Necker Cube

A constant current I I flows around the edges of a cube in two different ways as shown in the figure below. The magnetic induction vectors at the center of the cube in Fig. I and Fig. II are B I \vec{B}_{\text{I}} and B II \vec{B}_{\text{II}} , respectively. Find the angle in degrees between these vectors.

The answer is 54.74.

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4 solutions

For (I), the four currents contribute magnetic field vectors with directions: i + j , i + k , i j , i k i+j,i+k,i-j,i-k which sum up to i i .

For (II), the 6 currents contribute magnetic field vectors with directions: i + j , j k , i k , i + j , j k , i k i+j,j-k,i-k,i+j,j-k,i-k which sum up to 4 ( i + j k ) 4(i+j-k) . So we have c o s θ = ( i + j k ) . ( i ) 3 1 cos\theta = {(i+j-k) . (i) \over \sqrt{3}\sqrt{1}} . So θ = a c o s ( 1 3 ) = 54.7 3 o \theta = acos({1 \over \sqrt{3}}) = 54.73^o .

Very nice solution indeed.. I found the same solution very hard way! I only want you to elaborate more about i + j i+j etc. What are the directions of your unit vectors and how do you get direction of magnetic field?

Snehal Shekatkar - 7 years, 7 months ago
Lokesh Sharma
Oct 7, 2013

B I \vec {B_{I}} = x ^ \hat {x}

B I I \vec {B_{II}} = x ^ + y ^ + z ^ \hat {x} + \hat {y} + \hat{z}

θ = c o s 1 B I . B I I B I B I I \theta = cos^{-1} \frac{\vec {B_{I}}.\vec {B_{II}}}{|B_{I}| |B_{II}}| = c o s 1 1 3 cos^{-1}\frac{1}{\sqrt3} = 54.7 4 54.74^ \circ

Advitiya Brijesh
Oct 7, 2013

In figure I, the net magnetic field due to current is along +ve x a x i s x-axis so let B I = B 0 i ^ B_{I}=B_{0} \hat{i}

As, The magnitude of current is same in second case as well so B I I = B 0 i ^ + B 0 j ^ + B 0 k ^ B_{II}=B_{0} \hat{i} + B_{0} \hat{-j} + B_{0} \hat{k} Now using scalar product of vectors will fetch us θ = c o s 1 1 3 \theta = cos^{-1} \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}} so, θ 54.74 \theta \approx 54.74

I think you have merely provided a sketch of a solution, not a full solution itself. You skipped the heart of this question (which is to determine the sum of the vectors).

These solutions are like of the form: We set up everything in Cartesian co-ordinates first, let the x x axis be \cdots , and just when it feels like this is gonna be a great solution, it has a pathetic ending by simple arguments fetch us \text{simple arguments fetch us } \cdots . :)

Sreejato Bhattacharya - 7 years, 8 months ago
Angel Leon
Oct 12, 2013

I decomposed in pairs of vectors and used the right hand rule to determine the direction of the resulting magnetic field fields. I assumed that the resulting magnitude of each resulting vector would be 1 on the resulting axis. So, if I did, y cross - z => 1 unit on x, and so on.

On (I), I ended up with B1 = (2,0,0) On (II), I ended up with B2 = (1,-1,1)

Then I did, Cos(x) = (B1 dot B2)/|B1||B2| Cos(x) = 2/ (2 * (3)^1/2)

Cos(x) = (3^1/2)/3

Then solved for x, using acos((3^1/2)/3) = 54.74

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