Nonlinear System (Part 2)

Algebra Level 4

{ a b c = 2 a 2 b 3 c 4 = 5 a 1 b 7 c 2 = 9 \large \begin {cases} abc = 2 \\ a^{2}b^{3}c^{4} = 5 \\ a^{-1}b^{7}c^{-2} = 9 \end {cases}

If a , b , a, b, and c c are real numbers, determine ( a + b + c ) (a + b + c) , to two decimal places.

Hint: Can you find a clever way of representing this as a linear system?

The answer is 3.86.

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3 solutions

Note first that a , b , c a,b,c must all be positive, since as a b c abc is positive, either all three variables are positive or precisely two are negative, in which cases

  • if a , b a,b were negative and c c positive then a 2 b 3 c 4 a^{2}b^{3}c^{4} would be negative,

  • if a , c a,c were negative and b b positive then a 1 b 7 c 2 a^{-1}b^{7}c^{-2} would be negative, and

  • if b , c b,c were negative and a a positive then a 2 b 3 c 4 a^{2}b^{3}c^{4} would be negative.

So, as a , b , c > 0 a,b,c \gt 0 we can let x = ln ( a ) , y = ln ( b ) x = \ln(a), y = \ln(b) and z = ln ( c ) z = \ln(c) , transforming the system to

(i) x + y + z = ln ( 2 ) x + y + z = \ln(2) , (ii) 2 x + 3 y + 4 z = ln ( 5 ) 2x + 3y + 4z = \ln(5) and (iii) x + 7 y 2 z = ln ( 9 ) -x + 7y - 2z = \ln(9) .

Then (ii) + 2*(iii) yields 17 y = ln ( 5 ) + 2 ln ( 9 ) = ln ( 405 ) y = ln ( 405 ) 17 17y = \ln(5) + 2\ln(9) = \ln(405) \Longrightarrow y = \dfrac{\ln(405)}{17} .

Next, (i) + (iii) gives us that 8 y z = ln ( 2 ) + ln ( 9 ) = ln ( 18 ) z = 8 y ln ( 18 ) = 8 17 ln ( 405 ) ln ( 18 ) 8y - z = \ln(2) + \ln(9) = \ln(18) \Longrightarrow z = 8y - \ln(18) = \dfrac{8}{17}\ln(405) - \ln(18) .

Finally, using equation (i) we find that x = ln ( 2 ) ln ( 405 ) 17 8 17 ln ( 405 ) + ln ( 18 ) = ln ( 36 ) 9 17 ln ( 405 ) x = \ln(2) - \dfrac{\ln(405)}{17} - \dfrac{8}{17}\ln(405) + \ln(18) = \ln(36) - \dfrac{9}{17}\ln(405) .

Thus a + b + c = e x + e y + e z 1.4236 + 0.9371 + 1.4993 = 3.86 a + b + c = e^{x} + e^{y} + e^{z} \approx 1.4236 + 0.9371 + 1.4993 = \boxed{3.86} to 2 decimal places.

(Note that a b c 2.000 abc \approx 2.000 as expected.)

That's exactly what I had in mind. Although on second look, I think we could directly apply a multiplicative form of Gaussian elimination as well.

Steven Chase - 4 years, 8 months ago

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Yes, your approach skips the linearization step, but it was more fun to take the cue from your hint. :)

Brian Charlesworth - 4 years, 8 months ago
Steven Chase
Oct 9, 2016

I originally solved it by linearizing using natural logarithms (see Brian C's solution). But we can also directly apply Gaussian elimination in a multiplicative way. Equations are repeated and numbered below.

{ a b c = 2 ( E q 1 ) a 2 b 3 c 4 = 5 ( E q 2 ) a 1 b 7 c 2 = 9 ( E q 3 ) \large \begin {cases} abc = 2 (Eq 1) \\ a^{2}b^{3}c^{4} = 5 (Eq 2) \\ a^{-1}b^{7}c^{-2} = 9 (Eq 3) \end {cases}

( E q 3 ) 2 (Eq 3)^{2} multiplied by ( E q 2 ) (Eq 2) yields b = ( 81 5 ) 1 17 1.42357 b = (81*5)^{\frac{1}{17}} \approx 1.42357

( E q 3 ) (Eq 3) multiplied by ( E q 1 ) (Eq 1) yields b 8 c 1 = 18 b^{8} c^{-1} = 18 . Therefore, c = ( 81 5 ) 8 17 18 0.93706 c = \frac{(81*5)^\frac{8}{17}}{18} \approx 0.93706

Plugging b b and c c into ( E q 1 ) (Eq1) , a a is easily found to be 36 ( 81 5 ) 9 17 1.49929 \frac{36}{(81*5)^\frac{9}{17}} \approx 1.49929

{ a b c = 2 . . . ( 1 ) a 2 b 3 c 4 = 5 . . . ( 2 ) \begin {cases} abc = 2 \ ...(1) \\ a^{2}b^{3}c^{4} = 5 \ ...(2) \end {cases}

Rearranging ( 2 ) (2) .

( a b c ) 2 × b c 2 = 5 \implies (abc)^2 × bc^2=5

This gives:

b = 5 4 c 2 \implies \color{#D61F06}{b}=\dfrac{5}{4c^2} and c = 5 4 b . . . ( 3 ) c=\sqrt{\dfrac{5}{4b}} \ ...(3)

Putting b \color{#D61F06}{b} in ( 1 ) (1) .

a × 5 4 c 2 × c = 2 \implies a×\dfrac{5}{4c^2}×c=2

This gives:

c \implies \color{#20A900}{c} = 5 a 8 = \dfrac{5a}{8}

Putting c \color{#20A900}{c} in b \color{#D61F06}{b} .

b \implies \color{#D61F06}{b} = 5 4 × 25 a 2 4 = 16 5 a 2 = \dfrac{5}{4×\frac{25a^2}{4}}=\dfrac{16}{5a^2}

This gives:

a = 16 5 b . . . ( 4 ) \implies a=\sqrt{\dfrac{16}{5b}} \ ...(4)

Now, putting a a and c c in ( 1 ) (1) .

16 5 b × b × 5 4 b = 2 \implies \sqrt{\dfrac{16}{5b}}×b×\sqrt{\dfrac{5}{4b}}=2

This gives:

b = 1 \implies b=1

Putting b b in ( 3 ) (3) and ( 4 ) (4) .

c = 5 4 \implies c=\sqrt{\dfrac{5}{4}}

a = 16 5 \implies a=\sqrt{\dfrac{16}{5}}


a + b + c = 16 5 + 1 + 5 4 3.86 \implies a+b+c=\sqrt{\dfrac{16}{5}}+1+\sqrt{\dfrac{5}{4}}\approx \boxed{3.86}

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