 1 . Observe that the resistance between A 1 and B is equivalent to 1 + 2 R 1 1 , by the formula for parallel circuits. Adding the initial 1 from A to A 1 gives us that 1 + 2 R 1 1 + 1 = R . Solving this equation, R = 2 .
Please colud you explain your solution again and briefly , and i don't even understant what is A1 in your solution. :(
We can add two 2 ohm resistances on front and resultant resistance must be 2R. Solving the eqn we get R=√2 ohm.
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