Origin Story

Neutrinos arrive at Earth's surface all the time. Energies below 50 GeV \sim\SI{50}{\giga\electronvolt} are typical and result from the breakdown of other particles high in the atmosphere. But last fall, a neutrino arrived with an energy of 290 TeV \SI{290}{\tera\electronvolt} , about 20 20 times more energetic than the most powerful collisions at the LHC. At the moment, our understanding of where these exceptional particles could come from is poor.

Evidence is pointing toward a blazar in the direction of constellation Orion, which comprises a galaxy that orbits a spinning, supermassive black hole (SMBH). Calculations suggest that such SMBH form powerful jets that eject matter along their axis of rotation. The idea is that a very high energy pion π \pi^{-} was accelerated in the jet before decaying into a neutrino ν μ \overline{\nu}_\mu and a muon μ \mu^- , and that the neutrino sailed billions of years across the Universe, before landing at the IceCube detector in Antarctica.

Suppose a neutrino with energy E ν E_\nu is produced by a charged-pion decay process (which also produces a muon): π μ + ν μ . \pi^- \to \mu^- + \overline{\nu}_\mu.

Use conservation of momentum and conservation of energy to calculate the pion's energy E π E_\pi at the maximum possible angle θ \theta that sent the 290 TeV \SI{290}{\tera\electronvolt} neutrino hurtling at Antarctica.

How many times larger is E π E_\pi compared to E ν ? E_\nu?

Note: At ultra-high energies, the relationship between a particle's energy E E and momentum p p is E = p 2 c 2 + m 2 c 4 , E=\sqrt{p^2c^2+m^2c^4}, where m m is the particle's mass ( \big( instead of the classical relationship E = p 2 / 2 m ) . E=p^2/2m\big).

Assume the pion's mass m π = 140 MeV / c 2 m_\pi = \SI{140}{\mega\electronvolt}/c^2 and the muon's mass m μ = 106 MeV / c 2 . m_\mu = \SI{106}{\mega\electronvolt}/c^2. The neutrino's mass is so small that you can assume it is 0. 0.

The answer is 4.68675.

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4 solutions

Aaron Miller Staff
Jul 17, 2018

The pion, before it decays, has energy E π , E_\pi, and its momentum has a magnitude p π . p_\pi. Likewise, the neutrino has energy E ν E_\nu and momentum p ν , p_\nu, and the muon has energy E μ E_\mu and momentum p μ . p_\mu.

In special relativity, these quantities have different values in different reference frames, but we will work in the laboratory frame, where the energy of the neutrino is E ν = 290 TeV . E_\nu=\SI{290}{\tera\electronvolt}. We are looking for E π / E ν E_\pi/E_\nu starting from the relationships that come about by applying conservation of energy and conservation of momentum.

If we pick the x x -axis to be along the trajectory of the pion, then θ \theta is the angle that the neutrino's momentum makes with the x x -axis, and α \alpha is the angle that the muon's momentum makes with the x x -axis. Thus, conservation of momentum gives us two relationships between the momenta:

p π = p ν cos θ + p μ cos α 0 = p ν sin θ + p μ sin α . \begin{aligned} p_\pi&=p_{\nu}\cos\theta + p_{\mu}\cos\alpha \\ 0&=p_{\nu}\sin\theta + p_{\mu}\sin\alpha.\end{aligned}

We can combine these into a single relationship by eliminating α , \alpha, the direction of the muon's trajectory:

p μ 2 = p μ 2 cos α 2 + p μ 2 sin α 2 = p ν 2 sin θ 2 + ( p π p ν cos θ ) 2 = p ν 2 + p π 2 2 p π p ν cos θ . \begin{aligned} p_\mu^2 &=p_\mu^2\cos\alpha^2+ p_\mu^2\sin\alpha^2 \\ &= p_\nu^2\sin\theta^2 + \left(p_\pi-p_\nu\cos\theta\right)^2 \\ &= p_\nu^2+p_\pi^2-2p_\pi p_\nu \cos\theta. \end{aligned}

This relationship is satisfied by a range of particle momenta and angles, but not all combinations will satisfy conservation of energy. Since we are only interested in combinations for which energy is conserved, we can use the energy-momentum relationship E 2 = p 2 c 2 + m 2 c 4 E^2=p^2c^2+m^2 c^4 to recast this relationship in terms of the particle energies.

