Carrie wants to display a disk of maximal radius on a n × n pixel screen.
She runs a program that applies for each pixel of coordinates ( x , y ) the following function :
c o l o r ( x , y ) = { blue if ( x − ⌊ 2 n + 1 ⌋ ) 2 + ( y − ⌊ 2 n + 1 ⌋ ) 2 < ⌊ 2 n ⌋ 2 white if ( x − ⌊ 2 n + 1 ⌋ ) 2 + ( y − ⌊ 2 n + 1 ⌋ ) 2 ≥ ⌊ 2 n ⌋ 2 )
To make sure she actually approches a disk as n is getting bigger, she defines the sequence π n = 4 A n P n 2 where P n is the perimeter of the colored figure on screen and A n its area.
What is n → ∞ lim π π n
Bonus : What can you conclude from this result ?
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The disk has area A n and the screen has area n 2 . This means the percentage of the screen covered by the disk is n 2 A n . Now, n → ∞ lim n 2 A n = π ( 2 1 ) 2 = 4 π This is because we are essentially doing an integral: as n increases, the size of each pixel becomes insignificant compared to the size of the screen, and the so the area approaches the area of a circle with a radius of a half.
Now let us look at the perimeter. Consider all the top edges of pixels that make up part of the perimeter, highlighted in red here:
Since there is one line segment for every column of pixels, all the top edges total to exactly
. Repeating this for the 3 other sides, we find that the perimeter is always
, so
This is a well known trick for falsely proving that π equals 4. Starting with a square, we can indent the corners in such a way that the area approaches the area of a circle, but the perimeter stays the same.
Now we can find the solution to the limit in the question: n → ∞ lim π π n = n → ∞ lim 4 π A n P n 2 = n → ∞ lim 4 π A n 1 6 n 2 = π 4 n → ∞ lim ( n 2 A n ) − 1 = π 4 ( 4 π ) − 1 = π 2 1 6