Maximum Trajectory Area...

A projectile is thrown from ground at an angle of θ \theta with the horizontal. For what value of θ \theta in degrees is the total area between the trajectory and the ground maximum?

Image credit: Wikipedia Cmglee

The answer is 60.

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5 solutions

Sowmitra Das
Jul 4, 2014

The equation of trajectory is :
y = x tan α ( 1 x R ) \displaystyle y=x\tan{\alpha}\cdot(1-\frac{x}{R})
where, α \alpha is the angle of projection, and, R R is the horizontal range.
By, integrating this equation w.r.t. x x within the limit [ 0 , R ] [0,R] , we obtain the area of trajectory, A A .
A = 0 R y d x = 1 6 R 2 tan α \displaystyle\therefore A=\int^{R}_0y\,\mathrm{d}x=\frac{1}{6}R^2\tan{\alpha}
But, R = v 0 2 g ( sin 2 α ) R=\frac{v_0^2}{g}(\sin{2\alpha}) .
So, in order to maximize A A , we need to maximize sin 2 2 α tan α \displaystyle \sin^2{2\alpha}\cdot\tan\alpha .
Now, finding the first derivative of this expression (w.r.t. α \alpha ) and equating it with 0 0 , we obtain, tan 2 α = 3 \tan^2{\alpha}=3
α = 6 0 \therefore \alpha=60^{\circ} .

Kunal Gupta
Jun 27, 2014

I posted similar problem !!

this is a very cool question by itself. By the data given in the figure we can find out that the initial speed is 10m/s in all the cases. then write down the equation of trajectory for a ground to ground projectile by putting the value 10m/s. A quadratic in x is obtained and treat the trigo ratios as just constants. Now find the area under this trajectory by integrating the equation and putting the limits from 0 to 10sin2thetha (the range). an expression will be obtained with just sin and cos of thetha .. now we want this expression to be maximum we find the derivative of this and equate it to zero and obtain thetha 60 deg. dont forget to also find the second derivative too to see if it is maximum or minimum. :)

Akshit Vashishth - 6 years, 11 months ago

Another simple solution. Find the co-ordinates of the vertex P. x = v^2 cosθsinθ/g and y = v^2 sin^2(θ)/2g.Total area of the trajectory is slightly grater than area 2 OPX, where O is the point of projection and PX is altitude.That is equal to 2 1/2 x y. Substitute the values of x and y. Find the derivative of area with respective to θ and equate it to zero to find θ.

R.l. Bhat - 6 years, 11 months ago

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Can u elaborate? I didn't understood what u said.

Avesh Gagan - 6 years, 11 months ago

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If you draw a triangle with the range as the base and maximum height as the vertex, the area of this triangle is slightly less than the area under the projectile. Finding the co-ordinates of the vertex, you can find the area of that triangle. Then differentiate and equate it to zero to get θ.

R.l. Bhat - 6 years, 11 months ago
Rohit Gupta
May 18, 2015

How can we keep t h e t a theta constant while integrating?

Harry Jones - 4 years, 1 month ago

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θ \theta is the angle of projection. How can it change with the motion of the projectile?

Rohit Gupta - 4 years, 1 month ago

@Rohit Gupta Oh yes.. Thanks!!

Harry Jones - 4 years, 1 month ago

here the horizontal range will be [(V^2* COS* SIN)/g] and the vertical range will be [(V^2* SIN^2)/2/g] now here the motion formed by the thrown object is half ellipse or parabola.Lets assume the motion to be half parabola for simplicity.So area it will occupy is [(PI* v^4* SIN^3* COS)/8/g^2].it is half parabola so area of it is [(PI* half major axis* half minor axis)/2] so the number 8 appeared. Now here except [COS*SIN^3] other components are constants.Now take COS=x and so SIN=(1-x^2)^1/2. Now solve the function for x for maximum value.

Sanskari Munda
Jul 1, 2014

integrate the equation of trajectory from 0-R.. (R = Range) then differentiate the obtained expression w.r.t (theta). the differentiation is a little mathematical , you have to intentionally remove the extraneous root sinx=0

I not understand the....question

Pritesh Gehlot - 6 years, 11 months ago

R square tan alpha in Integration in 1 st equation How does admin get 1/6

Ajay Dalvi - 6 years, 11 months ago

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