Luis's Random Calculation

Luis has a simple calculator that has buttons for the digits 0 through 9, each of the 4 basic operations ( + , × , ÷ ) (+, - \times, \div) , and an '=' button. Luis pushes a digit followed by the '+' sign, followed by another digit, followed by the '-' sign, followed by another digit and then the '=' sign. How many different answers could Luis get?

Details and assumptions

The 3 digits pressed can be the same, e.g. 1 + 1 2 1 + 1 - 2 is valid.

The answer is 28.

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13 solutions

Let x x be the minimum and y y be the maximum answer Luis could get.

x = 0 + 0 9 = 9 x = 0 + 0 - 9 = -9

y = 9 + 9 0 = 18 y = 9 + 9 - 0 = 18

Then the answer of Luis could get is in the range 9 , 8 , , 18 -9, -8, \ldots, 18 imply 18 + 9 + 1 = 28 18 + 9 + 1 = 28 different answers.

Ben Sockol
Jul 28, 2013

To solve this problem, all we need to do is find a minimum value that he could get and a maximum value that he can get and count how many numbers are in between them. The minimum value he can get is 0 + 0 - 9 = -9 and the maximum value he can get is 9 + 9 - 0 = 18. Thus the total number of answers that Luis can get are 18 + 9 + 1 (for zero) = 28 answers

Arian Tashakkor
Apr 27, 2015

All of the answers given lack something in common.All of them finally reach the answer 28 but none of which proves the fact that all 28 integers in the interval [-9,18] can be achieved.I don't really know how to prove that except for writing an example for all 28 cases but I assume there must be another proof in this case.

Brian Hogan
Aug 1, 2013

Largest possible solution would be 9 + 9 - 0 = 18 and the smallest possible solution is 0 + 0 - 9 = -9 18 - (-9) = 27 and then add 1 to count the possibility of getting zero and you have 28 possible solutions

Max Baroi
Aug 1, 2013

The largest possible answer is 18 18 since 9 + 9 0 9+9-0 is 18 18 . The smallest possible answer is 9 -9 since 0 + 0 9 0+0-9 is 9 -9 . There are 28 28 integers greater than or equal to 9 -9 and less than or equal 18 18 .

Choy Prieto
Jul 31, 2013

let the operation be a+b-c, by associating (b-c) you get an answer between -9 and 9 (-9, -8, ..., -1, 0, 1, ..., 9) then you can only add a positive number from 0 to 9, so the greatest number you get is 18, the total of this is 28 numbers: -9,-8, ..., 18

Jose Mateos
Jul 29, 2013

The greatest answer Luis could get is 9 + 9 0 = 18 9 + 9 - 0 = 18 , and the lowest is 0 + 0 9 0+0-9 Then there are 18 + 9 + 1 = 28 18 + 9 + 1 = 28 different answers (the 1 is because we must add zero)

  • 0 + 0 9 = 9 0 + 0 - 9 = -9

Jose Mateos - 7 years, 10 months ago

same solution bro :)

Jean Steven Erick Bianes - 7 years, 10 months ago
Joshua Crouch
Jul 29, 2013

The smallest answer is -9 (0+0-9). The greatest is 18 (9+9-0).


Peter Adel
Jul 29, 2013
  • it's obvious that all the different answer's Luis could get are integers ,, so we can get the largest value and the lowest value the answer could be , and assuming that ' A ' is the first digit , ' B ' is the second and ' C ' is the third , w can get all the integers ( odd and even ) numbers between the largest and the lowest value by this calculation A + B - C .
  • * in details * we can get the largest number when ' A ' and ' B ' are the largest digit , and that's 9 , and when ' C ' is the lowest integer 0 SO A + B - C = 9 + 9 - 0 = 18 is the largest value and it means that A + B - C = 0 + 0 - 9 = -9 is the lowest value
  • now it's obvious that the number of the different answers are all the 18's positive numbers and the 9's negative numbers and the Zero 0 :- 18 + 9 +1 = 28
Tjandra Gunawan
Jul 29, 2013

m a x = 9 + 9 0 = 18 max=9+9-0=18 and m i n = 0 + 0 9 = 9 min=0+0-9=-9 so all possible answer is [possitive count]+[zero count]+[negarive count]= 18 + 1 + 9 = 28 18+1+9=28

Luciano Renato
Jul 29, 2013

O maior resultado possível é 9+9-0=18

E o menor é 0+0-9=-9


Como há a possibilidade do zero sair também, temos 27+1=28 diferentes respostas.

Suresh Narayan
Jul 29, 2013

The minimum answer you can get is -9 (i.e,0+0-9),and the maximum answer you can get is 18 (i.e,9+9-0) . Also that all the answers between these two numbers is possible to get. therefore the total number of answers = 28 [i.e.,18-(-9)+1,(including the end points)]

Francis Naldo
Jul 28, 2013

We must first get the highest possible value which is 9 + 9 - 0 = 18 and get the lowest possible value which is 0 + 0 - 9 = -9

the absolute value of these two numbers are 18 and 9 but remember, 0 is a part of the solution set but is not recognized in these two absolute values. thus,

18 + 9 + n{0} = 18 + 9 + 1 = 28

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