For each particle, the energy-momentum relationship can be solved for momentum: p 2 = E 2 / c 2 m 2 c 2 , p^2=E^2/c^2-m^2c^2, and so

p μ 2 = p ν 2 + p π 2 2 p π p ν cos θ E μ 2 c 2 m μ 2 c 2 = E π 2 c 2 m π 2 c 2 + E μ 2 c 2 2 E π 2 c 2 m π 2 c 2 E ν c cos θ E μ 2 = E ν 2 + E π 2 ( m π 2 m μ 2 ) c 4 2 E ν E π 2 m π 2 c 4 cos θ . \begin{aligned} p_\mu^2 &= p_\nu^2+p_\pi^2-2p_\pi p_\nu \cos\theta \\ \frac{E_\mu^2}{c^2}-m_\mu^2c^2&=\frac{E_\pi^2}{c^2}-m_\pi^2 c^2+\frac{E_\mu^2}{c^2}-2\sqrt{\frac{E_\pi^2}{c^2}-m_\pi^2 c^2}\frac{E_\nu}{c}\cos\theta\\ E_\mu^2 &= E_\nu^2+E_\pi^2 - \left(m_\pi^2-m_\mu^2\right)c^4 -2E_\nu\sqrt{E_\pi^2-m_\pi^2c^4}\cos\theta. \end{aligned}

In the above result, the mass of the neutrino is set to zero. Now we can impose energy conservation E μ = E π E ν E_\mu=E_\pi-E_\nu and find a relationship between the two energies, E ν E_\nu and E π , E_\pi, we are interested in:

( E π E ν ) 2 = E ν 2 + E π 2 ( m π 2 m μ 2 ) c 4 2 E ν E π 2 m π 2 c 4 cos θ . \left(E_\pi-E_\nu\right)^2 =E_\nu^2+E_\pi^2 - \left(m_\pi^2-m_\mu^2\right)c^4 -2E_\nu\sqrt{E_\pi^2-m_\pi^2c^4}\cos\theta.

Expanding the right-hand side and simplifying, we find the following relationship between the energy of the pion E π E_\pi and the energy of the neutrino E ν , E_\nu, depending on the angle θ \theta that the neutrino makes relative to the trajectory of the pion:

E π E ν = E ν E π 2 m π 2 c 4 cos θ + Δ \boxed{E_\pi E_\nu=E_\nu\sqrt{E_\pi^2-m_\pi^2 c^4}\cos\theta+\Delta}

where we have defined Δ = 1 2 ( m π 2 m μ 2 ) c 4 . \Delta=\frac12 \left(m_\pi^2-m_\mu^2\right)c^4.

We're done imposing conservation of momentum and energy, so now all that's left is to solve for the energy of the pion, E π , E_\pi, and determining the largest possible angle of the neutrino's trajectory, θ m . \theta_m.

Moving Δ \Delta to the left-hand side, and squaring both sides, we find

( E π E ν Δ ) 2 = E ν 2 ( E π 2 m π c 4 ) cos 2 θ E π 2 E ν 2 sin 2 θ 2 Δ E ν E π + ( Δ 2 + E ν 2 m π 2 c 4 cos 2 θ ) = 0 \begin{aligned} \left(E_\pi E_\nu-\Delta\right)^2&=E_\nu^2 \left(E_\pi^2-m_\pi c^4\right)\cos^2\theta \\ E_\pi^2 E_\nu^2 \sin^2\theta - 2\Delta E_\nu E_\pi +\left(\Delta^2+E_\nu^2 m_\pi^2 c^4 \cos^2\theta\right) &= 0\end{aligned}

Using the quadratic formula, we can solve for E π : E_\pi:

E π = 2 Δ E ν E π ± 2 Δ E ν cos θ 1 E ν 2 m π 2 c 4 Δ 2 sin 2 θ 2 E ν 2 sin 2 θ . E_\pi = \frac{2\Delta E_\nu E_\pi \pm 2\Delta E_\nu \cos\theta\sqrt{1-\frac{E_\nu^2 m_\pi^2 c^4}{\Delta^2}\sin^2\theta}}{2E_\nu^2\sin^2\theta}.

The energy must be real and positive, so we see that E ν 2 m π 2 c 4 Δ 2 sin 2 θ 1 , \dfrac{E_\nu^2m_\pi^2c^4}{\Delta^2}\sin^2\theta\leq1, and the largest possible angle θ m \theta_m for which this is true is

sin 2 θ m = Δ 2 m π 2 c 4 E ν 2 . \sin^2\theta_m = \frac{\Delta^2}{m_\pi^2c^4 E_\nu^2}.

