Positive integers are divisors

How many positive integers n n are there such that n n is an exact divisor of at least one of the numbers 1 0 40 , 2 0 30 10^{40},20^{30} ?

The answer is 2301.

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2 solutions

The given numbers can be factored as 1 0 40 = 2 40 5 40 10^{40} = 2^{40}5^{40} and 2 0 30 = ( 2 2 5 ) 30 = 2 60 5 30 . 20^{30} = (2^{2}5)^{30} = 2^{60}5^{30}.

The positive integers that we are then looking for are those that either

  • (i) divide the GCD of the given values, i.e., that divide 2 40 5 30 , 2^{40}5^{30},

  • (ii) divide 2 40 5 40 2^{40}5^{40} but not 2 60 5 30 , 2^{60}5^{30}, or

  • (iii) divide 2 60 5 30 2^{60}5^{30} but not 2 40 5 40 . 2^{40}5^{40}.

Option (i) provides us with ( 40 + 1 ) ( 30 + 1 ) = 1271 (40 + 1)(30 + 1) = 1271 divisors.

For option (ii) we have those numbers of the form 2 m 5 n 2^{m}5^{n} where 0 m 40 0 \le m \le 40 and 31 n 40. 31 \le n \le 40. This provides us with ( 40 + 1 ) ( 40 31 + 1 ) = 410 (40 + 1)(40 - 31 + 1) = 410 more divisors.

For option (iii) we have those numbers of the form 2 m 5 n 2^{m}5^{n} where 41 m 60 41 \le m \le 60 and 0 n 30. 0 \le n \le 30. This provides us with ( 60 41 + 1 ) ( 30 + 1 ) = 620 (60 - 41 + 1)(30 + 1) = 620 more divisors.

Thus the total number of divisors being sought after is 1271 + 410 + 620 = 2301 . 1271 + 410 + 620 = \boxed{2301}.

Yannis Wu-Yip
May 30, 2018

Note that this problem is simply asking us to find the ( number of divisors of 1 0 40 ) + ( number of divisors of 2 0 30 ) ( number of divisors of gcd ( 1 0 40 , 2 0 30 ) ) (\text{number of divisors of } 10^{40}) + (\text{number of divisors of } 20^{30}) - (\text{number of divisors of } \text{gcd}(10^{40},20^{30})) since the divisors of gcd ( 1 0 40 , 2 0 30 ) \text{gcd}(10^{40},20^{30}) appear once in each of the divisors of 1 0 40 10^{40} and the divisors of 2 0 30 20^{30} .

Consider that 1 0 40 = 2 40 5 40 10^{40} = 2^{40}5^{40} , 2 0 30 = 4 30 5 30 = 2 60 5 30 20^{30} = 4^{30}5^{30} = 2^{60}5^{30} , and gcd ( 1 0 40 , 2 0 30 ) = 2 40 5 30 \text{gcd}(10^{40},20^{30}) = 2^{40}5^{30}

Therefore the answer we are looking for is ( 40 + 1 ) ( 40 + 1 ) + ( 60 + 1 ) ( 30 + 1 ) ( 40 + 1 ) ( 30 + 1 ) = 4 1 2 + ( 61 ) ( 31 ) ( 41 ) ( 31 ) = 1681 + 1891 1271 = 2301 (40+1)(40+1)+(60+1)(30+1)-(40+1)(30+1) = 41^{2}+(61)(31)-(41)(31) = 1681+1891-1271 = \boxed{ 2301 }

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