Interesting 38

What is interesting about the number 38?

Every integer is interesting

38 is the smallest even integer that cannot be written as the sum of two primes 38 is the largest even integer that cannot be written as the sum of two primes 38 is the largest even integer that cannot be written as the sum of two composite odd integers 38 is the smallest even integer that cannot be written as the sum of two composite odd integers

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1 solution

Anthony Ritz
Mar 28, 2016

The key to proving the correct answer is noting that numbers ending in 5 5 (excluding 5 5 itself) are never prime.

The units digit of our even number must be 0 , 2 , 4 , 6 , 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 8 .

If the units digit is 0 0 and our number is at least 30 30 , our number can be expressed as the sum of two composite numbers ending in 5 5 .

If the units digit is 2 2 , and our number is at least 42 42 , our number can be expressed as the sum of a composite number ending in 5 5 and the number 27 27 .

If the units digit is 4 4 and our number is at least 24 24 , our number can be expressed as the sum of a composite number ending in 5 5 and the number 9 9 .

If the units digit is 6 6 and our number is at least 36 36 , our number can be expressed as the sum of a composite number ending in 5 5 and the number 21 21 .

If the units digit is 8 8 and our number is at least 48 48 , our number can be expressed as the sum of a composite number ending in 5 5 and the number 33 33 .

The largest even number that could possibly fall outside of these cases is the number 38 38 . It isn't too much work to run through the pairs ( 1 , 37 ) (1,37) , ( 3 , 35 ) (3,35) , ( 5 , 33 ) (5,33) , ( 7 , 31 ) (7,31) , ( 9 , 29 ) (9,29) , ( 11 , 27 ) (11,27) , ( 13 , 25 ) (13,25) , ( 15 , 23 ) (15,23) , ( 17 , 21 ) (17,21) , ( 19 , 19 ) (19,19) and see that no pair of odd integers that adds to 38 38 contains two composite numbers.


Answer A is false; Goldbach's conjecture states that every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes. Goldbach's conjecture is unproven but has been verified for all even integers below 4 1 0 18 4*10^{18} . 38 38 , in particular, is 7 + 31 7+31 and 19 + 19 19+19 . Answer D is false for the same reason.

Answer C is false; 38 38 is the largest such integer, but smaller integers that cannot be the sum of two composite odds exist. For instance, 2 2 cannot be expressed in this manner. Also, literally all negative even integers, among several others.

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