Oscillation 27-09-2020

A small disc of mass m m is attached to one end of a light inextensible cord, which passes through a frictionless hole in a frictionless horizontal tabletop. At the other end of the cord is attached a weight of mass M M .
Initially the disc is moving on a circle of radius R R with an angular velocity ω \omega
If the hanging weight is pulled slightly downwards and then released, it will undergo small amplitude oscillations. Find the angular frequency of these oscillations.
Answer comes in the form of α ω m m + M \alpha \omega \sqrt{\frac{m}{m+M}}
Type α \alpha

The answer is 1.732.

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3 solutions

Mark Hennings
Sep 26, 2020

If the position of the mass m m is described by polar coordinates r , θ r,\theta , then (since the only force acting on that mass is radial), angular momentum is conserved, and so r 2 θ ˙ r^2\dot{\theta} is constant. In this case, this tells us that r 2 θ ˙ = R 2 ω r^2\dot{\theta} = R^2\omega . If the tension in the string is T T , then we deduce that m ( r ¨ r θ ˙ 2 ) = T M r ¨ = T M g m(\ddot{r} - r\dot{\theta}^2) \; = \; -T \hspace{2cm} M\ddot{r} \; = \; T - Mg and hence ( M + m ) r ¨ m R 4 ω 2 r 3 + M g = ( M + m ) r ¨ m r θ ˙ 2 + M g = 0 (M + m)\ddot{r} - mR^4\omega^2 r^{-3} + Mg \; = \; (M + m)\ddot{r} - mr\dot{\theta}^2 + Mg \; = \; 0 Since the solution r R r \equiv R is possible, we deduce that M g = m R ω 2 Mg = mR\omega^2 . We want to consider small perturbations about the solution r R r \equiv R . If we write r = R + ρ r = R + \rho , then we obtain ( M + m ) ρ ¨ m R ω 2 ( 1 + ρ R ) 3 + M g = 0 ( M + m ) ρ ¨ + 3 m ω 2 ρ 0 \begin{aligned} (M + m)\ddot{\rho} - mR\omega^2\big(1 + \tfrac{\rho}{R}\big)^{-3} + Mg & = \; 0 \\ (M + m)\ddot{\rho} + 3m\omega^2\rho & \approx \; 0 \end{aligned} and so ρ \rho performs small oscillations with angular frequency 3 ω m M + m \sqrt{3}\omega \sqrt{\frac{m}{M+m}} making α = 3 \alpha = \boxed{\sqrt{3}} .

@Mark Hennings Thanks for the solution. Upvoted

Talulah Riley - 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Karan Chatrath
Sep 26, 2020

Place an X-Y coordinate system such that the origin is the hole and the X-Y plane lies on the tabletop. At a general instant, let the length of the string on the tabletop be r r and the angle it makes with the X-axisThe be t h e t a theta . Let the total length of the string be L L . Then:

x = r cos θ x = r \cos{\theta} y = r sin θ y = r \sin{\theta}

The Z coordinate of the mass M M is

z = ( L r ) z = -(L-r)

The kinetic energy of this system is:

T = m 2 ( x ˙ 2 + y ˙ 2 ) + M 2 z ˙ 2 T = \frac{m}{2}(\dot{x}^2 + \dot{y}^2) + \frac{M}{2}\dot{z}^2


T = ( M + m 2 ) r ˙ 2 + m r 2 θ ˙ 2 2 T = \left(\frac{M+m}{2}\right)\dot{r}^2 +\frac{mr^2\dot{\theta}^2}{2}

The potential energy of the system is:

V = M g ( L r ) V = -Mg(L-r)

Applying Lagrange's equations (Newton's laws are possible but tedious) gives the equations:

r 2 θ ˙ = c r^2 \dot{\theta} = c

Where c c is constant. The constant can be found by applying initial conditions:

r 2 θ ˙ = R 2 ω \implies r^2 \dot{\theta} =R^2 \omega

And the other equation is:

( M + m ) r ¨ = m r θ ˙ 2 M g (M+m)\ddot{r} = mr\dot{\theta}^2 -Mg

Replacing θ ˙ \dot{\theta} gives:

( M + m ) r ¨ = m R 4 ω 2 r 3 M g (M+m)\ddot{r} = \frac{mR^4\omega^2}{r^3}-Mg

Now, it is said that the mass M M is displaced by a small distance and released. We are asked to analyse resulting oscillations. To analyse small oscillations, let us take:

r = R s r = R - s

Where s < < R s <<R

Replacing in the equation of motion:

( M + m ) s ¨ = m R 4 ω 2 ( R s ) 3 M g -(M+m)\ddot{s} = \frac{mR^4\omega^2}{(R-s)^3}-Mg ( M + m ) s ¨ = m R ω 2 ( 1 s R ) 3 M g -(M+m)\ddot{s} =mR\omega^2\left(1 - \frac{s}{R}\right)^{-3} -Mg

Doing a binomial approximation gives:

( M + m ) s ¨ = m R ω 2 ( 1 + 3 s R ) M g -(M+m)\ddot{s} =mR\omega^2\left(1 + \frac{3s}{R}\right)-Mg ( M + m ) s ¨ + 3 m ω 2 s + m R ω 2 M g = 0 (M+m)\ddot{s} + 3m\omega^2s + mR\omega^2 -Mg=0

At equilibrium, The weight of the Mass must balance the tension in the string. Working that out leads to:

m R ω 2 = M g mR\omega^2 =Mg

Therefore, the approximated equation of motion is:

( M + m ) s ¨ + 3 m ω 2 s = 0 (M+m)\ddot{s} + 3m\omega^2s=0

This implies that the frequency of small oscillations are:

ω s 2 = 3 m ω 2 M + m \omega_s^2 = \frac{3 m\omega^2}{M+m}

Why is gravity assumed absent? The word horizontal in the question implies that it is there. If it wasn't there, the initial equilibrium state would not be possible. Newton's equations may be tedious, but they avoid writing an impossible equation. How can ( M + m ) r ¨ = m R 4 ω 2 r 3 (M+m)\ddot{r} \; = \; \frac{mR^4\omega^2}{r^3} have a constant r r solution?

Mark Hennings - 8 months, 2 weeks ago

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Thank you for the feedback. I have corrected the solution. I should have applied myself better while solving this problem.

Karan Chatrath - 8 months, 2 weeks ago

Let the hanging mass be pulled downwards through a small distance x x , so small that all the values x 2 , x 3 . . x^2,x^3.. can be safely neglected. Let the initial radius of the circular path be r r , angular velocity of the mass m m be ω \omega , and the final angular velocity be ω 1 \omega_1 . Then, angular momentum conservation equation yields

m ω r 2 = m ω 1 ( r x ) 2 m\omega r^2=m\omega_1(r-x)^2

Force acting on the system is

F = M g m ω 1 2 ( r x ) F=Mg-m\omega_1^2(r-x)

Initially the system is in equilibrium, so,

m ω 2 r = M g m\omega^2r=Mg

So F = M g m ω 2 r 4 ( r x ) ( r x ) 4 F=Mg-\dfrac {m\omega^2r^4(r-x)}{(r-x) ^4}

3 m ω 2 x \approx -3m\omega^2x

So, ( m + M ) d 2 x d t 2 3 m ω 2 x (m+M)\dfrac {d^2x}{dt^2}\approx -3m\omega^2x

Therefore the angular frequency of the resulting oscillation is

ω 3 m m + M \omega \sqrt {\dfrac {3m}{m+M}}

Hence α = 3 1.732 α=\sqrt 3\approx \boxed {1.732} .

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