Minimum of an Octic

Algebra Level 4

As t t ranges over all real values, what is the minimum of f ( t ) = ( t 2 3 ) ( t 2 5 ) ( t 2 7 ) ( t 2 9 ) + 100 ? f(t) = (t^2-3)(t^2-5)(t^2-7)(t^2-9) + 100 ?

The answer is 84.

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10 solutions

Quý Bùi Tứ
May 20, 2014

f ( t ) = ( t 2 3 ) ( t 2 9 ) ( t 2 5 ) ( t 2 7 ) + 100 = ( t 4 12 t 2 + 27 ) ( t 4 12 t 2 + 35 ) + 100 f(t) = (t^2 - 3)(t^2 - 9)(t^2 - 5)(t^2 - 7) + 100 = (t^4 - 12t^2 + 27) (t^4 - 12t^2 + 35) + 100 .

Let k = t 4 12 t 2 + 36 k = t^4 - 12t^2 + 36 , then k = ( t 2 6 ) 2 0 k = (t^2 - 6)^2 \geq 0 . Thus

f ( t ) = ( k 9 ) ( k 1 ) + 100 = k 2 10 k + 109 f(t) = (k - 9)(k - 1) + 100 = k^2 -10k + 109 = ( k 2 10 k + 25 ) + 84 = ( k 5 ) 2 + 84 84 = (k^2 - 10k + 25) + 84 = (k - 5)^2 + 84 \geq 84

Hence, the minimum is 84, which is achieved when k = 5 k = 5 or t 2 = ± ( 5 ) + 6 t^2 = \pm \sqrt(5) + 6 .

A common mistake of students is to claim that the minimum must occur at t 2 = 6 t^2 = 6 . If you consider the graph, this is actually a local maximum.

This was the only correct solution submitted. Common mistakes

  1. For solutions that used a substitution, you have to verify that your equality condition still holds by working through the substitution. E.g. If you used the substitution t 2 = s t^2 = s and later show that equality holds when s = 1 s = - 1 , then there is no real value of t t which gives t 2 = 1 t^2 = -1 .

  2. For solutions that used calculus, you have to carefully state what the domain of your function is. The extrema values need not occur at just places where the differential is 0, but could also occur at the endpoints. This is a common mistake across all calculus solutions that try and deal with inequalities on a restricted domain.

  3. For solutions which used calculus directly and claimed to have found the real values of the roots, you cannot simply use a decimal approximation to calculate the value. You have to justify why the exact integer value of 84 is achieved, and why no smaller value can be achieved. Decimal approximations can lead to far off answers.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago

Not a legal method but we can say that the minimum must occur around 4 and 8 ( by graph ) so just check for t=2 and you will get answer 85. Since actual value is slightly less than 85 (again by graph) it would be 84

It works just because 4 is such a good approximation for the minima

Ajinkya Shivashankar - 4 years, 7 months ago
Jonathan Fang
May 20, 2014

If you make another variable x, and set x = t 2 6 x = t^2 - 6 , by substituting in x you get ( x + 3 ) ( x + 1 ) ( x 1 ) ( x 3 ) + 100 (x+3)(x+1)(x-1)(x-3) + 100 ( x 2 9 ) ( x 2 + 9 ) + 100 (x^2 - 9)(x^2 +9) + 100 x 4 10 x 2 + 109 x^4 - 10x^2 + 109 By treating this as a quadratic you can get that the minimum for this expression is when x 2 = 10 2 x^2 = \frac {10}{2} 25 50 + 109 = 84 25 - 50 + 109 = 84

minor typo

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago

We appreciate this solution, because one can work it in his head!

Larry Paden - 6 years, 10 months ago
Calvin Lin Staff
May 13, 2014

f ( t ) 100 = ( t 4 12 t 2 + 27 ) ( t 4 12 t 2 + 35 ) = ( t 4 12 t 2 + 31 ) 2 4 2 f(t) - 100 = (t^4 - 12 t^2 + 27) (t^4 - 12 t^2 + 35) = (t^4 - 12t^2 + 31)^2 - 4^2 , so f ( t ) 100 16 = 84 f(t) \geq 100 - 16 = 84 . We have equality when t 4 12 t 2 + 31 = 0 t^4 - 12t^2 + 31 = 0 , which occurs when t 2 = 6 ± 5 t^2 = 6 \pm \sqrt{5} .

