Product of Totatives-I

Let P \mathbb P be the product of all possible positive integers a 1000 a\leq1000 such that gcd ( a , 1000 ) = 1 \gcd(a,1000)=1 .

Enter the remainder when P \mathbb P is divided by 1000.

Notation: gcd ( ) \gcd(\cdot) denotes the greatest common divisor function.

Bonus : Generalize this for any positive integer n n replacing 1000.

The answer is 1.

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1 solution

Jason Martin
Nov 13, 2017

The natural arithmetic to consider is the multiplicative group of residues modulo n n , which we will denote U ( n ) = { a Z n g c d ( a , n ) = 1 } U(n)=\{a \in \mathbb{Z}_n | gcd(a, n)=1 \} . We can then represent U ( n ) U(n) as

U ( n ) U ( 2 a ) × U ( p 1 r 1 ) × U ( p 2 r 2 ) × × U ( p k r k ) U(n) \approx U(2^a)\times U(p_1^{r_1})\times U(p_2^{r_2})\times \ldots \times U(p_k^{r_k}) ,

where n = 2 a p 1 r 1 p 2 r 2 p k r k n=2^ap_1^{r_1}p_2^{r_2}\cdot \ldots \cdot p_k^{r_k} for distinct odd primes p i p_i , r i 1 r_i \geq 1 , and a 0 a \geq 0 ( \approx stands for isomorphic). Now we notice that the only elements of U ( p i r i ) U(p_i^{r_i}) satisfying b 2 1 m o d n b^2 \equiv 1 \mod n are ± 1 \pm 1 . Furthermore, we know U ( 2 a ) Z 2 × Z 2 a 2 U(2^a) \approx \mathbb{Z}_2 \times \mathbb{Z}_{2^{a-2}} for a 2 a \geq 2 , so it should have 4 4 distinct elements satisfying b 2 1 m o d 2 a b^2 \equiv 1 \mod 2^a (if a = 0 a=0 or 1 1 , then U ( 2 a ) U(2^a) is just the trivial group).

Therefore, there are 4 2 2 2 = 2 k + 2 4 \cdot 2\cdot 2\cdot \ldots \cdot 2=2^{k+2} residues b b satisfying b 2 1 m o d n b^2 \equiv 1 \mod n for a 2 a \geq 2 , and 2 k 2^k for a = 0 , 1 a=0,1 . Set T = { b U ( n ) b 2 1 m o d n } T=\{b \in U(n) | b^2 \equiv 1 \mod n\} . Then notice that

b U ( n ) b = b T b \displaystyle \prod_{b \in U(n)} b= \prod_{b \in T} b .

This is because if b T b \notin T , then b b 1 b \ne b^{-1} , and so the LHS can be rearranged to make b b and b 1 b^{-1} cancel. Furthermore, the RHS can be reduced by considering T = C D T=C \cup D where C = { c T c < n / 2 } C=\{c \in T | c<n/2 \} and D = { d T d > n / 2 } D=\{d \in T | d>n/2 \} . Clearly, for each d D d\in D , d c m o d n d \equiv -c \mod n for some c C c\in C . Thus,

b T b = ( 1 ) C c C c 2 = ( 1 ) C = ( 1 ) T / 2 = ( 1 ) 2 k ± 1 = 1 \displaystyle \prod_{b \in T} b=(-1)^{|C|} \prod_{c \in C} c^2=(-1)^{|C|}=(-1)^{|T|/2}=(-1)^{2^{k\pm 1}}=\boxed{1}

Note: If n = 1 , 2 n=1, 2 then the product trivially yields 1 1

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