Treacherous Cylinder

A cylindrical capacitor of length l l has 2 2 plates, an inner plate of radius a a and outer plate of radius b b . The portion of volume between the two plates of the capacitor is filled with a material of dielectric constant k k and resistivity ρ \rho . Initially, the inner plate has a charge Q 0 Q_0 . Assuming that the capacitance of the system is C C , the charge fl​own from the inner plate of the capacitor at time t = ρ k ϵ 0 t=\rho k \epsilon_0 is S Q 0 S Q_0 . Find S S . Bonus: Find the charge on the inner plate of the capacitor as a function of time.

The answer is 0.63212.

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2 solutions

Taufiq Murtadho
Aug 21, 2016

Suppose that the charge contained on the surface of inner cylinder is Q ( t ) Q(t)

Gauss Law in a dielectric system gives:

D . d A = Q e n c \large \oint_{}^{}D.dA=Q_{enc}

D = Q 2 π r l \large D=\frac{Q}{2\pi rl}

E = D ε = D k ε 0 \large E=\frac{D}{\varepsilon}=\frac{D}{k\varepsilon_{0}}

E = Q 2 π ε 0 k r l \large E=\frac{Q}{2\pi \varepsilon_{0} krl}

Ohm's Law

J = E ρ = Q 2 π ε 0 ρ k r l \large J=\frac{E}{\rho}= \frac{Q}{2\pi \varepsilon_{0} \rho krl}

I = J . d A = Q 2 π ε 0 ρ k r l 2 π r l = Q ρ ε 0 k \large I=\int J. dA= \frac{Q}{2\pi \varepsilon_{0} \rho krl}2\pi rl=\frac{Q}{\rho\varepsilon_{0}k}

d Q d t = Q ρ ε 0 k \large \frac{-dQ}{dt}=\frac{Q}{\rho\varepsilon_{0}k}

Rearranging and integrating gives you:

Q = Q 0 e t ρ ε 0 k \large Q= Q_{0}e^{\frac{-t}{\rho\varepsilon_{0}k}}

When t = ρ ε 0 k \large t=\rho\varepsilon_{0}k , Q = Q 0 e Q=\frac{Q_{0}}{e}

Finally, the charge flown is:

Q f l o w n = Q 0 ( 1 1 e ) = 0.63212 Q 0 \large Q_{flown}=Q_{0}(1-\frac{1}{e})=0.63212Q_{0}

S = 0.63212 \large S=0.63212

Its a nice way of finding it without using capacitance and resistance directly in their results, very fundamental and clear. Well done

Swagat Panda - 4 years, 9 months ago

I always admire solutions that use electromagnetics equations.

Mikhael Glen Lataza - 4 years, 5 months ago

Nice one!! (+1) from me!!!

Md Zuhair - 2 years, 12 months ago
Swagat Panda
Aug 14, 2016

Relevant wiki: RC Circuits (Direct Current)

Charge flown from a capacitor having resistance R e q and capacitance C e q as a function of time is given by: \text{Charge flown from a capacitor having resistance } R_{eq} \text{ and capacitance } C_{eq} \text{ as a function of time is given by:} q = Q 0 ( 1 e t R e q C e q ) ( 1 ) \boxed{q=Q_0\left(1-e^{{\dfrac{-t}{R_{eq} C_{eq}}}} \right)} \quad \cdots(1)

; where \text{ ; where } R e q C e q = τ \large R_{eq}C_{eq}= \tau is the time constant. \text{ is the time constant.}

To find R e q let us assume a small element d x , which is x distance away from the inner plate of radius a \text{To find } R_{eq} \text{ let us assume a small element } dx \text{, which is } x \text{ distance away from the inner plate of radius } a .