Note: The minimum doesn't occur when t 2 = 6 t^2=6 , which might be a common guess and which gives an answer of 109.

Using wave curve approach, we see the f(t^2)-100 go negative in [3,5] and [7,9] as expected. I convinced myself to take average of 7 and 9, and let it be t^2, which I thought would lead to the minimum value. I got 85 as answer, but realized its 84 from the community. My question is that why t^2 (being such a symmetric function as seen) didn't simply lead to 6+-sqrt(5). I am still a novice, so any help is highly appreciated.

Parth Singh - 3 months, 1 week ago

I'm not certain what the "wave curve approach" is. (I did a Google search, and nothing showed up).
I'm guessing that you were finding regions of positive and negative parts by testing integers.
If so, there is no reason why the average must happen at the midpoint -> When dealing with quadratics with known roots, yes the minimum happens at the mid point. However, in this case, we don't have a quadratic, nor are the roots 7 and 9.

Calvin Lin Staff - 3 months ago

I see. Thanks for the help !

Parth Singh - 3 months ago
Yara Lira
May 20, 2014

(t²-3)(t²-5)(t²-7)(t²-5) = f(t)

if t²-5=k

k(k+2)(k-2)(k-4) (k²-2k)²-8(k²-2k) fatored

if k²-2k=z

z²-8z dt/d 2z-8=0





Soham Chowdhury
Apr 16, 2018

The expression in blue is of the form x 2 0 x^2 \ge 0 .

f ( t ) = 100 + ( t 2 3 ) ( t 2 9 ) ( t 2 5 ) ( t 2 7 ) = 100 + ( t 2 6 + 3 ) ( t 2 6 3 ) ( t 2 6 + 1 ) ( t 2 6 1 ) = 100 + ( ( t 2 6 ) 2 9 ) ( ( t 2 6 ) 2 1 ) = 100 + ( ( t 2 6 ) 2 5 4 ) ( ( t 2 6 ) 2 5 + 4 ) = 100 + ( ( t 2 6 ) 2 5 ) 2 16 100 16 = 84 \begin{aligned} f(t) &= 100 + (t^2-3)(t^2-9)\cdot(t^2-5)(t^2-7) \\ &= 100 + (t^2-6+3)(t^2-6-3)\cdot(t^2-6+1)(t^2-6-1) \\ &= 100 + ((t^2-6)^2 -9)((t^2-6)^2-1) \\ &= 100 + ((t^2-6)^2 -5-4)((t^2-6)^2-5+4) \\& = 100 + {\color{#3D99F6}{((t^2-6)^2-5)^2}} - 16 \\ &\ge 100 -16 \\ &= 84 \end{aligned}

It is also clear that the minimum is reached when ( t 2 6 ) 5 = 0 (t^2-6) - 5 = 0 , which implies t = ± 6 ± 5 t = \pm\sqrt{6 \pm\sqrt5} .

Great observation! Good use of the difference of two squares for an easy factorization.

Calvin Lin Staff - 3 years, 1 month ago
Les Schumer
Jul 5, 2019

Let k = ( t 2 6 ) k = (t^2-6)

f ( k ) = ( k + 3 ) ( k + 1 ) ( k 1 ) ( k 3 ) + 100 f(k) = (k + 3)(k + 1)(k - 1)(k - 3) + 100

f ( k ) = ( k 2 9 ) ( k 2 1 ) + 100 f(k) = (k^2 - 9)(k^2 - 1) + 100

Locate the minimum using calculus f ( k ) = 4 k 3 20 k = 0 = > 4 k 2 = 20 = > k = 5 f'(k) = 4k^3 - 20k = 0 => 4k^2 = 20 => k=\sqrt5

f ( 5 ) = ( 5 9 ) ( 5 1 ) + 100 = ( 4 ) ( 4 ) + 100 = 16 + 100 = 84 f(\sqrt5) = (5 - 9)(5-1) + 100 = (-4)(4) + 100 = -16 + 100 = 84

