
Logic Level 2

How many times do the minute and hour hands of a clock perfectly overlap in 24 hours, from 7 a.m. to 7 a.m. the next day?

Clarification: It is a standard analog clock where both hands move continuously.

The answer is 22.

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8 solutions

Jonathan Quarrie
May 28, 2017

When the start-end time is not 12 o'clock (or any other overlap time), there are 11 overlaps every 12 hours = 22 \large\boxed{22} overlaps for 24 hours.

If the start-end time was 12 o'clock, for example, the overlap at 12 would occur at 00:00, 12:00, and 24:00, making 23 overlaps for 24 hours.

Approximate overlap positions for the Minute and Hour hands. Approximate overlap positions for the Minute and Hour hands.

Image based on A Clock In The Mirror .

[Edit May 31, 2017] To make this solution a bit more complete.

The equation for the angle m \angle m of the minute hand at any given minute M M and the angle h \angle h of the hour hand at any given hour H H are as follows:


Each minute is 6 degrees.

360 60 = 6 \large\frac{360}{60} = 6

m = 6 × M \angle m = 6 \times M

Each hour mark is 30 degrees.

360 12 = 30 \large\frac{360}{12} = 30

But for us to be able to calculate h \angle h at any given minute, we also need to account for the additional movement of the hour hand for each minute.

The hour hand moves at 0.5 degrees per minute 360 ( 60 × 12 ) \large\frac{360}{(60 \times 12)} , and 30 degrees can be represented as 0.5 × 60 0.5 \times 60 .

h = 0.5 ( 60 × H + M ) \angle h = 0.5 (60 \times H + M)

So when we are considering an overlap, we are looking for when m = h \angle m = \angle h

6 × M = 0.5 ( 60 × H + M ) 6 \times M = 0.5 (60 \times H + M)

12 × M = 60 × H + M 12 \times M = 60 \times H + M

11 × M = 60 × H 11 \times M = 60 \times H

M = 60 11 × H M = \large\frac{60}{11} \times H

M = 5. 45 × H M = 5.\overline{45} \times H

Each overlap occurs every 65. 45 65.\overline{45} minutes.

24 hours is 1440 minutes.

1440 65. 45 = 22 \large\frac {1440}{65.\overline{45}} = \large\boxed{22}

Nice, the eleven lines help me understand the times at which the two hands coincide. An interesting property of these lines is that reflecting the clock along any of these 11 lines gives a sensible time.

Pranshu Gaba - 4 years ago

I love math!

Andrew Moy - 4 years ago

No, they line up every minute, at some point the hands have to overlap. No No you are Right I was thinking the sec. hand. got the wrong thou in my head and lost it.

Christopher S Oliver - 4 years ago

Updated with some angle calculations, to appease the Challenge Master god.

Jonathan Quarrie - 4 years ago

Regarding your explanation of "0.5°×60 represents 30°"... There are 60 minutes in an hour. Therefore e.g. 2:32 is 152 minutes (i.e. 60×2+32 minutes) after 12:00. Because the hour hand moves 0.5° per minute, at 2:32 the angle of the hour hand is 0.5° per minute × 152 minutes = 76°. While this is of course the same thing as separating the given equation 0.5°(60×H+M) into the degrees on the hour mark 0.5°(60×H) and the degrees on the minute mark 0.5°(M), don't you think that's confusing things? 🤔 (And you copied the rest of the Wikipedia article so faithfully, I feel like you might have failed to understand that, so just FYI 😊)

Luca Kenny - 4 years ago

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Thanks Luca. Now that you mention it, I can see how my explanation may confuse things. Although it is still correct (using 2:32 from your example, the 2 hours = 60 degrees, plus 16 degrees for 32 minutes = 76), I just made an association that was different to the source. I'm happy to remove that line in my solution if you feel it best, or I'm happy for it to stay so that your comment retains context.

But I wasn't trying to take credit for the equations, which is why I cited the source.

Jonathan Quarrie - 4 years ago

Damn I forgot to multiply the sum with 2 :/

Frederica Bernkastel - 3 years, 12 months ago
Munem Shahriar
May 19, 2017

The minute hand will go round the dial 24 times, but the hour hand will also complete two circuits. So, ( 24 2 ) = 22 (24 - 2) = 22

The answer is 22 \boxed{22}

Nice approach

Mritunjay Mehta - 4 years ago

Why should we subtract these values?

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Since the hands are going in the same direction, and we are looking for their speed relative to each other to get the number of laps.

Alex Li - 4 years ago

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The 2 "skips" occur between 11-am and 12:00 noon and 11-pm and 12:00 midnight, when there is no cross-over.

Bob Liddington - 4 years ago

@Munem Sahariar ...why did you subtract them...please explain the logic a bit more clearly

space sizzlers - 4 years ago

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Because the hour hand completed two circuits.

Munem Shahriar - 4 years ago

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You should also consider whether the start-end time is itself an overlap. If so, it changes the answer.

Say the start-end time is at 12. Even though the hour hand is completing two laps, there are 3 overlaps at that position over 24 hours - 00:00, 12:00, 24:00 - which results in 23 overlaps.

