Page Numbering

Algebra Level 1

I have a book with regularly numbered pages, starting with 1 and increasing by 1 all the way to the last number.

Which of the following is a possible value for the total number of digits used in all the page numbers?

For example, in a book with page numbers 1 through 15, a total of 21 digits are used: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 (nine 1-digit numbers) 1 through 9 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 (six 2-digit numbers) 10 through 15 = 21. \underbrace{1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1}_{\stackrel{1\text{ through }9}{\text{(nine 1-digit numbers)}}}+\underbrace{2+2+2+2+2+2}_{\stackrel{10\text{ through }15}{\text{(six 2-digit numbers)}}}=21.

2017 2018 2019

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12 solutions

Varsha Dani
Oct 15, 2018

99 99 pages would contribute 9 × 1 + 90 × 2 = 189 9\times1 + 90 \times2 = 189 digits. Since all choices are over this and well below 3000, the last page number must be a 3 digit number. Thus, each page after 99 contributes 3 digits. Since 189 is divisible by 3, it follows that the total number of digits must be a multiple of 3. Hence the answer is 2019

I misunderstood the question to be asking for the sum of all digits used on the pages. (i.e. a 10-page book would yield 46).

A 217-page book has a sum of digits of 2017, thus I incorrectly selected 2017.

I should read the questions better.

Kevin Higby - 2 years, 7 months ago

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Hmm. that would be an interesting question too. But summing the digits I think a 217 page book gives 2021, rather than 2017. One of us miscalculated... :(

Varsha Dani - 2 years, 7 months ago

In this case 2019 = 1(9) + 2(90) + 3(610)

Joseph Adams - 2 years, 7 months ago

There's actually an easier solution : use the photo.

Dhiv Cuen - 1 year, 9 months ago
Chew-Seong Cheong
Oct 21, 2018

Page 1 9 9 × 1 = 9 S 1 = 9 + Page 10 99 90 × 2 = 180 S 2 = 9 + 180 = 189 + Page 100 99 + n n × 3 = 3 n S 3 = 189 + 3 n \underbrace{\overbrace{\text{Page }1\to 9}^{9 \times 1 = 9}}_{S_1=9} + \underbrace{\overbrace{\text{Page }10\to 99}^{90 \times 2 = 180}}_{S_2=9+180=189}+ \underbrace{\overbrace{\text{Page }100\to 99+n}^{n \times 3 = 3n}}_{S_3=189+3n}

Let us defined the total number of digits S k S_k , where k k is a positive integer as above. We note that the largest max ( S 3 ) = 189 + 3 ( 999 99 ) = 2889 > 2019 \max(S_3) = 189+3(999-99) = 2889 > 2019 . Therefore, the page number we are considering is less than 999. We note that the required S 3 = 189 + 3 n S_3 = 189+3n is divisible by 3 and the only option that is divisible by 3 is 2019 \boxed{2019} . Then, n = 610 n=610 and the page number is 709 709 .

Doesn't the number of the last page has to be an even one? Each sheet of paper has two faces, which results in two pages, so necessarily after page 709 there HAS to be another one, numbered 710...?

Xiao Bao - 2 years, 7 months ago

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The question asks if which sum of digits of page numbers is possible not the last page number is possible.

Chew-Seong Cheong - 2 years, 7 months ago

It can be the case there are unnumbered pages: blank pages, or pages with ads for other books. The problem is asking about the numbers used, not necessarily the number of pages in the book overall.

Jason Dyer Staff - 2 years, 7 months ago

If the page were used and therefore numbered, that even page would be included. Books are generally produced as a set of signatures of powers of 2 from 8 to 64 pages, not all of which are used. These signatures, which may vary in size, are bound together to produce the book. It is common that the outer 2 pages at each end are unused to become fly pages to protect the remainder of the book. It is customary that the unused pages at the ends of the book remain unnumbered. Internal unused pages are generally assigned page number, even if a page number is not printed on them. Therefore, a 709 (used) page book is reasonable.

See this article. .

A Former Brilliant Member - 2 years, 5 months ago
Abraham Zhang
Oct 21, 2018

99 99 pages would contribute 9 + 2 × 90 < 2000 9 + 2\times90<2000 digits. 999 999 pages would contribute 9 + 2 × 90 + 3 × 900 > 2700 9+2\times90+3\times900>2700 digits. Therefore, the answer must be from a book with a 3 3 -digit number of pages. Thus the book has 9 + 2 × 90 + 3 x 9+2\times90+3x digits, which is divisible by 3 3 . 2019 2019 is the only number divisible by 3 3 , hence it is the answer.

