as before
, a 1d lattice of
particles, each with a spin
In that problem, particles could interact with their nearest neighbors, but no further. As a result, no long-range order is possible above a temperature of absolute zero.
Here, consider the case where particles can interact with particles infinitely far down the lattice with the energy
What is the largest value of the exponent for which the lattice will prefer an ordered state at some non-zero temperature, , in the limit ?
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Once again, the ground state is given by the arrangement
… ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ …
which has the energy
− N ∫ + N d i − N ∫ + N ∣ i − j ∣ γ r d j ≈ 2 N i = 1 ∑ N i − 1
and the entropy
S = k B lo g 2
The lowest excitation from the ground state is the formation of a single domain wall, which is a hard boundary between up and down spins:
… ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ …
This state has entropy S = k B lo g N because the domain wall can be placed at any of the N positions in the 1d line.
The energy of this state, relative to the ground state, is found by summing the spin interactions between each pair of unlike spin states. For convenience, we place the boundary at between i = n and i = n + 1 .
First, we integrate over each interaction of a given up spin, then we integrate over all up spins. In a bit more detail, the steps are
The integral we face is given by
E ( domain wall ) = N → ∞ lim 1 ∫ n d i n + 1 ∫ N d j ∣ i − j ∣ γ r Δ E
To ease calculation, let's make the change of variables
l d l = i − j = − d j
so that l goes from n − 1 to N − i , and i goes from 1 to N .
Proceeding with the integral over l
E ( domain wall ) = Δ E 1 ∫ n d i n − i ∫ N − i l γ r d l = γ r − 1 − Δ E 1 ∫ n d i [ ( N − i ) γ r − 1 1 − ( n − i ) γ r − 1 1 ]
which becomes
E ( domain wall ) ≈ γ r − 1 Δ E 1 ∫ n d i ( n − i ) γ r − 1 1
in the limit N → ∞ . Performing the integral over i , we have
E ( domain wall ) ≈ Δ E ( γ r − 1 ) ( γ r − 2 ) ( n + 1 ) 2 − γ r
which goes as ∼ N 2 − γ r .
Recall, the entropy of the domain wall is given by ∼ k B lo g N since we can place the wall at any of the N spin variables. N 2 − γ r clearly outpaces lo g N for all σ < 2 and so, entropy will always win for low enough temperatures.
In other words, there will always be a finite T below which N 2 − γ r > k B T lo g N , i.e. in which the ground state is favored over the domain wall, in the infinite limit. This implies that for γ r < 2 , the infinite 1d spin lattice will find long range order at finite temperatures and, so, the upper bound for γ r is 2.