The resistance of this elementary portion is \text{The resistance of this elementary portion is} d R = ρ . d x 2 π x l \boxed{ dR =\dfrac{\rho.dx}{2\pi xl}}

As these resistances are in series we can directly integrate d R to find the net resistance of the capacitor. \text{As these resistances are in series we can directly integrate } dR \text{ to find the net resistance of the capacitor.} R e q = a b ρ . d x 2 π x l = ρ ( ln x ) a b 2 π l R e q = ρ ln b a 2 π l R_{eq}=\int _{ a }^{ b }{ \dfrac{\rho.dx}{2\pi xl} } = \dfrac{\rho\left.(\ln{x}) \right|^{b}_{a}}{2\pi l} \\ \Rightarrow \boxed{R_{eq}=\dfrac{\rho \ln{\dfrac {b}{a}}}{2\pi l}} Now, equivalent capacitance of a cylindrical capacitor is given by \text{Now, equivalent capacitance of a cylindrical capacitor is given by} C e q = 2 π k ϵ 0 l ln b a \boxed{C_{eq} = {\dfrac{2\pi k\epsilon_0 l}{\ln{\dfrac{b}{a}}}}}

Hence, \text{Hence, } τ = 2 π l k ϵ 0 ln b a × ρ ln b a 2 π l = k ρ ϵ 0 \tau = \dfrac{ {2\pi l} k\epsilon_0 }{\ln{\dfrac{b}{a}}}\times\dfrac{\rho \ln{\dfrac {b}{a}}}{{2\pi l}}=\boxed{k\rho \epsilon_0} Putting this value of τ and t (given in the question) in equation ( 1 ) , we get: \text{Putting this value of } \tau \text{ and } t \text{ (given in the question) in equation } (1)\text{, we get:} q = Q 0 ( 1 e ρ k ϵ 0 ρ k ϵ 0 ) = Q 0 ( 1 e 1 ) = Q 0 ( 1 0.36787 ) = Q 0 ( 0.63212 ) S = 0.63212 q= Q_0\left(1-{e^{{\dfrac{-\rho k \epsilon_0}{\rho k \epsilon_0}}}} \right) = Q_0\left( 1-e^{-1} \right) = Q_0\left(1-0.36787 \right) =\boxed{Q_0\left(0.63212\right)} \\ \Rightarrow \boxed{S=0.63212}

For capacitance of a cylindrical capacitor: \text{For capacitance of a cylindrical capacitor:}

  • Take an arbitrary radius r in between the plates of the capacitor \text{Take an arbitrary radius } r \text{ in between the plates of the capacitor}
  • Using Gauss’s law find the electric field at that radius r assuming that the field is radially outward. \text{Using Gauss's law find the electric field at that radius } r \text{ assuming that the field is radially outward.}
  • Then using the relation E = d V d r find the potential difference between a and b , using integration. \text{Then using the relation } E= -\dfrac{dV}{dr} \text{ find the potential difference between }a\text{ and }b \text{, using integration.}
  • Put this result in the formula C = Q V to get the value of capacitance. \text{Put this result in the formula } C=\dfrac{Q}{V} \text{ to get the value of capacitance.}


Resistances are in series because potential is varying with radius and is not constant across each elementary resistance \rightarrow \text{Resistances are in series because potential is varying with radius and is not constant across each elementary resistance } and in series combinations, potential isn’t conserved. \text{and in series combinations, potential isn't conserved.}

d R = ρ . d x 2 π x l \rightarrow dR = {{\dfrac{\rho.dx}{2\pi xl}}} is obtained from the formula R = ρ l A . \text{ is obtained from the formula } R={\dfrac{\rho\ l}{A}}. 2 π x l = A and d x = l because the electric field in the capacitor is radially outward. 2 \pi xl=A \text{ and } dx=l \text{ because the electric field in the capacitor is radially outward. }

The Capacitance need not be found out. Using J=(sigma)E we can do the problem.

Abhi Kumbale - 4 years, 6 months ago

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Actually, the capacitance of cylindrical capacitor is to be remembered as a result. It is important in many objective problems based on these topics. I found the capacitance so that those who don't know this part can also understand how it is done.

Swagat Panda - 4 years, 6 months ago

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@Swagat Panda Can you look at this?

Abhi Kumbale - 4 years, 6 months ago

I have a doubt .... The (1) equation is true when both the plates are charged ... I cannot understand this thing... could anybody clear my doubt . @Swagat Panda @Taufiq Murtadho

Ayush Choubey - 4 years, 5 months ago

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