In order to have the multiplication of the four brackets to be a -tive integer~~, v a l u e w o u l d b e e i t h e r t 2 = 4 o r t 2 = 8. W e s e e t h a t 3 < t 2 < 4 o r > 8 < t 2 < 9 g i v e s u s p r o d u c t o f t h e b r a c k e t s > 15 , a v a l u e o b t a i n e d b y t 2 = 4 o r 8. I n v e s t i g a t i n g v a l u e s n e a r a n d l e s s t h a n 4 , a n d v a l u e s n e a r a n d g r e a t e r t h a n 8 , w e g e t f ( t ) = 16. S o f ( t ) m i n = 100 16 = 84. value~ would~ be ~either~~t^2= 4 ~~or~~t^2= 8. ~\\ We~ see~ that~~~3<t^2<4 ~~or~~ >8<t^2<9~~ gives~~ us ~~product~of ~the~brackets~>15,~~a~value~ obtained~by~t^2=4~or~8.\\ Investigating~ values~ near~ and ~less~than~4, and~values~ near~ and ~greater~than~8,~we ~get~f(t)= ~-~16.\\ So~f(t)_{min}=100-16=84.

Ayush Parasar
Dec 11, 2014

f ( t ) = ( t 2 3 ) ( t 2 5 ) ( t 2 7 ) ( t 2 9 ) + 100 = ( t 4 12 t 2 + 27 ) ( t 4 12 t 2 + 35 ) + 100 f(t) = (t^{2} - 3)(t^{2} - 5)(t^{2} - 7)(t^{2} - 9) + 100 = (t^{4} - 12t^{2} + 27)(t^{4} - 12t^{2} + 35) + 100 Let us assume t 4 12 t 2 + 27 = k t^{4} - 12t^{2} + 27 = k

Thus f(t) becomes : k ( k + 8 ) + 100 k(k+8) + 100 Now the minimum value of this quadratic is given by -(64-400)/4 = 84 Hence the answer is 84.

Ieuan Pearse
May 20, 2014

A quick inspection of the problem will show the solution is less that 100 for 3 < t^2 < 5. Finding a minimum will require differentiation but without the right substitute, setting the differential to zero and then solving the resultant polynomial of order 7 will be extremely difficult. Let p = (t^2 - 3)(t^2 - 9) and let q = (t^2 - 5)(t^2 - 7) so f(t) = pq p= t^4 - 12t^2 + 27 and q = t^4 - 12t^2 + 35 which gives q = p + 8. f(t) = p(p+8) = p^2 + 8p At this point we can differentiate using the chain rule with df/dt = df/dp * dp/dt

df/dp = 2p + 8 = 2(p + 4) dp/dt = 4t^3 - 24t = 4t(t^2 - 6)

df/dt = 2(p + 4)*4t(t^2 - 6) = 8t(t^4 -12t^2 + 31)(t^2 - 6)

At a minimum, df/dt = 0 giving us 3 sets of solutions: 8t = 0, t^4 -12t^2 + 31 = 0 and t^2 - 6 = 0. From our initial inspection of the problem and without much calculation we can see that the minimum must be a solution within the middle of these 3 sets of solutions as 8t = 0 and t^2 - 6 = 0 will both give values of f(t) > 100. As t^4 -12t^2 + 31 is a quadratic in t^2 we can use the quadratic formula. Hence, t^2 = (12 +-sqrt20) / 2 = 6 +-sqrt5

Substituting either the positive or the negative root version of t^2 here will result in the same value of f. Here i've used the negative root: f(t) = (t^2 - 3)(t^2 - 5)(t^2 - 7)(t^2 - 9) + 100 = (3 - sqrt5)(1 - sqrt5)(-1 - sqrt5)(-3 - sqrt5) + 100 = (8 - 4sqrt5)(8 + 4sqrt5) +100 = 64 - 80 +100 =84

Arifin Zainal
May 20, 2014

f(t) = (t^2−3)(t^2−5)(t^2−7)(t^2−9)+100 f(t) = t^8 -24t^6 + 206t^4 - 744t^2 + 1045

let derived to be ...

f'(t) = 8t^7 - 144t^5 + 824t^3 - 1488t = 0

First we will factor our t: 8t^6 - 144t^4 + 824t^2 - 1488 = t ( 8t^6 - 144t^4 + 824t^2 - 1488 ). t = 0 is a root of multiplicity 1. Now we will find remaining roots using polynomial 8t^6 - 144t^4 + 824t^2 - 1488.

t1 = 0 (max) t2 = 1.94009 (min) t3 = -1.94009 (min) t4 = -2.44949 (max) t5 = 2.44949 (max) t6 = -2.86986 (min) t7 = 2.86986 (min)

then t2 or t3 or t6 or t7 inserted into the equation early. And the result is 84

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