Karan's Puzzle 1

Which of the two figures can be drawn continuously without drawing any line twice?

Note: Drawing continuously means that you do not take your pen off the paper.

Figure 1 can be drawn only Both can be drawn None of the above can be drawn Figure 2 can be drawn only

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6 solutions

Karan Bansal
Mar 25, 2014

To find if a give figure can be drawn or not , just mark all the intersections in the figure and highlight them as dots and label each of them as vertex(v) from i = 1,2,3 .... ,n Now try to find the number of total lines emerging from each of the vertex and label them as number of lines L(i) where L(i) is the number of lines emerging from the vertex labelled as i. Now count the number of L(i)'s which are odd numbers for each of the i = 1,2,3 .... ,n and store it in the variable x. Now if x = 0 or 2 then the given figure can be drawn else the given figure can't be drawn.

I will be updating the proof of my solution in a week. Try to challenge me by giving some other solution or try to prove my solution.

Proof is as simple as 2 + 2. Think of a source node and a destination node. So a drawable figure can have atmost two odd valency nodes.

Rajen Kapur - 7 years, 2 months ago

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are you using euler's network rules?

A Former Brilliant Member - 7 years, 2 months ago

both of them have more than 2 odd nodes, hence they cannot be drawn in the way mentioned. ( refer Euler circuits)

Sanjit Jena - 7 years, 2 months ago

I was in some kinda fun mode and I just thought why not draw it. I was able to draw the first one guys! How is it not possible? Did not lift the pen, no over writing and I did it.

Muhammad Amir - 7 years, 2 months ago

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I think you must have crossed lines with your pen, only then it is possible. :)

Ritvik agarwal - 7 years, 2 months ago

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Maybe. I did not draw the whole circle at once, like there were 4 sides of the square so I divided the circle into 4 sides and made the quarter circles one at a time, this helped me make the first shape. Alright no problem then, I'll see if I did something wrong thanks!

Muhammad Amir - 7 years, 2 months ago

may be you did it in your dreams :P or used a cheat method that by folding and unfolding one side of paper

Amit Sharma - 7 years, 2 months ago

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haha. Unfortunately I did not fold my paper

Muhammad Amir - 7 years, 2 months ago

Solution: For such Condition graph must have the Euclidean graph property. Each Vertices must have the Even degree or only a single pair have the odd degree.

Gautam Singh - 7 years, 2 months ago
Adila Krisnadhi
Apr 3, 2014

The problem is equivalent to asking whether there exists an Eulerian circuit in each graph. A connected graph has an Eulerian circuit if and only if all of its vertices have an even degree. Since both graphs have a vertex with an odd degree, then both have no Eulerian circuit.

See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eulerian_path

little correction ............. here there can b odd degree but only 2 odd degere node..... so here can b either eular graph or unicursal graph

rajat verma - 7 years, 2 months ago
Tanuj Sur
Mar 26, 2014

its simple .try to draw atleast once both the diagram ,you will find that it gets overwritten

Akshay Yadav
Sep 7, 2015

This is question related to graph theory,

The basic rule of graph theory is that a figure can be drawn without lifting a pencil when it has either even number of intersections at its vertices or the same condition with maximum two number of veritce with odd intersections is also allowed.

None of the figure satifies the above conditions.

Hữu Nguyễn
Apr 4, 2014

It's elementary graph theory quiz, shape can be drawn by 1 line only if it contain an eulerian path. On eulerian path, every node must has even edge pass through it. Those 2 shape is not satisfied.

Aashish Agarwal
Mar 26, 2014

Whenever the lines from the given vertex (which is L(i) in the given problem) is even, it means that there is an edge incoming to that vertex and an outgoing edge corresponding to it. So when all the vertices are having there L(i) even its simple case in which we can draw a figure. Now next comes the case in which there is a vertex with L(i) as odd. When L(i) is odd it signifies that it is having either an extra incoming line or an outgoing line, so to compensate this extra line there must be another vertex having L(i) value to be odd. Infact we can say that if there are two vertices with odd value of L(i), one of them corresponds to the vertex from which we need to start drawing the figure and the other one corresponds to the vertex where we end our figure. Next comes the case where we have more than 2 vertices with odd value of L(i), this is not possible, the explanation to this is already done in the second case, it we have more than 2 vertices which are having their L(i) value as odd, that particular vertex will have an edge which cannot be covered while drawing the figure,because there is no other edge corresponding to that particular vertex which can be drawn. Hence the solution.

i'need a prove that the given any set of integers is CRS

Saba Malik - 7 years, 2 months ago

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