Obviously, for this problem, the start-end time does not coincide with an overlap, so the answer is 22. But it's important to note that this is not universally true for all instances of a 24 hour period.

Jonathan Quarrie - 4 years ago

This question is not specific. There are three hands in a clock.

Nilo Emmanuel David - 4 years ago

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Initially, I thought the same thing, but then I realised that there isn't a Second hand on the clock in the image.

Though, it's not unheard of for an accompanying image to be misleading, so I agree that the wording could have been more specific about it being only the Minute and Hour hands.

Jonathan Quarrie - 4 years ago

I am curious, how many times out of 22 would all three hands of the clock overlap in a period of 24 hours?

Pranshu Gaba - 4 years ago
Mourits de Beer
May 30, 2017

The hour and minute hand cross each other every 65 minutes (because the minute hand needs to move 5 minutes extra for each hour tick).

Therefore, in 24 hours (1440 minutes) the hands cross 1440 65 = 22 \lfloor \frac{1440}{65} \rfloor = 22 times

Edit: This is approximate! I have not accounted for the additional hour-hand movement within those 5 minutes, hence why I had to use the floor function. So it might work, but let's say it's an engineer's solution, not a mathematician's :^). The approximation would not work if it was over a greater timespan of 48+ hours. See @Jonathan Quarrie 's solution above.

The hour and minute hand do not cross each other every 65 minutes, because during the last five minutes the hour hand did go forward some amount. In fact you can do the calculation the other way around. Since the hands cross each other 22 times in 24 hours, the time between each cross is exactly 1440/22 = 65.454545... min, that is, aproximately 65 min 27 sec.

Diego Castaño - 4 years ago

@Diego Castaño Aaah, absolutely! It makes sense that the floor operation should be unnecessary, because it must be cyclic (in 48 hours it's 44 times), so I should have known :). So my answer is indeed just approximate.

Mourits de Beer - 4 years ago

The hands never cross each other during any 11:00 o'clock hour. They cross each other during every other hour. Therefore during a 24 hour period, there are 22 crossings...

Bill Schripsema - 4 years ago
Jubayer Matin
May 31, 2017

Overlaps occur at:

0 : 00 ( 12 : 00 ) 0:00 \space\space (12:00)

1 : 05 + x 1:05+x

2 : 10 + 2 x 2:10+2x

3 : 15 + 3 x 3:15+3x

. . . . ....

11 : 55 + 11 x 11:55+11x

But this brings it back to 12 : 00 12:00

Therefore, there are 11 overlaps within 12hrs; 22 \boxed{22} for 24hrs. It can also be seen that the overlaps occur every 65 + x 65 + x mins.

The value x x can calculated to be 5 11 \frac{5}{11} mins from:

11 : 55 + 11 x = 12 : 00 11:55+11x = 12:00

11 x = 5 11x=5

So, overlaps occur every 65 5 11 \frac{5}{11} mins, and:

( 60 × 24 ) ÷ ( 65 5 11 ) (60 \times 24)\div(65\frac{5}{11})

= = 22 \boxed{22}

Regarding your first few lines: How do you know that there can't be any other "overlapping time"?

Pi Han Goh - 4 years ago
Majed Kalaoun
May 31, 2017

In t t hours, the minute hand completes t t laps. In the same amount of time, the hour hand completes t / 12 t/12 laps.

The first time the minute and hour hands overlap, the minute hand has completed one lap more than the hour hand. So we have t = t / 12 + 1 t=t/12+1 . This means that the first overlap happens after t = 12 / 11 t=12/11 hours (approximately 1:05 AM). It therefore follows that, the second time they overlap, the minute hand would have completed two more laps than the hour hand. We can conclude that, for n n overlaps, t = t / 12 + n . t=t/12+n. Since we have 24 hours in a day, we can solve the above equation for n . . . n...

24 = 24 / 12 + n 24=24/12+n

24 = 2 + n 24=2+n

n = 22 n=22

Ergo, the hands overlap 22 hours a day.

Nice. Setting up the appropriate equation demystifies the question greatly!

Pi Han Goh - 4 years ago
Mohammad Khaza
Jun 26, 2017

that,s a great question to think.i was thinking at first from 12.o clock. then i thought it would be 23. but when i again saw the the question ,the clue, it was a analog clock where you started from 7.o clock.so,simply simply the overlap of 12.0 clock will not be here. so it will be 23.

Swapan Das
May 23, 2018

In every 12 hours there are 11 crossings, so in 24 hours there are 22 crossings

Jeremy Stone
Jun 4, 2017

Starting at 12.00 it can be seen that the next overlap will be roughly at 13.00. But not precisely, because the hour hand moves at 1/12 speed of the minute hand. So the exact time would take into account 1/12 of the incremental intervals swept out by the minute hand. The length of the actual interval between overlaps is, in hours, 1 + (1/12)+(1/144)+(1/1728)...... Approximately, this is 1.090909, and 24/(1.090909) is as nearly exactly 22 as any fraction where the denominator is an irrational number.

No. 1.090909 is not an irrational number.

Plus, you have only shown that the answer is approximately 22, but you didn't prove that the answer is exactly (and uniquely) 22.

Pi Han Goh - 4 years ago

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