Calculus Level pending

The distance between station A and B is 148 km. From station A to station B left an express train which proceeded with 80 km/h and at the same time from station B towards station A left a goods train with 36 km/h. We know that before the two trains meet at station C the express train drove for 10min and the goods train - 5min. Find: a) The distance between station C and station B b) What time the goods train left station B if the meeting with the express train at station C was at 12 o’clock?

A. 47 and B. 9 hours and 34 mins A. 48 and B. 6 hours and 32 mins A. 50 and B. 8 hours and 50 mins A. 48 and B.10 hours and 35 mins

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