Not slip sliding away

Two blocks are on top of each other on an inclined plane angled 30 degrees with respect to the horizontal. The top block has a mass of 30 kg, while the bottom block has a mass of 50 kg. I connect a rope to the higher end of the top block, run it through a pulley, and connect the other end of the rope to the higher end of the bottom block. If the coefficient of static friction is the same between all surfaces, what is its minimum value if the blocks are not to slip?

The answer is 0.082.

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3 solutions

Muralidhar Kamidi
May 20, 2014

Let's denote masses by M = 50 kg, and m = 30 kg; and let the coefficient of friction be k. Considering the free body diagram of the heavier mass, the maximum friction on either side and the tension in the rope must at least balance down-the-slope component of its weight. M g sin θ = T + k ( M + m ) g cos θ + k m g cos θ M g \sin \theta = T + k (M+m) g \cos \theta + k m g \cos \theta . Similarly from the free body diagram of the lighter mass: T = m g sin θ + k m g cos θ T = m g \sin \theta + k m g \cos \theta . Eliminating T from the above equations, we have: k = ( M m ) t a n θ M + 3 m k = \frac{(M - m) tan \theta} {M + 3m} . Substituting the values, we have k = 0.082.

just near to the answer.I got my answer as 0.1

Piyush Bharti - 6 years, 8 months ago
Frank Noschese
May 20, 2014

Since both blocks are at rest, the net force on each block must be zero. Forces on the top block, parallel to the incline (taking up the incline as positive): T W f b o t t o m = 0 T m t o p g s i n θ μ m t o p g c o s θ = 0 T 30 g s i n 3 0 μ 30 g c o s 3 0 = 0 \\T-W_{\parallel }- f_{bottom} = 0 \\T-m_{top}gsin\theta - \mu m_{top}gcos\theta = 0 \\T-30gsin30^{\circ} - \mu 30gcos30^{\circ} = 0

Forces on the bottom block, parallel to the incline (taking up the incline as positive): T + f f l o o r + f t o p W = 0 T + μ ( m t o p + m b o t t o m ) g c o s θ + μ m t o p g c o s θ m b o t t o m g s i n θ = 0 T + μ 80 g c o s 3 0 + μ 30 g c o s 3 0 50 g s i n 3 0 = 0 T + μ 110 g c o s 3 0 50 g s i n 3 0 = 0 \\T+f_{floor}+f_{top}-W_{\parallel} = 0 \\T+\mu (m_{top}+m_{bottom})gcos\theta+\mu m_{top}gcos\theta-m_{bottom}gsin\theta=0 \\T+\mu 80gcos30^{\circ}+\mu 30gcos30^{\circ}-50gsin30^{\circ}=0 \\T+\mu 110gcos30^{\circ}-50gsin30^{\circ}=0

The tension in the rope connecting the blocks must be the same everywhere. Solving for tension using the equation for the top block:

T = 30 g s i n 3 0 + μ 30 g c o s 3 0 \\T=30gsin30^{\circ} + \mu 30gcos30^{\circ}

then substituting for tension into the equation for the bottom block:

30 g s i n 3 0 + μ 30 g c o s 3 0 + μ 110 g c o s 3 0 50 g s i n 3 0 = 0 \\30gsin30^{\circ} + \mu 30gcos30^{\circ}+\mu 110gcos30^{\circ}-50gsin30^{\circ}=0

Combining like terms and solving for μ \mu : μ 140 g c o s 3 0 20 g s i n 3 0 = 0 μ = t a n 3 0 7 μ = 0.0825 \\\mu 140gcos30^{\circ}-20gsin30^{\circ}=0 \\\mu=\frac{tan30^{\circ}}{7} \\\mu=0.0825

David Mattingly Staff
May 13, 2014

First, choose coordinate axes such that the x-axis is parallel to the surface of the plane and the y-axis is perpendicular. Next, realize that if the blocks slip, the bottom one will slide down the slope (this helps you get the direction of the frictional forces right). We can then write the following force balances for the x and y components of the forces on the top and bottom block:

F t , x = m t g s i n θ + T μ N b o n t = 0 F_t,x=-m_tgsin\theta + T - \mu N_{b~on~t}=0

F t , y = m t g c o s θ + N b o n t = 0 F_t,y=-m_t g cos\theta + N_{b~on~t}=0

F b , x = m b g s i n θ + μ N t o n b + μ N p l a n e o n b + T = 0 F_b,x=-m_b g sin\theta + \mu N_{t~on~b} + \mu N_{plane~on~b} + T=0

F b , y = m b g c o s θ + N p l a n e o n b N t o n b = 0 F_b,y=-m_b g cos\theta + N_{plane~on~b}-N_{t~on~b}=0 .

All the net forces above are zero because if μ \mu is the minimum coefficient necessary to keep the blocks from slipping then, well, before the blocks slip they are not moving.

We can solve this system of linear equations for μ \mu ,

μ = m b m t 3 m t + m b t a n θ \mu=\frac {m_b-m_t} {3 m_t+m_b} tan\theta .

Entering in numbers gives μ = 0.0824 \mu=0.0824 .

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