The expression under the radical is 0 0 in this case, so

E π = Δ m π 2 c 4 E ν 2 E ν Δ 2 = m π 2 c 4 E ν Δ . \begin{aligned} E_\pi &= \frac{\Delta m_\pi^2 c^4 E_\nu^2}{E_\nu \Delta^2} \\ &=\frac{m_\pi^2 c^4 E_\nu}{\Delta}.\end{aligned}

Plugging in the definition of Δ \Delta we find

E π E ν = 2 m π 2 m π 2 m μ 2 , \frac{E_\pi}{E_\nu}=\frac{2 m_\pi^2}{m_\pi^2-m_\mu^2},

which works out to E π / E ν = 4.68675 E_\pi/E_\nu = 4.68675 using the measured masses of the pion and muon.

Mark Hennings
Jul 16, 2018

If P π , P ν , P μ P_\pi,\,P_\nu,\,P_\mu are the 4 4 -momenta of the pion, neutrino and muon respectively, then P π = P ν + P μ P_\pi = P_\nu + P_\mu . In a suitably oriented rest-frame of the pion, we will have P π = ( m π c , 0 , 0 , 0 ) P_\pi = (m_\pi c,0,0,0) , P ν = ( p , p , 0 , 0 ) P_\nu = (p,p,0,0) and P μ = ( c 1 E μ , p , 0 , 0 ) P_\mu = (c^{-1}E_\mu,-p,0,0) where m π c = p + c 1 E μ m_\pi c = p + c^{-1}E_\mu . But this means that m π c 2 p c = E μ = p 2 c 2 + m μ 2 c 4 ( m π c 2 p c ) 2 = p 2 c 2 + m μ 2 c 4 p = ( m π 2 m μ 2 ) c 2 m π \begin{aligned} m_\pi c^2 - pc & = \; E_{\mu} \; = \; \sqrt{p^2c^2 + m_\mu^2c^4} \\ (m_\pi c^2- pc)^2 & = \; p^2c^2 + m_\mu^2c^4 \\ p & = \; \frac{(m_\pi^2 - m_\mu^2)c}{2m_\pi} \end{aligned} and hence p c 29.871143 M e V pc \approx 29.871143 \;\mathrm{MeV} .

Now suppose we are in a laboratory frame, where the pion is moving along the x x -axis with speed v v . In the matching rest frame of the pion, we have P ν = ( p , p cos α , p sin α , 0 ) P_\nu = (p,p\cos\alpha,p\sin\alpha,0) for some angle α \alpha , and so the 4 4 -momentum of the neutrino in the laboratory frame is P ν = γ p ( 1 + v c cos α , cos α + v c , sin α , 0 ) = c 1 E ν ( 1 , cos θ , sin θ , 0 ) P_\nu \; = \; \gamma p(1 + \tfrac{v}{c}\cos\alpha,\cos\alpha + \tfrac{v}{c},\sin\alpha,0) \; = \; c^{-1}E_\nu(1,\cos\theta,\sin\theta,0) where E ν = 270 T e V E_\nu = 270 \; \mathrm{TeV} and θ \theta is the deflection angle. Here γ = ( 1 v 2 c 2 ) 1 2 \gamma = \big(1 - \tfrac{v^2}{c^2}\big)^{-\frac12} .

Write w = v c w = \tfrac{v}{c} . Then γ = ( 1 w 2 ) 1 2 \gamma = (1 - w^2)^{-\frac12} . We require γ p c ( 1 + w cos α ) = E ν cos α = w 1 ( K γ 1 ) \begin{aligned} \gamma pc(1 + w \cos\alpha) & = \; E_\nu \\ \cos\alpha & = \; w^{-1}\big(\tfrac{K}{\gamma} - 1\big) \end{aligned} where K = E ν p c 9.70837 × 1 0 6 K = \frac{E_\nu}{pc} \approx 9.70837 \times 10^6 . For this to be possible, we must have 1 cos α 1 -1 \le \cos\alpha \le 1 , and for this to be true we require that K 2 1 K 2 + 1 w < 1 o r γ K 2 + 1 2 K \frac{K^2-1}{K^2+1} \le w < 1 \hspace{0.5cm}\mathrm{or}\hspace{0.5cm} \gamma \ge \frac{K^2+1}{2K} In other words, the pion has to be highly energetic. But this means that cos θ = cos α + w 1 + w cos α = K γ 1 K γ w = K 1 w 2 K w \cos\theta \; = \; \frac{\cos\alpha + w}{1 + w\cos\alpha} \; = \; \frac{K\gamma - 1}{K \gamma w} \; = \; \frac{K - \sqrt{1 - w^2}}{Kw} and the smaller cos θ \cos\theta gets, the larger the displacement angle becomes. Now d d w cos θ = 1 K 1 w 2 W w 2 1 w 2 \frac{d}{dw}\cos\theta \; = \; \frac{1 - K\sqrt{1-w^2}}{Ww^2\sqrt{1-w^2}} and this vanishes when γ = K \gamma = K . The maximum displacement angle occurs when v v is such that γ = K \gamma = K .