Jassimar Singh
Oct 22, 2018

I found a really nice way. So for the first 99 digits, the sum is: 1 + 1 + 1... + 2 + 2 +2 ... = 9 x 1 + 2 x (90 x 1) Since all this involves is 9s, the total sum is divisible by 3.

Now, for the next part, if you find the sum resulting from adding up the digits in 3 digit numbers, you'll see that it exceeds the given values. (3 x 900 = 2700) As a result, the possible value in the givens options exists within the 3 digit numbers. Now, since with every new number, you have to add 3 more, the total sum of 3 digit numbers will be divisible by 3.

In fact, the entire sum will be divisible by 3 since we deduced that for the single and double digits, the sum is divisible by 3 too. So, we just need to find out which of the 3 given options is divisible by 3.

To do so, we just use a trick by adding up all the digits and seeing if they give you a multiple of 3. With 2019, it works! (2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12 = 3 x 4) As a result, answer = 2019!

Dylan Kier
Oct 21, 2018

Well, you have 9+2x=total digits, so your total digits - 9 must be divisible by 2. 9+2x=2019,2x=2010, easily divisible by 2.

There are more than 99 pages, you need to account for the 3 digit page numbers in your total. Also, 2017 is one of the choices, which is incorrect and meets your criterion of being an odd number greater than 9 so it doesn't suffice to narrow down to the correct answer in a multiple choice situation.

Stephen Colodner - 2 years, 7 months ago
Markian Hlynka
Oct 24, 2018

I reasoned this completely strangely. There are 9 single digit pages, 90 double digit pages, and 900 triple digit pages, etc, a "complete" book that uses all possible digit combinations is divisible by 9. So, we know that our answer, X={a,b,c} must solve the problem n*9+Xmod9=X. We also know that all pages have to have a whole number, so any remainder of dividing by nine must result in a whole number. There are only 3 answers, so it's pretty quick to note that 2019/9=224.3333, and a third of 9 gives us a whole number, 3.

Hence, 224 9+{.333 9}=2019

I feel I have explained this poorly.

Yup. Great start, but exactly at .3333, the train flew off the bridge to crush the terrified villagers in the valley below. The fires should be out in a week or two.

Bill Weihmiller - 2 years, 7 months ago

I did not get the question until I read your comment. Thanks.

Will AE - 2 years, 7 months ago
Jiayuan Feng
Oct 24, 2018

there are 9 pages 1-9 (9 - 1 = 8, +1 because we're including the 1st page as well.) each with 1 number => 9 1=9 90 pages 10-99 (99-10+1=90) each with 2 numbers each => 90 2=180 9+180 gives us 189 numbers so far, less than either option so we know we have more pages. 900 pages 100-999 with 3 pages each gives us 2700 numbers, which exeeds the options so we know it's within the 3-digits pages. let's choose one of them, say 2017 and work with that. 2017-189=1828 numbers (from the 3-digits pages only) if we divide by 3 and get an integer it means this is how many numbers a certain book with so many pages contains, if it it's not suitable. 1828/3=609 remainder 1. so not 2017. to get to the next multiple of 3 we need either -1 or +2, so 2016 or 2019. 2016 isn't an option so it's 2019

James Nze
Oct 23, 2018

I figured that the sum must be divisible by 3 since if you add the number of digits for single and double is divisible by 3 and triple digits must be divisible by three you know the solution is a multiple of 3 so 2019 is the answer

2+0+1+9=12, 12 is divisible by 3

Kostas Dimou - 2 years, 7 months ago

It’s last year’s number.2019

Aidan Lytle
Oct 28, 2018

Because the number of one digit numbers is 9, two digit numbers is 90 (not including zero), and three digit numbers is 900, any number of digits given must be a multiple of nine, and so must be divisible by 3; any number divisible by three has a digital root divisible by three. Thus, of the numbers given, only 2019 (2+1+9) is divisible by 3.

Gerard Boileau
Oct 23, 2018

709 pages would contribute 9 x1 + 90 x 2 + 610 x 3 = 2019. However, I am not sure this is correct because the number of pages should be even. A book with 1 sheet has 2 pages (1 and 2), a book with 354 sheets has 708 pages, a book with 355 sheets has 710 pages. So a right answer would be 2016.

Stephen Mahanty
Oct 22, 2018

Since they are 1 digit numbers, the sum has to be divisible by 3, and since 2019 is divisible by 3, there can be a sum of 2019.

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