Least Negative Most Positive?

Algebra Level 5

Let α \alpha , β \beta and γ \gamma be the real roots of the cubic equation x 3 7 x 2 + a x + 50 = 0 x^3-7x^2+ax+50=0 , and their absolute values be the roots of another cubic x 3 b x 2 + c x d = 0 x^3-bx^2+cx-d=0 . Find the minimum integral value of b + d b+d .

The answer is 62.

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2 solutions

Trongnhan Khong
Oct 3, 2015


Firstly, we can deduce that

{ α + β = 7 γ α β = 50 / γ α + β + γ = b α β γ = d = 50 \begin{cases} \alpha +\beta =7-\gamma \\ \alpha \beta =-{50}/{\gamma } \\ \left| \alpha \right| +\left| \beta \right| +\left| \gamma \right| =b \\ \left| \alpha \beta \gamma \right| =d=50\quad \end{cases}

WLOG, assume that γ < 0 < α β \gamma < 0 < \alpha \le \beta

b = α + β γ = 7 2 γ \Rightarrow b=\alpha +\beta -\gamma =7-2\gamma

The problem now can be interpreted as finding the minimum integer value of 2 γ -2\gamma .

α , β , γ R \alpha ,\beta ,\gamma \in R requires that the quadratic equation X 2 ( α + β ) X + α β = 0 { X }^{ 2 }-(\alpha +\beta )X+\alpha \beta =0 or X 2 ( 7 γ ) X 50 / γ = 0 { X }^{ 2 }-(7-\gamma )X- { 50 }/{ \gamma } =0 has real root(s) for some real value of γ \gamma .

( 7 γ ) 2 200 / γ \Leftrightarrow { (7-\gamma ) }^{ 2 }\ge -200/\gamma

( 2 γ ) 3 + 28 ( 2 γ ) 2 + 196 ( 2 γ ) 1600 0 ( 1 ) \Rightarrow { (-2\gamma ) }^{ 3 }+28{ (-2\gamma ) }^{ 2 }+196(-2\gamma )-1600\ge 0 \quad (1) (note that γ < 0 \gamma < 0 )

We use a little calculus here.

Consider the function f ( 2 γ ) = L H S { f ( 14 ) = 0 f ( 14 / 3 ) = 0 f ( 14 ) f ( 14 / 3 ) > 0 ! δ R : f ( δ ) = 0 f\left( -2\gamma \right) =LHS\Rightarrow \begin{cases} f^{ ' }\left( -14 \right) =0 \\ f^{ ' }\left( -14/3 \right) =0 \\ f(-14)f(-14/3)>0 \end{cases}\Rightarrow \exists !\delta \in R:f(\delta )=0

Even more, we know that f ( 4 ) f ( 5 ) < 0 4 < δ < 5 f\left( 4 \right) f\left( 5 \right) <0\Rightarrow 4<\delta <5 .

Therefore, ( 1 ) 2 γ δ (1) \Leftrightarrow -2\gamma \ge \delta . What we need here is the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to δ \delta .

Hence, 2 γ = δ = 5 -2 \gamma=\left\lceil \delta \right\rceil =5 .

In conclusion, the minimum "integral" value of b + d b+d is 62 62 at ( α , β , γ ) = ( u , v , 5 / 2 ) (\alpha, \beta, \gamma) = (u, v, -5/2) and its permutations in which u , v u, v are roots of y 2 9.5 y + 20 = 0 { y }^{ 2 }-9.5y+20=0

The word "integral" makes me so confused.

Can you explain third last line ? Please !

Aditya Sky - 5 years, 2 months ago

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Hi, let's read something about ceiling function .

trongnhan khong - 5 years, 2 months ago

d=50 Now apply AM>=GM FOR THE ROOTS OF 2 CUBIC As d = 50 its minimum value is 11.05. But this is minimum hence minimum integer value is 12 . Hence answer= 62

How can you say that direct application of AM-GM will take care of all proposed conditions?

Satvik Golechha - 5 years, 8 months ago

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Are you Satwik from TPS Allen Kota? I have seen this question somewhere before.......

Amartya Anshuman - 5 years, 8 months ago

Is this question from your test, is it original? @Satvik Golechha

siddharth bhatt - 5 years, 8 months ago

Soory I did not understood what you commented. Can you explain

Aakash Khandelwal - 5 years, 8 months ago

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