In the laboratory rest frame P π = ( γ m π c , γ m π v , 0 , 0 ) P_\pi = (\gamma m_\pi c,\gamma m_\pi v,0,0) , and hence E π = γ m π c 2 = K m π c 2 E_\pi = \gamma m_\pi c^2 = Km_\pi c^2 , and so E π E ν = K m π c 2 K p c = 140 p c = 2 m π 2 m π 2 m μ 2 = 4.68675275 \frac{E_\pi}{E_\nu} \; = \; \frac{K m_\pi c^2}{Kpc} \; = \; \frac{140}{pc} \; = \; \frac{2m_\pi^2}{m_\pi^2 -m_\mu^2} \; = \; \boxed{4.68675275}

Josh Silverman Staff
Jul 18, 2018

Without claiming that every step is rigorous, I offer this intuitive argument:

  1. Given that the mass of the π \pi^- is so small relative to its kinetic energy, we expect θ \theta to be small, certainly less than π / 2. \pi/2.
  2. The maximum ejection angle is achieved when the pion decays perpendicular to the beam direction, in the rest frame of the pion. Ejecting along any other direction would boost p ν x p_\nu^x relative to p ν y , p_\nu^y, lowering θ \theta toward the beam direction. (for simplicity, the beam is the stream of matter that's ejected by the SMBH)
  3. Because the momentum of the neutrino and muon are perpendicular to the beam direction, their total energy transforms like E = γ E E^\prime = \gamma E in a frame shift (as does the energy of the pion).
  4. Because E π , E_\pi, E μ , E_\mu, and E ν E_\nu all scale by the same factor in a frame shift, we can evaluate the ratio in any frame we like. In other words E π / E ν = E π / E ν . E_\pi^\prime/E_\nu^\prime = E_\pi/E_\nu.

The easiest frame to evaluate the energies of the pion and the neutrino is in the rest frame of the pion where the neutrino and muon eject vertically, and we have E π = m π c 2 E_\pi = m_\pi c^2 and E ν = p ν y c . E_\nu = p_\nu^y c.

By conservation of energy, we have ( E π E ν ) 2 = E μ 2 ( m π c 2 p ν y c ) 2 = m μ 2 c 4 + ( p μ y c ) 2 m π 2 c 4 + ( p ν y c ) 2 2 m π c 2 p ν y c = m μ 2 c 4 + ( p μ y c ) 2 \begin{aligned} \left(E_\pi - E_\nu\right)^2 &= E_\mu^2 \\ \left(m_\pi c^2 - p_\nu^y c\right)^2 &= m_\mu^2c^4 + \left(p_\mu^yc\right)^2 \\ m_\pi^2c^4 + \left(p_\nu^y c\right)^2 - 2 m_\pi c^2p_\nu^y c &= m_\mu^2c^4 + \left(p_\mu^yc\right)^2 \end{aligned}

By conservation of momentum, p ν y = p μ y , p_\nu^y = -p_\mu^y, so we can solve the last equation for p ν y , p_\nu^y, finding E ν = p ν y c = c 2 m π 2 m μ 2 2 m π , E_\nu = p_\nu^yc = c^2\dfrac{m_\pi^2-m_\mu^2}{2m_\pi}, and therefore E π / E ν = 2 m π 2 m π 2 m μ 2 . \boxed{E_\pi/E_\nu = \dfrac{2m_\pi^2}{m_\pi^2-m_\mu^2}}.

Using my notation, the maximum angle θ \theta occurs when γ = K \gamma = K . Since cos α = 0 \cos\alpha = 0 in that case, the maximum deflection does indeed occur when the muon and neutrino are emitted normally to the beam direction (in the rest frame of the pion).

Mark Hennings - 2 years, 10 months ago
Vinod Kumar
Jul 22, 2018

Using momentum conservation, the ratio of pion to neutrino energy is:

2(140)^2/{(140-106)+2(140-106)*106} = 4.6867

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